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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sheffield.


1ConvDiamondCityMS13PaulDiesDarcy02SceneDarcy: Hi Sheffield. I'm looking for Paul. Have you seen him?Paul's finally run off, eh? Not surprising, married to the likes of you.Darcy: What a horrible thing to say.A1a
2Darcy: What a horrible thing to say.He's probably better off, wherever he is.Darcy: What would you know. You're nothing but a no-good drunk.A1a
3Darcy: What would you know. You're nothing but a no-good drunk.Takes one to know one, ha ha ha. See you around, Darcy!Darcy: Every time I talk to you I regret it.A1a


4FFDiamondCity08GiveNukaScenePlayer Default: Here you go.{Surprised} *gasp* Oh thank you! Thank you!A1a
5Player Default: I'm... gonna go...*whimpering*B1a
6Player Default: Drink. Some. Water.Nuka-Cola...So thirsty...*whimpering*Player Default: Here you go.X1a
7Player Default: You want a soda? Is that it?Dugout Inn usually has some... but I can't go there... can't be around booze... Doctor says I can't drink that...Player Default: Here you go.Y1a
8-{like an addict with the shakes} So thirsty... Doctor says I can't drink liquor no more... Cola... Need a Nuka-Cola...A
9{like an addict with the shakes} Cola... Nuka-Cola...A
10{like an addict with the shakes} So thirsty... Nuka-Cola...A
11{like an addict with the shakes} Thirsty... Nuka-Cola...A
12{like an addict with the shakes} Need a drink... Nuka-Cola...A
13{like an addict with the shakes} Nuka-Cola...A


14WorkshopRecruitSheffieldPlayer Default: Hey, Sheffield. What do you think about coming to work for me?{Surprised} Really? You... you mean it?Player Default: That's right.A
15Player Default: That's right.{Happy} Okay! I'll... I'll do it!A1a
16Player Default: That's right.{Puzzled} I... don't think so...A2a
17Player Default: Just don't turn into some damn Nuka-Cola hoarder.{Grateful} I won't! I mean... I might take a few bottles with me... but that's all!X1a
18Player Default: Just don't turn into some damn Nuka-Cola hoarder.{Depressed} No... I don't think I could handle it...X2a
19Player Default: What do you say?{Happy} Okay! Maybe this will be a fresh start?Y1a
20Player Default: What do you say?{Depressed} No... No, I can't...Y2a
21Player Default: Nah, never mind. Just a little joke.{Sad} Wh-why's that funny? *sigh*B1a
22-{nuka cola addict, player gave you a nuka cola / Happy} Thank you! It's like I can finally think straight.
23{nuka cola addict, player gave you a nuka cola} I gave up alcohol after settling down here. Doctors said I shot my liver.
24{Nuka Cola addict, player just gave you a nuka cola} Nuka-Cola's the only thing I can drink that wakes me up. Otherwise it's all... hazy.