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This is a transcript for dialogue with Solomon Hardy.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005C40FE 005C41D3 Does killing feral ghouls go against the Hippocratic Oath...? There's a thinker... Thinking to himself. Emphasis on THERE'S
2 005C41D4 Note to self, look for more empty syringes... and something to sterilize them with. Thinking to himself, mumbling to self a bit
3 005C41D5 Let's see ... can take that route north from the patient in Foundation... quick stop there, and... Thinking to himself, mumbling a lot
4 005C41D6 (whistle) Just a tune that makes him happy
5 005C41D7 Apple a day keeps the Doctor away my ass. That's just a lie spread by orchard lobbyists. Commenting under his breath, chuckling a bit
6 005C41D8 Note to self... look for a renewable resource for making gauze... Dried Mole Rat hide? Thinking to himself
7 005C41D9 Shoes are starting to get holes in 'em... Dammit. Thinking to himself
8 005C41DA Gotta remember to keep an eye out for more yard sticks... Make for great splints. Thinking to himself, a bit mumbling
9 005C41DB People need to think twice about venturing into the Mire. Pretty much guaranteed to have the smallest scratch turn into a serious infection out there. Complaining to himself under his breath
10 005C41DC Just a little more rest... Then on to the next one. Thinking to himself, feeling beat
11 005C41DD Need to remember to bring a gas mask next time I stop in the Ash Heap... Thinking to himself, mumbling a bit
12 005C41DE Wonder if I can find any flavored vitamins for the kids... and certain Initiates. Thinking to himself. Irritation at childish adults in the second part of the line.
13 005C41DF Note to self... newly emerged Vault Dwellers likely have extremely poor immune systems. Treat with care. Thinking to himself
14 005C41E0 It would be great if I can find some heirloom seeds for broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Kids these days need more greens to complain about. Thinking to himself, joking a bit
15 005C41E1 Note to self... Bloodleaf appears to have restorative properties, but... any long-term side effects? Heh... long-term... that's wishful thinking, Solomon. Thinking to himself. A resigned chuckle, as it's kind of depressing
16 005C41E2 (wince) Damn... paper cut. Hushed, but ouch
17 005C41E3 I think I can make a few more stops before re-supplying at Atlas... Thinking to himself
18 005C41E4 Ad Victoriam this... The Codex that... Ya' know, Shin, sometimes people just want to chat. Thinking to himself, grumbling
19 005C41E5 Rumor has it that Atlas was some kind of experiment to control the weather... I can't even imagine what that could have done for us. Thinking to himself, a bit of disbelief at the idea, but genuine sentiment about how it could help
20 005C41E6 Never thought I'd need to deal with giving an injection to someone with scales. Live and learn, I guess. Thinking to himself, embracing the absurdity
21 005C41E7 Need to remember to scavenge supplies from that hospital on the next trip... Thinking to himself, mumbling
22 005C41E8 Reminder: talk to Rahmani about a clinic in Atlas. Thinking to himself, mumbling
23 005C41E9 "That's not a thermometer, it's my finger!" (chuckle) Ah... Valdez... cracks me up every time. Thinking to himself, lost in a memory
24 005C41EA Need to secure a supply chain in the South East. Should talk to those Blue Ridge guys over at Big Bend... Thinking to himself, mumbling
25 005C40FF 005C41A1 Thank you! This will give me the chance to help a lot of people. I really appreciate it. Genuinely thankful
26 005C41A2 Okay. Anything else you need looked at? Friendly
27 005C41BC Sure thing. Friendly
28 005C41D1 You seem fine to me. Drink more water, try and get a good night's sleep. Friendly but dismissive
29 005C41F2 Hey there. Passing by
30 005C41F3 Ad Victoriam. Casual, like a greeting, friendly
31 005C41F8 How's the Wasteland treating you? Saying in passing, friendly
32 005C41F9 Feeling alright? Friendly, rhetorical, player is fine
33 005C41FA Hey. Saying in passing, friendly
34 005C4100 005C41EE Ouch, that looks painful. Lemme guess: "You shoulda seen the other guy?" Well, I can patch you up, if you want. Joking around, but the player is injured. Laugh before "Well,"
35 005C41EF Listen, it's your floors that you're bleeding all over, but... I'd be happy to help if you need it. Joking tone, but player is injured
36 005C41F0 I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think you should be bleeding that much. Facetious
37 Wait, I am a doctor, and you should definitely NOT be bleeding that much. Need help? A little more stern
38 005C41F4 Thanks again for letting me stick around. Friendly
39 005C41F5 Just here for a bit, I'll stay out of your hair. Saying in passing, friendly
