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This is a transcript for dialogue with Stratton.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00729CBC 00729CD4 Really? Well, that's wonderful. Just wonderful. Why don't you tell me something about yourself?
2 00729CBE 00729CD3 Welcome to Saltwater Sam's. I'm Sam. What can I help you with? With off-kilter pauses
3 0072A036 We have a few different messes to clean up. Are there any that you... prefer?
4 0072A5EE There is one final matter that needs our attention.
5 0072A5EF How did you find the assignment? Was it.. fulfilling?
6 0072A629 I always like it back here. So quiet and peaceful. No one would ever see us in the shadows.
7 0072A62B H-Help me... Please... I can't... feel... Groggy from being drugged
8 00743E67 Is there anything amiss?
9 0074495C I would be pleased to learn more about you... before we proceed with our work.
10 0074495D Speak if you have any questions. Otherwise, we may continue to the scene of the incident.
11 0074495E I hope the task I've given you... isn't too troublesome.
12 0074495F I hope you've considered my proposal. There is... so much we could do together. So much we could provide to each other.
13 00755EA0 Is there something you would like to ask about?
14 00755EA1 What can I... elucidate for you?
15 0072A02A 0072A035 An organized environment reflects a coordinated mind. There is so much you can do with that. Overly pleased/excited with this answer, but hiding it somewhat well
16 0072A5D7 0072A62D Unfortunately, the Munis don't collect anymore. But there are other ways to manage disposal.
17 You have seen how the ocean devours like a sentient beast. But not just the ocean...
18 0072A5DA 0072A628 Kidnapped... me... Groggy
19 0072A5DD 0072A5EB Right... Well. If so much as a pinky toe of yours violates our agreement, it'll be amputated. Swiftly.
20 0072A5DE 0072A5E7 A trusted associate. For now you can consider them an extension of myself.
21 0072A5DF 0072A5ED Sam. Who's this? I thought one of your guarantees was discretion... Suspicious and accusatory
22 0072A5E0 0072A5E9 The client isn't here yet... Which leaves us to spend a bit more time together. Isn't that wonderful?
23 0072A5E1 0072A5EC I'm so glad to hear that. So glad to hear that.
24 0072A5E3 0072A5E6 Should you need a hand, I believe you'll find one readily available.
25 0072A5E5 0072A5E8 This is one of those things that is... not easy to get rid of. But the ocean swallows it readily.
26 I'll need you to lug it to the disposal point. It is quite heavy.
27 00731606 00731618 There will be nothing to worry about. I can assure you of that. Friendly. Suspiciously certain
28 00743E45 00743E61 The cast became... spooked. They started accusing each other of things... Tensions rise. Then they explode all at once in a big finale. Musing happily
29 It's intriguing. How a harmless gag can sometimes instigate... such a catastrophic breakdown.
30 00743E46 00743E63 I'll be right alongside you. Just ask if you need any help. Or if you... have anything to talk about.
31 00743E48 00743E65 Pick up any trash, and wipe away the blood from the accident. Props should be returned backstage.
32 If you find anything that the cast left behind... I recommend disposing of it. The details of the past are best left... to memory.
33 007442DC We may live... worlds apart. But you have shown me that I am no longer alone. We are now... irreversibly tethered.
34 I will remember this fondly, and eagerly await your next visit.
35 007442DD You are not at fault... for walking away. But it doesn't take away the disappointment.
36 007442F8 Would you mind waiting in the back room while I put together some paperwork? It will just be a moment.
37 00744947 Whenever there is someone that needs to disappear... I take care of it.
38 Most instances are violations of integrity. Of the Showman ethos. Or... of the trust Mother places in her external associates.
39 But ultimately, the reason is of no consequence to me. I am an instrument. An extension of Mother's will.
40 00743E49 00743E5B We are here to clean up the remnants of a production that... never made it to opening night. A tragedy occurred, and the scene was left in disarray.
41 00743E4A 00743E66 I seek to understand you better. We are... working together now. It's only natural to share our thoughts.
42 00743E4B 00743E5C Ah... I think I was naive to expect an ad would bring me... a kindred spirit.
43 00743E4C 00743E68 You understand the satisfaction of a job well done. A problem that seems... unsolvable. By the fruit of your efforts, disappeared completely. A little overexcited thinking about this
44 00743E4D 00743E5E You're here to assist me. I work for the Showmen. Cleaning up after their events. Sometimes things go wrong and it gets a little messier than usual. Friendly, with off-kilter pauses. Said casually, without any subtext.
45 That's when they call me in. Sometimes before... if someone is getting rowdy, or... becomes unwanted.
46 Today, it will be just us. Tidying the remnants. There is nothing to be nervous about.
47 00743E4E 00743E6A There was an unfortunate accident during final dress rehearsal. Nothing unusual. Said like it's the most casual, normal thing in the world
48 00743E4F 00743E60 It won't be far at all.
