Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Skinner was a technician at Big MT's X-13 research facility before the Great War.


Skinner did not have a doctorate, unlike the researchers at X-13, because they were unable to afford one. However, Skinner still had extensive programming knowledge, claiming to have been doing so since they were "in diapers." Trying to be helpful, Skinner received the mentat chow mod from researchers at the X-8 research center and optimized it for the K9000 cyberdog gun being researched upstairs in X-13. Knowing that the researchers would not take them seriously if they tried to take credit, Skinner decided to leave the mod on one of their desks and hope it was implemented that way.[1] Skinner was also disdainful of fellow technician Slough's eating habits.


Skinner is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