40 005C41F6 Give me a holler if you need my services. Saying in passing, friendly
41 005C41F7 Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Saying in passing, friendly
42 005C41FB If it isn't my favorite patient. Casual, he doesn't think that highly of you, honestly, just being friendly
43 005C41FD You're looking a little pale. Need some treatment? Concerned
44 005C41FE That... doesn't look healthy. Why don't I take a look at you? Concerned
45 005C41FF Flushed skin, runny nose... I think you're sick, friend. Trying to be good humored
46 005C4200 I think you might have come down with something. I can take a look, but if not, remember: "vampire cough." Trying to be good humored
47 005C4202 I could see you glowing on your way here. I think you may have a few too many Rads in you. Joking around, but the player is highly radiated
48 005C4203 Doing okay there? You're looking a little, uh... radioactive. Joking around, but the player is highly radiated
49 005C4204 I think I'm catching Rads just being near you. How about we fix you up? Joking around, but the player is highly radiated
50 005C4205 You're nuclear enough to power this whole CAMP. Want me to flush out a few Rads? Joking around, but the player is highly radiated
51 005C4207 Ooh, yikes, I think you're going to need a couple stitches for that one. Want to be treated? Joking tone, but player is injured
52 005C4101 005C41C2 Hey there. You have a second? I was hoping to talk to you about something. Friendly, trustworthy. He is not pulling a fast one, he thinks what he's going to offer the player is in their best interests.
53 005C41C3 Would you mind if I tried out a few experimental Stimpak mixes on you, I... eh, never mind. So, did you need something? Initially kind of lost in thought, then getting back to friendly
54 005C41C4 It's good to have a place to rest for a bit. Long trips on the road really take their toll. Friendly
55 (shudder) Sorry, I just reminded myself of toll roads. Mostly joking
56 005C41C5 Feeling light headed? Think you've got the chills? Arm hanging on by a thread? Well, I can help with most of that. Joking around
57 005C41C6 The Brotherhood can be a little intense to be around all day. Enjoying the solitude out here keeps me balanced. Genuine appreciation
58 005C41C7 Ad Victoriam. How can I be of assistance? The player is also a member, so this is professional
59 005C41C8 I'd remind you to wash your hands, but, uh... you're likely to catch something worse from sinks these days. Sort of joking around, but he's not lying either
60 005C41C9 The doctor... is in. Flirty
61 Sorry. Sorry not sorry
62 005C41CA Here to restock, or just a check-up? A healthy dose of conversation is nice, too. Friendly
63 005C41CB Before you ask, no, I don't have any lollipops. Friendly, but clearly he's heard the joke one too many times
64 005C41CC Treating a sick patient is already immensely challenging, but these mutations amplify every issue. Seems genuinely concerned, but not too dark tone
65 How do I treat a sprained goat leg? Is it supposed to bend that way? Flabbergasted. Embracing the absurdity of the situation, less dark then previous line
66 Sorry, did you need me for something? Friendly, back to reality
67 005C41CD I can't even begin to describe how rewarding it is to help those in need, but... Sentimental, but he's about to switch into a joke, so not too dark
68 I feel like the war really robbed me of the chance to leave the office early and play golf. Joking, cheeky
69 005C41CE "Paging Doctor Hardy," eh? Well, I don't have a medical degree, so, that joke falls flat. Being cheeky
70 Ahem... How can I help? Awkward
71 005C41CF The views near Atlas are breathtaking. Remembering in awe
72 Not that I don't like this spot you picked out here, I mean. This... this is nice too. Realizing he might have offended you, sorry
73 005C4102 005C41A7 Alright. Did you want to talk about something else? Friendly
74 005C4104 005C4187 Of course. What else did you want to know? Friendly
75 005C4106 005C41B1 Doesn't make much of a difference to me, to be honest. Trying to make light of an insult
76 But, next time you're bleeding out the ears from some swamp fungus... I just might charge extra. Being cheeky
77 005C4108 005C418F Thanks for listening. Genuine
78 005C410A 005C41BB But my medic survived, I flew out to the Capital to get a few honors pinned on my chest, and then my CO pushed for me to be enrolled into OCS. Matter of fact, definitely doesn't want to sound heroic
79 Spent a few years on the track to an M.D. when a certain apocalyptic occurrence brought it to a premature end. Turning friendly again
80 005C410B 005C4194 Well, I wouldn't go that far. Having two doctors as parents will teach you a few of the basics. Trying to ground the story into reality a little more.
