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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sloane Cao.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 007456A9 007456BD Time for a little gardening...
2 007456BE It never ends...
3 007456BF Here we go again!
4 007456AA 007456D2 Didn't stand a chance.
5 007456D3 Another day, another fight.
6 007456D4 They don't call me a 'cleaner' for nothin'.
7 007456AB 007456C5 Go back to the Barrens!
8 007456C6 You want a piece of the Munis!?
9 007456C7 I've fought worse!
10 007456C8 That was almost scary!
11 007456AC 007456D6 Hey, that hurts!
12 007456D7 Gah!
13 007456D8 Agh!
14 007456D9 Grr...!
15 007456AD 007456B4 No, that's... not right...
16 007456B5 Don't wanna die here...
17 007456B6 Vin... I...
18 0075641E 00756459 Happy? I'm thrilled! The man's a natural born Muni. A Muni is an Atlantic City municipal worker, part of Sloane's faction
19 Brave, reliable, always wanting to do right by the people... He's invaluable.
20 Then of course there are the more... personal reasons I like having him around. She likes him
21 But we won't get into that.
22 0075641F 00756451 I... hope he's happy. Clearly disappointed
23 When he left, it took a while to get used to the idea that he wouldn't be around anymore.
24 And right as I was coming to terms with it? Boom! He's back. For a fleeting moment, I thought maybe he'd come back for good.
25 But if he's chosen to stay in Appalachia and build a new life, then I wish him the best. I really do.
26 00756420 00756457 Hah! You're a lot more direct than the man himself, you know?
27 Let me worry about "me and Vin." The man's oblivious, but I'll make it easy for him, don't worry.
28 00756421 00756458 Yeah... I got word. Rest assured that we'll keep an eye out. Abbie is Vin's sister; in this scenario, she fled from her family
29 I can't make Abbie's decisions for her, but I can keep trouble out of her path. Overgrown trouble, anyway.
30 00756422 00756450 You know how it is around here. Nothing ever changes.
31 We're still fighting the same fights and having the same squabbles.
32 The Overgrown never give up -- how could they? -- but neither do we. Overgrown are monsters, they can't think to give up
33 As long as I'm here, that won't change.
34 00756423 0075644F Good talking to you.
35 00756424 00756429 If I could just have one day where my feet aren't wet...
36 0075642A If the Showmen and the Family ever pitched in, there wouldn't be a monster left in this city. The Showmen and Family (mafia) are other groups that run Atlantic City with Sloane's (the 'Munis' or municipal government)
37 0075642B Lost a lot of good people this month...
38 0075642C They don't pay me enough for this...
39 0075642D What do the medics call this? Trench foot? Yuck.
40 0075642E With the Family's cash we could build a big... pump or something.
41 0075642F Vin says the foliage has a beauty to it, but I can't look at plants without thinking of Overgrown.
42 00756430 Finally, a moment of peace and quiet.
43 00756431 Rest up, Sloane. God knows you need it.
44 00756432 It's not so bad here, if you squint.
45 00756425 00756434 Keep an eye out for Overgrown.
46 00756435 It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Referring to fighting Overgrown
47 00756436 Someday I'll get over to the Neapolitan like everyone else. The Neapolitan is a mob-run casino in Atlantic City
48 00756437 Wish I could take that Vertibird to a tropical island or something. A Vertibird is a flying machine; she wants a vacation
49 00756438 Ever been to the boardwalk to see a 'show?' The Showmen, a group of crazy entertainers, put on violent spectacles at the boardwalk
50 00756439 You're one of the good ones.
51 0075643A Watch your step. On the walkways, in the water... Everywhere. Sloane lives in a part of the city that is constantly flooded
52 0075643B Water's looking especially grimy today.
53 0075643C If you need me, just put your lips together and blow. Sloane often communicates by whistle
54 0075643D I may complain, but I love this place enough to fight for it.
55 0075643E Thanks for convincing Vin to come back.
56 0075643F Glad to have Vin with me again.
57 00756426 00756452 Good to see you again.
58 00756453 Glad you're alive and kicking.
59 00756454 Staying dry?
60 00756455 What can I do for you?
61 00756456 Staying safe, I hope?