Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Have you heard of a man with a sickle going around removing heads? Seems someone lost their mind and is seeking to take it from another.Steven Scarberry

Sickleman is the moniker of an unknown serial killer in Appalachia.


Operating prior to 2102,[1] the Sickleman has earned himself the title for his preferred tool of murder, the sickle, which he uses to decapitate his victims. He used North Kanawha lookout as a hideout or storage of his victim's bodies, even graffitiing that he was there, but left Appalachia for a time until he returned back to 2103. Word of his activity spread around and was even picked up on by Steven Scarberry.


Sickleman is mentioned only in Fallout 76 and its updates Wastelanders and Mutation Invasion.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In fifth grade, Nathan Purkeypile wrote a series of scary stories in which Sickleman was featured as a character. His teacher was "not too keen" about the subject matter in these stories, and she made his parents come in to discuss what he was writing in school. However, in the end, Purkeypile decided to channel the appreciation for monsters and "other weird things" into his eventual career as a video game artist.[Non-game 1]
  • In response to fan theories around Sickleman, Nathan Purkeypile called any such theories "an absolute load of conspiracy theory nonsense."