81 It's not like I performed open heart surgery on the spot. A piece of shrapnel hit her in the thigh. Was causing heavy blood loss. Matter of fact
82 005C410D 005C41C1 I don't see myself that way. Nothing so grand. Doesn't really want to see himself as someone special
83 005C410F 005C419B First time in active combat, me and a few guys from my unit got separated from the group... Going from friendly to a darker tone
84 Artillery fire brought a whole cliff side down between us and our base. Straightforward
85 About twenty minutes later, when I found myself stitching up our medic, the calling finally caught up to me. Matter of fact. "The calling" highlighted as being special
86 Maybe it was in my blood, maybe saving lives just felt more rewarding than taking them, but that experience changed things for me. Sentimental
87 005C4110 005C4180 Fine by me. Friendly
88 005C4112 005C41A3 Well, hold on, that's not the whole story. Laughter at the beginning
89 005C4114 005C4185 Well... Not the way I would have guessed. Friendly
90 005C4116 005C41AD Would you look at the time? I've got a very, uh, sick patient. Joking around
91 Going to need to review these charts here for a few hours. Maybe the next day or two. Joking around
92 005C4118 005C418C I don't think breaking doctor-patient confidentiality is in my best interest. But you should talk to them yourself. Friendly, but not joking around
93 I couldn't tell you much about the members back in California, but the folk that came over with Paladin Rahmani are good people. Genuine
94 I tell ya, they've got some stories. Chuckle to self a bit
95 005C411A 005C41B6 Under that armor, they're just normal people like you or me. They've got aspirations and anxieties. Serious, but lighter tone
96 They worry if they're doing enough, if they're doing too much, or if they should be doing anything at all. Sympathetic
97 Their determination might seem steel-clad -- uh, pardon the pun -- but they are very human at heart. Light tone, jokey in the middle
98 005C411C 005C4193 Well, if you're asking if I was able to get a piece of paper and a title before the world turned sideways? Nuh-uh. Friendly in tone, but serious about the subject
99 Time wasn't on my side there. Friendly still.
100 But the world has changed a lot since then, and you could fill a library with the sort of nonsense ailments that our wonderful Wasteland can produce. Getting more serious
101 So am I a "Dr.?" No. But am I a doctor? You better believe it. Dead serious about this. "am I doctor? No. But am I a DOCTOR? You better believe it"
102 005C411E 005C41C0 Oh? Like what? Friendly
103 005C4120 005C419A I guess it's a side effect to having a good bedside manner. Cheeky
104 Patients tend to open up to me... They just need someone to talk to. Getting a little more serious. Maybe remembering some tough things he heard.
