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Fallout Wiki

Stanford University was a pre-War school of higher education in California.


Herbert Hoover, 31st President of the United States, went to study at Stanford. He enrolled in 1891, graduating as a mining engineer. While there he would meet his future wife Lou Henry.[1][2]


Stanford University is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


  1. A Vault Dweller: "Could you tell me more about President Hoover?"
    Gumley: "Well of course I can. He's a pretty interesting fellow. In 1891 he enrolled in Stanford University and graduated as a mining engineer."
    (Gumley's dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "Could you tell me more about President Hoover?"
    Gumley: "Well of course I can. He's a pretty interesting fellow. On February 10th 1899 Herbert married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry."
    (Gumley's dialogue)