Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Slumber Mill Motel terminal entries are entries found on a terminal at Slumber Mill Motel in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Slumber Mill's terminal[]


|             SLUMBER MILL TERMINAL                |
|                                                  |

Log Book - October 2077[]


OctobersIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar List
Log Book - October 2077

October 22nd 2077 - Fred Damster

...Data Lost

October 19th 2077 - Martin Hackford

...Data Lost

...Data Lost

October 19th 2077 - Jenny Krotch

October 17th 2077 - Leo Limwell & Stella Prince

October 17th 2077 - Tom Neeman & Judy Sutterton

October 12th 2077 - Kyle Walsher & Sofia Walsher

October 10th 2077 - Lauren Samuel

October 9th 2077 - Michael Witter & Robot Companion

October 5th 2077 - James Portrack & Cathy Portrack

...Data Lost

October 5th 2077 - Robbie Liverstone

October 1st 2077 - Tom Neeman & Karren Neeman



Complaints Log[]


|             SLUMBER JACK'S TERMINAL              |
|                                                  |



Complaint: 372[]


Dear Slumber Mill Motel,

Last night while I was fast asleep, I was rudely awakened by a noise resembling gunfire. It was so loud you could be mistaken for thinking it had been fired right next to you.

You need to call the park rangers to keep an eye out for people who could be illegally hunting near the motel at night, otherwise, you will have many more people complaining of bad night sleeps.



Data Lost[]



Complaint: 369[]


Dear Slumber Mill Motel,

I am looking for compensation from the company due to an incident that occurred whilst staying at your "Motel".

A wild bird entered our room via a poorly fitted ventilation shaft and made a nest in my wig collection.

Due to the bird's protective status in the park, I was informed by a park ranger I am unable to move it under the threat of a fine. These wigs cost me a fortune and I expect to be compensated for them.



Data Lost[]



Company News In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar[]


Dear employees,

I am writing today regarding some fantastic news. The Slumber Mill has been sold to an anonymous buyer.

As of February 25th 2075, all employee contracts are terminated and will be replaced by the new owner's robot staff.

In more positive news, the new owners have made a generous redundancy package which includes:

 -$75 worth of chips to spend at the motel casino

 -Two free drinks at the Slumber Mill Motel bar

 -One free night at the In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarSlumber Mill Motel

 -February's full pay

I would like to personally thank all the staff for their hard work and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Slumber Mill Motel (Ex) Owner

Kenneth Jacks



Incident Log[]


|             SLUMBER MILL TERMINAL                |
|                                                  |



Deceased Guest[]


Deceased Guest in Hotel Room

During a routine morning room inspection, cleaners made a grim discovery of a guest found deceased in a chair with a large blood splatter on the wall. Immediate action was taken by the staff who called the police.

The guest, who participated in the casino's poker tournament was last seen heading back to their room around 9pm after being eliminated from the competition.

While initial speculation from staff and cleaners leans towards the possibility of suicide (due to losing the tournament & his money), the police are exploring alternative scenarios. The investigation is ongoing, and the room is expected to be occupied by law enforcement for a minimum of three days. We are fully cooperating with the police, providing necessary staff details to aid in the investigation process.

We have scheduled a carpet cleaning for next week.



Voices Under the Ground Floor[]



The Case of the Mannequin[]


Bizarre Check-Out Discovery

A female hotel guest checked in on Friday and departed on Sunday afternoon, spending the entirety of her two-day stay confined to her room, only briefly leaving to fetch ice. Upon her checkout, the cleaning staff entered the room as scheduled and encountered an array of peculiar items left behind:

A fully dressed mannequin, decked out in ski gear, was discovered lying in bed beneath a blanket.

A note accompanied the scene stating, "Wrap up warm, looks like ice tonight.".

A photograph was found featuring the mannequin in the shower, taken from an unusual angle through the door frame.

In response to all this, the cleaning team was instructed to conduct a deep clean of the room, disposing of the remaining items around the back. The nature of the discoveries left all of us curious as to what might of happened here, but a collective decision was made not to delve into the mysteries surrounding the guest's choices due to fear of what we might find.



Strip Poker Incident[]


Strip Poker

Short Summary:
A guest tried to start an impromptu strip poker game at the casino.

One of the guests had been day drinking from 9:00 am in the bar before making their way over to the casino at 6:00 pm. They then proceeded to drink for another hour (7:00 pm) while playing poker. The guest, drunk and bored decided to "spice things up" (these were his own words) by starting an impromptu strip poker game which no one else agreed to.

He then proceeded to go all in at the start of the round with the cards "2 of clubs & Jack of spades" to purposefully lose. He then exclaimed "All in, must mean all off" as he tried to undress himself in the middle of the casino.

Luckily he had got stuck with his shirt over his head before being tackled by security. Police were soon called and the guest was arrested.