105 From rookies to top brass, everyone just needs a chance to be vulnerable. Serious
106 Since even the most routine check-ups can leave you buck-naked save for a flimsy gown, cultivating vulnerability is already my forte. Turning into a joke now
107 005C4122 005C4198 Heh, tell me about it. My parents helped run the chapel at their hospital. Reminiscent
108 The runner-up for my name was Ichabod, so... I think I got off pretty lucky with Solomon. Feeling sentimental, but still joking around a bit
109 I like it, though. Makes me feel wise. Maybe a little wiser than I actually am. Sentimental, but jokey
110 005C4124 005C41ED Truth is, I come from a long, long line of doctors... but growing up, it never stuck. Lost interest in school, couldn't make the grades. A bit sentimental, but not too heavy
111 The Army felt like a place where I could make a difference, so I enlisted right out of high school. Determined
112 005C4126 005C419F My family goes back generations in Detroit, but my path has led me all over. I can thank the Army for that one. Straight forward, not really too sentimental
113 When the bombs hit, I was about a year from getting my M.D. at a university well away from home. Again, not really getting sentimental, just stating the facts
114 I traveled all around after that. Before bumping into Paladin Rahmani's group, that is. Warming up a bit, he likes this part of the story
115 005C412A 005C41AA Open wide, and take a big gulp.
116 Alright. You should start feeling better soon. Anything else you wanted looked at?
117 005C412E 005C41B4 If you start to feel light-headed, that means it's working. Friendly
118 And... Great. Clean as a whistle. Well, closer to it, anyway. What else did you need? Friendly
119 005C4132 005C41BD Hold still, this might sting a little. Not too concerned
120 And... okay. You'll survive. Anything else? Friendly, dismissive
121 005C4134 005C4196 You mean that ingenious use of America's finest soft drink? Of course! Really jazzed about this
122 I haven't had the chance to thank your Overseer -- or the Vault Dweller that provided the sample -- but we owe them our lives. Sincere
123 That look on your face... You're not telling me... that was you? Coming to realize who he's talking to
124 005C4136 005C41D2 Yikes, uh... Did you always have something leaking out of your eyes? Well... no problem, I've got a little something for everything. Grossed out
125 005C4138 005DC4E7 Sure, I can bring those levels down if you want. Fair warning, unless you've got some extra resilient DNA, you're likely to lose any mutations you have. Friendly.
126 005C413A 005C41AF That little scratch? I wouldn't waste your caps treating it. Come back when I can see out the other side. Making light of injuries -- the player isn't too bad
127 005C41B0 Yep, you're dying alright. I can piece you back together. I just need to charge for cost value. What do you say? Joking around, but the player is actually hurt
128 005C413C 005C418E Okay, what's up?
129 005C413E 005C41BA Can't say. Not that I won't say. Just can't; never met any. Matter of fact
130 The group found me on their journey across the country. I only know what they've told me. Still matter of fact
131 Probably better you ask them yourself, though. I wouldn't want to misrepresent anyone's opinions. It can be a touchy subject. Friendly
132 005C4140 005C41EC She's damn smart. A little naive. Great company to have on the road, and in a pinch, a reliable assistant for surgery in the field. Thinks of her a bit like a daughter, or younger sister, that he adores
133 But, I feel bad for her being stuck between Paladin "Rock" and Knight "Hard Place" when the arguments get going. nicknames for Rahmani and Shin, cheeky
134 005C4142 005C419E I'd have to look up what the prognosis is on having a "stick up your butt." Joking around, but still kind of annoyed sounding
135 I kid. He's got a solid head on his shoulders... and I know he's got everyone's best interests in mind. Kind of feels bad for that last rib on him
136 Just wish the guy would cut himself -- and us -- a little slack sometimes. A little annoyed again
137 005C4144 005C4183 Leila, er... Paladin Rahmani is a force to be reckoned with. They are friend, but corrects himself to keep professional. Lay-la Rah-MAH-nee
138 She thinks from her gut, and let's her heart guide her. Straightforward, NOT with admiration, matter-of-fact
139 Now, my medical experience could tell you that the brain is the preferred organ for decision making, but... Getting cheeky. Emphasis on BRAIN