49 00743E50 00743E58 Ah, yes. The job. I would like you to follow me to the scene of the incident.
50 00743E51 00743E62 Professional. Yes, of course. After all, why would you want anything more than that? You must be... surrounded with friends, already.
51 00743E52 00743E59 There's such... satisfaction in it. Knowing what happened in a place. Transforming it... Leaving not a single trace behind.
52 00743E53 00743E64 Is that so? What do you think of smaller prey? I find that the more intelligent they are, the more satisfying it is to finally... trap them. He's talking about hunting humans
53 00743E54 00743E5D Brotherhood. Ah... Then you have no need for further companionship?
54 00743E55 00743E69 You like to help people? Well... of course. We all do, in our own way. Barest hint of disappointment, covered again with a friendly smile
55 00743E56 00743E5F I don't think you want to do that. It... won't turn out well. For either of us. I hope you understand. Still just as friendly. Strangely, completely unphased by this threat
56 00743E57 00743E6C Ah... I'm afraid we're all out. I know that must seem strange, given the name. With a polite smile. This is all the explanation he gives; it's intended to feel odd.
57 0074424A 00744253 I hope we can make the most of this time. It's always over... too soon.
58 00744254 I often find myself in a... meditative state, doing this work. Like I'm... cleaning the inside of my mind, as well.
59 00744256 It's been so long... since I had someone to share this with.
60 00744257 It's like we are two parts of the same whole, working as one.
61 00744258 There are... so many things I'd like to show you. But we can keep it simple for now. I've been told I can... get ahead of myself.
62 00744259 No need to rush. We have plenty of time to be thorough.
63 0074425A The blood can be... troublesome. Especially when it has bits and pieces in it.
64 0074425B Take your time. It's much more... satisfying to be thorough.
65 0074424B 00744250 I've seen... many situations turn out this way. Often it happens... all by itself. Sometimes there is an... external disturbance.
66 But it only serves to reveal grievances, motives, idiosyncrasies that were already there.
67 0074424D 0074424F I... don't understand. It's the way I've always done it. And the evidence never surfaces again.
68 00744292 007442F7 I'm afraid I must insist. It will be comfortable for you.
69 00744296 007442F6 What a joy you are to work with. So pliable.
70 007442A1 007442F5 Ah... Of course. No need to worry about that. The paperwork doesn't include many details. But that's not for you to worry about. Suspicious air quotes on paperwork. He's not actually doing any, just making an excuse.
71 007442AB 007442E5 I need to get back to work... right away. But I can't feel... ugh. Just need a moment. Groggy. Trying with all his might to get back to work, but it's physically impossible
72 007442AC 007442D2 He's dead... Thank god. Groggy
73 007442AD 007442E9 What? No... No! Groggy. Realizing the player isn't here to help
74 007442AE 007442D5 No... Please... don't leave me here... Groggy
75 007442AF 007442C9 Thank... you... Groggy
76 007442B0 007442D9 Wuhh... You're... not Sam. Groggy from being drugged
77 007442B2 007442CE Exquisite. I had never thought of doing it quite like that.
78 You have exceeded all expectations. Ensure you take what is owed for today's work.
79 007442C0 007442D7 We're just behind the shop. Let's head inside to... conclude our business once and for all.
80 007442C1 007442CB I'm flattered that you sound so excited by that precarious prospect. It's true that I wanted to spend some time with someone of a like mind.
81 It can be a lonely job. And you have come to my doorstep like an angel from heaven. All that I could have hoped for.
82 007442C2 007442DA That's quite a conclusion to jump to. I simply wanted to... spend some time together. It can be a lonely job.
83 I understand if you are... put off by me. Most people are. I thought this might be a way to finally... connect. But perhaps I was misguided.
84 007442C3 007442CD Yes... I don't mind the silence.
85 007442C4 007442E1 It's strange, but you seem to understand me. Perhaps more than anyone has before.
86 007442C5 007442CF Our client is waiting for us. We will deliver them the joy of knowing that everything is taken care of.
87 After so much regret and waiting... there is no greater relief for our clients. They simply want the bad things to disappear.
88 And how wonderful it is for them when we make that happen.
89 This way.
90 007442C6 007442E3 It wasn't anything important. Just discarded parts of lives long past. I went out on a limb and asked you to help me with it...
91 The body of the trunk was a bit old and unstable.
92 I would have pulled out my hair and nails if I dragged it myself, worrying when it would break open and all the... little pieces come falling out.
93 007442C7 007442D6 I... see. Then there's no need to linger here any longer.
94 007442C8 007442CA Rewarding? Maybe... Stimulating? Or invigorating?
95 00744918 007442DF Need... coffee. Groggy. Trying with all his might to get back to work, but it's physically impossible
96 007442E0 I'll get back to work. Just... hazy. Groggy. Trying with all his might to get back to work, but it's physically impossible
97 0074496B I must insist that you wait in the back room. It will just be a moment.
