Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 3Strange meat
Strange meat pie
Fallout: New VegasStrange meat
Strange meat pie
Imitation strange meat pie

Strange meat and strange meat pie are consumables in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, made with strange meat.


Strange meat[]

Food bits on a stick
Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas

Bits of meat skewered onto a stick. It restores a small amount of Hit Points and also gives a small dose of radiation. In Fallout: New Vegas, this meat causes a -1 penalty to Strength.

Strange meat pie[]

FO3 mirelurk cakes
Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas

It is simply strange meat that has been ground up and baked into a pie. It restores some of the player character's Hit Points but also gives a small amount of radiation.

Imitation strange meat pie[]

FO3 mirelurk cakes
Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

A dish invented by the Gourmand's head chef Philippe for members of the White Glove Society as a substitute to eating human flesh.