140 Well, she manages... Most of the time. Cheeky. He likes Rahmani, despite that concern.
141 005C4146 005C41A9 Well, that... I don't have a lot of thoughts to share on that. Very hesitant
142 Or at least, I'm cautious about sharing what thoughts I do have. With a smirk, emphasis on DO
143 I just know this: I joined this group because it was the best way I could help people across the country. Getting serious, determined
144 Taking away a few plasma rifles here and there? I can sleep at night if that's the cost. Slight hesitation, but landing on determination
145 005C4148 005C4189 Mutiny? Whoa, don't be putting words in my mouth. Chuckle, trying to laugh it off -- could get real serious if he words this poorly. "Whoa" like to a horse, NOT like "whoa dude"
146 I don't think it's that serious, but I do think the folk out here take good advantage of the autonomy that the distance provides. Getting a little cheeky, gossipy
147 005C414A 005C41B3 Now, I only know what I've read. Initiates like me have never actually been a part of the California Brotherhood. We were picked up along the way. Slightly hushed, wants to be clear that he's not really gossiping, but the information is a little sensitive
148 But, from what I gather, there's a lot more talk about hoarding technology than helping folk. "hoarding technology" sounds kind of dumb to him
149 How did that holotape put it... "Help protect people from themselves?" Something like that. Clearly not buying into the ideals
150 I can appreciate where they're coming from, but my obligations are to help people by, well... helping people. Trying to remained focused on his goals
151 005C414C 005C4190 Any time. Just, uh... don't make me regret sharing what I did. Starts friendly, then second guesses himself
152 Not everyone is as keen on discussing the way things are done. More serious in tone
153 005C4150 005C4195 Knowing the people around you have your back means everything these days. Stern. Security isn't a joke to him.
154 I don't think a single member of the Brotherhood would disagree with me on that. Ideology aside. Stern.
155 005C4152 005C41D0 What, you mean like their ideals and methods? There's some elements I can wholeheartedly get behind, that's for sure. Still beating around the bush a bit
156 Teamwork, structure, discipline. Just like my Army days. Genuine
157 There's some other elements that worry me, if I'm being honest. I'm comfortable with how this group here thinks but... Showing his hand a bit, but still resisting getting too serious. Emphasis on THIS, referring to the local members
158 Well, from the "literature" I've gotten my hands on, it seems like things are run a little differently in California. Speaking a little more cautiously
159 I think the metaphorical chain of command is getting awfully taut. If you catch my meaning. Still speaking cautiously, but a tad gossipy, even a little jokingly
160 005C4154 005C419C Fine by me. What else did you need? Chuckle a bit, Relieved, didn't really want to talk Brotherhood
161 005C4156 005C4181 Digging up dirt on the top dogs? Who were you interested in hearing about? Cheeky. Chuckle after "top dogs"
162 005C4158 005C41A4 I had spent the last two decades wandering to every burnt out settlement and smoking crater in the ground I could find. Starting friendly -- isn't getting too emotional about it
163 The world was in need of healing, and I had the skills to do it... But, I could only do so much alone. Starting lighter, but the memories start to weigh on him in the latter half
164 I'd hear about a community with some sick kids, or someone with a chronic illness... If I went to help, I would be turned away. Painful to recall the memory
165 They didn't want to risk letting some stranger into their mix. And I don't blame them, really. It's a rough world out there. A little resentful, but resigns to the reality of the situation.
166 But when I saw the Brotherhood roll in? People were not -- could not -- turn them away. Building awe, pride
167 Reminded me of my time in the Army. Where we went, there was a sense of safety, security. Pride, reminiscent
168 I wanted to take advantage of that. Help people on the road. Sure enough, they lead me to plenty of people in need. Snap back to the here and now, direct answer
169 005C415A 005C4186 As a community, I think they're fine company. As a team, I don't think I've ever felt safer. Friendly, but kind of beating around the bush
170 005C415C 005C41AE Alright, then. Be seeing you. Friendly
171 005C415E 005C418D Want to get personal? That's fine, that's fine... I'm not paying rent, after all. Ever so slightly flirty
172 Okay. Couldn't hurt to answer a few questions. Ask away. Almost as if he's answering this for himself... "Would it hurt? No."
173 005C4160 005C41B7 Sure. I don't know if I'm a model member, but I can try and fill you in as much as I can. It's the least I can do. Joking... sorta
174 005C41B8 You mean you want to talk shop? Sure. Anything that'll make it easier for you to assist us. The player is also a member
175 005C41B9 Ha, at this point you might be able to tell ME a thing or two about the Brotherhood. But, sure, what did you want to know? The player is now a much more important member than Solomon
176 005C4162 005C41BF Of course. Just tell me where it hurts. Bit of a chuckle.
