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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sheena.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
38 005B67EF 005C4EFE Why can't people mind their own business?
39 005C4EFF Sacrifices are necessary.
40 005C4F00 Seriously, how hard is it to just stick with the plan?
41 005C4F01 (sigh)
42 005C4F02 I'm alive today. I'll take that as a victory.
43 005C4F03 I'll have to tally up the new Raiders. Hope they're not weaklings.
44 005C4F04 Hm. My fault for depending on someone.
45 005C4F05 Survival doesn't get a day off.
46 005C4F06 Living in Appalachia's like a real-life game of Blast Radius.
47 005C4F07 How much of a buffoon do you have to be to launch a nuke on your own living space?
63 005B67F0 005C4EF2 Bye.
64 005C4EF3 You're not welcome here.
65 005C4EF4 Who the hell are you?
66 005C4EF5 Ugh.
67 005C4EF6 Don't even think about it.
68 005C4EF8 Hi.
69 005C4EF9 Hey.
70 005C4EFA Don't touch anything.
71 005C4EFB Hands to yourself.
72 005C4EFC Don't get in the way.
86 005B67F1 005C4EE5 How's it going? Wait. I don't care.
87 005C4EE8 Screw off.
88 005C4EE9 I've got no business with you.
89 005C4EEA If you want something, you can talk to Pierce.
90 005C4EEB Can I help you?
91 005C4EEC Get lost.
92 005C4EEE Is there a problem?
93 005C4EEF Hope this is quick.
94 005C4EF0 I don't have time to socialize.
105 005D7F3B I hope you know you're not welcome here.
141 005C4ECD 005C4EDE What don't I do around here?
142 Pierce has a way with words, but if he was in charge of our combat operations we'd all be dead.
143 Everyone else is too busy writing war cries or painting skulls on their armor to make a plan.
144 I don't mind it, though. Doing things myself means that other people can't mess it up.
145 005D7F3C You think I'm going to tell some nobody from outside our crew? Give me a break.
146 005C4ECF 005C4EE3 This a logistics question, or are you asking me to gossip?
147 005C4ED1 005C4EDF It's not a hate thing. It's about survival.
148 005C4ED3 005C4EE4 Oh, so you noticed? Let me just adjust my attitude for you real quick... There we go.
149 Fuck off.
150 005C4ED5 005C4EE1 See you.
151 005C4ED7 005C4EDC We've been friends ever since he came to Crater.
152 All you need to know about Pierce is that he's going to keep Crater safe. Full stop.
153 005C4ED9 005C4EE2 Why wouldn't I? Burke is one of us.
154 Look, I don't like talking about other people. If you have a question for Burke then you can ask them yourself.
155 005C4EDB 005C4EDD Alright.
173 005C5BF2 005C5C3F Hey! Don't you fucking talk to Burke like that!
175 005D7F36 005D7F3E Are you shitting me? Anyone who doesn't bend the knee to the Brotherhood automatically becomes an enemy.
176 And I'm not going to obediently wait around to be branded and culled.
177 005D7F39 005D7F40 I don't give two craps about humanity. As a species, we've done nothing but abuse and betray each other.
178 And beyond that, look at what we've done to this Earth.
179 So I look out for me and my own. The rest don't matter.
180 005D7F3A 005D7F3F So you're not beating around the bush, then. I won't, either. You're not getting Crater. Ever.
212 00605A42 00605A47 She's a tough kid. I like her. A little too sentimental towards some of those Brotherhood assholes though. One day she'll know better.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
6 005D2B00 005D2B27 Don't mind Pierce. He's stubborn. Holds too tightly to his morals.
7 I'll tell you about the weapons. But you're going to need to give me something in return. Interested?
9 005D7936 You've got the holotape?
12 005DBD79 Are you interested in a deal or not?
43 005D79BB 005D79BF Hey, you. Don't leave yet. I've got something to say. Hushed, so Pierce doesn't hear her
45 005D79BD 005D79C1 Don't you think you're being stubborn, Pierce? We have a good little Brotherhood peon here at our disposal. We could make use of that.