98 0074496D The floor is yours.
99 0074496E I am here to witness your handiwork.
100 0074496F However you feel it should be done... So long as the mess is eradicated.
101 00744970 I will not judge you for leaving. Though I will be... disappointed.
102 00744971 The choice is yours. I will not force your hand.
103 007484DA Please... Don't leave me here... Groggy from being drugged
104 007484DB H-Help... me... Groggy from being drugged
105 00744919 00744967 And I await it eagerly.
106 0074491B 00744954 Mother Charlotte... speaks of family. And she accepted me as her own child. For that I will always be... touched.
107 But I remain the ugly duckling of my siblings. I seek no fame, no triumph. I prefer a private life, so I am... not interested.
108 I only want... someone to share the little moments with. Someone to help... wash the blood from my hands at the end of the day.
109 0074491F 00744956 I don't seek to force your hand. Only to invite you willingly. Warmly.
110 If your wish is to merely... walk away, you may take your payment and leave. It can be as though you never saw this. Absolved of all guilt.
111 00744921 00744949 Your accusation feels... simplistic. It's not about murder. Not about death, but... rebirth. A blank slate. Immaculate in its simplicity.
112 00744923 00744958 Take your time. I will wait as long as your heart needs to decide.
113 00744925 0074494C You may speak your mind. We're not in any hurry.
114 00744927 0074495A If that is your wish, I will not stop you. Take what is owed to you, and I... will continue searching.
115 00744929 0074494D You truly mean it? Then... you have come to fulfill my greatest hopes.
116 Show me how you work. Perhaps we can learn something... from one another.
117 0074492B 00744960 What a shame. I had high hopes for you. For us.
118 0074492D 00744965 Until now, the world may have... ostracized you for ever thinking along these lines. But with me, you have no need to hide.
119 00744966 It's not too late... to learn. I know these concepts may be new to you.
120 That the world may have... ostracized you for ever thinking along these lines. But I am here to teach you.
121 0074492E 00744950 A kindred spirit. Someone who understands, like I do, the simple satisfaction of a job well done.
122 All frayed ends trimmed. All conclusions neatly knotted. A fresh start for the client... and a cleaner world.
123 0074492F 00744962 After the time we spent together... I've come to believe you are the one I've been looking for.
124 00744963 But after the time we spent together... I'm not sure you fit into the role I had hoped for you.
125 00744930 00744968 I hope you'll forgive me. There's one last part of the job I declined to mention. One final... loose end to clean up.
126 I wanted it to be a surprise gift to you. An opportunity... to be free. To join me in creating purity.
127 00744939 0074494E It is my hope you found this work to be... suitable to your preferences.
128 0074494F Our client will be waiting for us. This way.
129 0074493A 00744961 The final task can wait, if there is something else that needs your attention.
130 0074493B 00744952 There is much we need to do here... But we have plenty of time to take things in, if that is what you desire.
131 00744944 0074494A Feel free to look around, though we are short on... supplies.
132 0074494B I hope I can... clarify anything, before you change your mind.
133 00744945 00744959 A Vault Dweller... fascinating. Such a different environment. Isolated. If anything had gone wrong inside... the outside world would have never known.
134 00747A0B 00747A11 Here we are.
135 00747A0C 00747A13 Wuh... Wait! Please don't... Please don't leave me here! Groggy from being drugged. Terrified, begging with his last remaining energy/consciousness.
136 00747A0F 00747A10 Take your caps and keep that in mind.
137 007484CC 007484D0 Finish the job. Trim this... loose end, and let our client start anew.
138 007484CD 007484D1 *dying wail*
139 007484CE 007484D4 Ugh! Gut-wrenching pain and terror. He's bound and cannot fight back
140 007484D5 Agh! Gut-wrenching pain and terror. He's bound and cannot fight back
141 007484D6 No! Gut-wrenching pain and terror. He's bound and cannot fight back
142 007484D7 Please stop! Gut-wrenching pain and terror. He's bound and cannot fight back
143 007484D8 *pained cry* Gut-wrenching pain and terror. He's bound and cannot fight back
144 007484CF 007484D2 Now, let us wait here for the client. I'm sure it will just be a moment.
145 00755E9B 00755EA2 I hope my answers were... satisfactory.
146 00755E9D 00755E9E I have... attempted, but was unable to garner any interest.
147 But people from the outside... like you... hold no preconceived notions about me. We can start... fresh. Clean.
148 0075815D 00758160 Oh. I understand now. I suppose that is... amusing.
149 0075815E 0075815F It does seem... inconvenient to struggle against someone of your stature. So if it pleases you, here is a... "fat stash" I have no need of. Largely unfazed. Weighing his options and chooses the most convenient one.