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Fallout Wiki

Next time you'll think twice before walking out on me.

Stratton was a raider that had taken residence of the Combat Zone after it was taken over by raiders.


Prior to 2287, Stratton came into Cait's life after the Combat Zone was taken over by raiders, with Cait and Stratton forming a relationship soon after that. Their relationship ended after Cait refused to have sex one night, with a verbal altercation between just the two of them escalating to a group assault by raiders after Cait attempted to go outside, with Stratton observing and leaving her to her fate. Cait survived but was mentally scarred from the event and became paranoid of owing debts and of people who perform selfless acts.[1]


Stratton is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. The Sole Survivor: "Why are you so paranoid about debts?"
    Cait: "It was kind of my fault. Got close to a guy named Stratton while I was there... thought we really had somethin' goin'. One night we had a fight cause I wouldn't hop in the sack with him. Our fight got pretty bad... nothin' physical, just a whole lot of yellin'. So I get pissed off, and I leave. I get outside and a bunch of Raiders start pushin' me around, givin' me shite. Stratton walks out, looks at me and says "Next time you'll think twice before walkin' out on me." Fucker left me there. I got beat up pretty good that night. That's when I learned that nobody does favors for free."
    (Cait's dialogue)