68 005DB152 005DB224 They wouldn't shut up about it, so I learned to tune it out pretty quick.
69 But I do remember them passing around a helmet with a bullet hole through its visor. A trophy from the fallen.
70 005DB154 005DB1F6 West. They said they passed through Ohio before coming here. I don't know how much further out they went.
71 005DB156 005DB235 Yep. They may or may not have more, but they've definitely come in contact with them.
72 005DB158 005DB201 Don't change your mind. This was a one-time offer. And it's one that neither of us will speak of again.
73 005DB15A 005DB1D9 I'll be here.
74 005DB15C 005DB20A Because you want to know where we got those Brotherhood-logo rocket launchers from. And working with me is the only way you're going to find out.
75 005DB15E 005DB1E1 Load the holotape I gave you into a terminal that has Brotherhood info on it. Download the files. Bring it back.
76 005DB160 005DB216 Good. Thanks.
77 The weapons don't have one source. Some of them we looted off a group of unfortunate Settlers.
78 We've also traded them among ourselves. Some old friends visited Crater awhile back wielding that firepower, claiming they earned it in a fight.
79 They were bragging about it until the day they left. Said they sent some big armored folks running. I can't confirm that the losers were Brotherhood.
80 But that was your logo on the side of those weapons, wasn't it?
81 Doesn't matter to me. Now I told you what I know. With any luck, we won't talk again.
91 005DB172 005DB213 This isn't a betrayal. It's just good business sense.
92 005DB174 005DB1F3 How do you know about our War Room? About that vault where you ambushed Pierce? We have eyes the same way you do. Remember it.
93 005DB176 005DB230 We're not on friendly terms with the Brotherhood. What do you think we're going to do with it?
94 Don't worry. If the Brotherhood is as powerful as they are confident, then it shouldn't make any difference, right?
95 005DB178 005DB1FD Toodles.
96 005DB17A 005DB1D6 I want intel on the Brotherhood. Records, roster, correspondence. You've got people specialized in keeping track of that sort of thing, right?
97 Transfer their data onto this holotape and bring it back to me. Then I'll tell you what you want to know.
98 005DB17B 005DB207 Hm. With that attitude I'm surprised you're working with them in the first place. But that's your business.
99 005DB17D 005DB1DF Sure. Okay. Just hear me out, alright? You can make your decision later.
100 005DB17F 005DB214 We don't know that yet for sure. Besides, everyone has their own motivations. Our visitor might have one worth talking about.
214 005E5582 005E5594 Okay, goody-two-shoes. If you don't want the information I have, that's up to you.
215 But from what I hear about your boss, he wouldn't be too happy with that, would he? Your funeral.
228 005E559B 005E55A0 We'll have to discuss this later. We've got a visitor.
230 005E559D 005E559F I told you. And they're only going to get more confident.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
20 005F59C3 006139BF Screw off.
21 006139C0 Hey.
61 00601CCA 00605F9C You gonna let us out of here or what?
62 00605F9D Hey! We're in here!
63 00605F9E Marcia!
169 00603144 00603177 Nothing that could be of use to us. It seems like they were doing some sort of experiments on people down here.
170 That terminal over there might have more information.
172 00603146 0060316C Fuck you. You better hope on your life that we don't get out of here.
173 00603147 00603179 Appreciate your help.
174 00603148 0060315B So, can you get us out of here or not? impatient
175 00603149 00603172 Good work on giving these mercenaries hell, Marcia. You'll make a great addition to the War Party.
238 00605F5B 00605F76 Marcia...no, why would you go back to them? The Brotherhood are our enemies.
284 006060F5 005FAD07 Marcia... what are you doing here? And with this snitch? What the hell?
285 00603181 Marcia... what are you doing here? And you too? Damn, am I glad to see some friendly faces.
286 0060E33D 00603159 Thanks, Burke. There was no way we would've made it out of there alive and I knew Pierce wouldn't just let us go missing.
287 My quick thinking is what kept us alive. Not everything can be won with a fight.