177 005C4164 005C4199 Listen, I can leave if you want, but I'm doing this for the people out there that need my help. Slightly annoyed, but trying to not get hostile
178 If this ends up being too much of a problem, let me know. Until then, I hope you can see some value in what I offer. Annoyed but trying to reassure the player
179 005C416A 005C41AB Affirmative -- wait a minute... You're THAT vault dweller? The one who's been helping us out? Snaps into military mode, then realizes who he's talking to
180 Well that's perfect! It's great to meet you -- even better to get to work together. Ad Victoriam! Relieved, pretty honored
181 005C41AC I'm looking forward to working together. Ad Victoriam! Friendly
182 005C416C 005C418B I just need a small spot for myself. I'll stay out of your way, and I'll be around if you need any assistance. Friendly, feels like he's sealed the deal
183 Do we have a deal? Friendly
184 005C416D 005C41B5 You could. Sure. It wouldn't be my first time fending off a would-be bandit, though. Taking this in stride. It's not the first time someone has pulled this, and he still wants to butter the player up a bit.
185 You'd also have the whole Brotherhood knocking your doors down. I, uh, wouldn't recommend that. Still keeping it light-hearted. Doesn't honestly expect escalation.
186 005C416F 005C4192 Well, I don't really have much proof, but I'm not really asking for a handout or anything. Has nothing to hide
187 Hopefully my services can speak for themselves. Steering it back to a friendly tone
188 005C4171 005C41BE Believe me, I wish I could give it all away, but I need to be able to buy more supplies myself. Sympathetic. Genuinely doesn't WANT your money, but needs it.
189 At the prices I can offer, I'm already at risk for paying out of pocket. Sorry about it
190 005C4173 005C4197 I suppose so. It's just the right thing to do. I've got the training and people need my help. He doesn't put himself on a pedestal like that. He doesn't see this as flattery.
191 I appreciate the sentiment, though. Trying to not be a snob about it, though
192 005C4175 005C41EB See, I signed up with the Brotherhood for a chance to help people across the country. This is not an answer to a question, this is a continuation of his previous explanation.
193 But, now that we're stationed in Atlas Observatory, my ability to reach patients has been limited. Trying to get a little more friendly
194 I'm looking for a safe and relatively clean place to store supplies and catch my breath while on the road. Friendly, trying to come off as easy going
195 If you're willing to let me spend time here, I can offer surplus supplies and some medical services for as low a cost as I can afford. Not scheming, genuinely trying to make a deal he believes is a good one.
196 005C4176 005C419D No, I'm afraid not. There isn't much money to be made in my profession anymore. Start with a chuckle. Doctors aren't rich anymore.
197 005C4178 005C4182 Because I might just blast back. Serious in tone, maybe slightly annoyed. Cold response.
198 (sigh) I'm sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot here. Let me explain. Genuine remorse, calming tone
199 005C417A 005C41A8 Please, just "Solomon" is fine. Slightly embarrassed (he's not actually a licensed doctor)
200 005C417C 005C4188 Oh, you're... You're that vault dweller that's been helping us out! Ad Victoriam! I guess I'm in luck. Realizing who the player is, then feeling relieved, lowers tension.
201 005C417E 005C41B2 I'm Solomon Hardy. I'm a doctor and Initiate with the Brotherhood of Steel. I've got a proposition for you.
202 005C9B37 005C9B3E Mhmm. Okay, well I could see why the creator of "Nuka-Cola: My Blood's In It" might want to remain anonymous. Coy - he knows the player is this person
203 Tact for branding aside, Appalachia wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for them. Sincere thanks, but obviously knows the player is "them."
204 005C9B3F Alright, have your secrets, then. Appalachia, hell the whole world, owes that person -- whoever they are -- a great deal of thanks. Knows it was the player. Playful at first, but genuine thanks
205 005C9B38 005C9B3D Wow, you saved a lot of lives, you know. Sincere
206 Remind me to buy you an ice-cold Nuka-Cola. This time, without your antibodies in it. Back to cheeky