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This is a transcript for dialogue with Shawn Hockman.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 005C70CF 005C7163 You'd better have something useful to say to me.
12 005D7F30 Got something else to ask me?
16 005D7F34 Not now. Not until these Brotherhood jerks listen to me.
18 005C70E2 005C7141 Yeah, ignore the problem like the rest of them.
19 005C70E4 005C715E What? Aw...hey. Sorry about that. You're right. Ain't right, me blowing up on you like that.
20 I'm just really wound up, and none of these Brotherhood types are giving me the time of day.
21 005C70E6 005C7146 I just told you who I am. I already told them that when I got here! Nobody's listening in this place!
22 I came here so they can make things right and they won't even listen to me!
23 005C70E8 005C712F Oh, can't even come to me himself. What, he needs to requisition some more armor polish?
24 All right. Keep it cool, Shawn. So what's he got to say?
127 005C96DF 005C9727 The problem is that a couple of these Brotherhood clowns showed up and took a bunch of my stuff at gunpoint.
128 I'm a peaceful man, I really am. Sure wasn't equipped to deal with armed thugs "requisitioning" the little I've managed to put together for myself.
129 Never understood the Raiders. I like the quiet life, I don't need much, and I need trouble less. But after this, I get it.
130 I came here to give the Brotherhood a chance to make things right. Else maybe I go to Crater and start doing things their way.
131 At least they don't pretend to be the good guys.
132 005C96E1 005C9754 I'm a scavenger, mainly. Always been pretty good with a set of tools, so I do all right for myself scrapping and fixing things.
133 Trade what I find or fix with the folks at Foundation when I need something I can't get otherwise. Mostly, I like to be left alone.
134 005C96E3 005C972D Don't blow me off like I'm making this up. These people have a responsibility to fix this!
135 They had the power armor, and they said they were Brotherhood. Sorry I didn't make sure to ask for proof when they had me at gunpoint.
136 005C96E5 005C975E Listen, I don't have much. But what's mine is mine, and these people took that from me.
137 The Brotherhood pretends like they're noble, but then they let this happen? In their name?
138 Raiders don't act like something they're not, and at least the gangs defend their own.
139 005C96E7 005C976A Then tell them, and get them to do something about it.
223 005DD1D6 005DD1E5 All right, what else did you want?
224 005DD1D7 005DD1E0 Hey...thanks. I just needed someone to listen and take me seriously. I hope you can convince them.
225 005DD1D8 005DD1E3 I'm not goin' anywhere just yet. Shoot.
234 005E782C 005E7832 Name's Shawn Hockman.
235 You actually here to listen? I'm sick of being ignored by you jerks.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 005C9AA6 005CB46D I hope you convinced the Brotherhood to make good.
10 005C9AAB 005CB471 I'm gonna get back to the grind. Spent too much time here as is.
11 Watch your back out there. And with these guys.
19 005C9AAF 005CB477 Are you kidding me? I get robbed by people using their name, and you just believe anything they tell you?
20 I don't know why I even bothered with you. Get out of my face. And stay away from me in the future.
34 005C9ABC 005CB468 All right, if that's how it is.
36 005C9AC2 005CB46C Impersonating, huh? I suppose they'd be pretty mad about people making them look like just another bunch of thugs.
37 It's not as good as getting my stuff back, but thinking about what the Brotherhood might do to someone they catch running that con...it'll do.
38 You did all right. Thanks. I'm sorry I blew up on you before.
43 005C9AC6 005CB470 What? Why not?
44 Well, at least you listened. It's more than any of these Brotherhood types did. Thanks for that much, at least.
45 005C9AC7 005CB482 Wow. I...gotta admit, I didn't really think you were going to do that.
46 Sorry about being so hot-headed earlier. Turns out you're all right. I'm not used to that. Thanks.
57 005C9AD2 005CB487 Well?
58 005CB488 We're all good now. I'll see you around.
59 005CB489 No. You don't get to talk to me anymore. Go.
69 005EFE7C Not now. Not until these Brotherhood jerks listen to me.
70 005C9AD3 005C9AF8 You'd best not waste my time.
71 005C9AF9 You don't look like the rest of these folks.
72 005C9AFA Something you want?
97 005CFA62 005CFAF9 Sick of waiting on these jerks.
98 005CFAFA Hey, why isn't anybody listening to me? You can't keep ignoring me!
99 005CFAFB Keep it cool, Shawn. Get 'em to listen first, be angry later. calming self
100 005CFAFC These are the good guys, huh? I'll believe it when I see it.
101 005CFAFD That Knight guy gives me the creeps.
102 005CFAFE Can't believe all these people wanted to join this cult.
103 005CFAFF Hope there's anything left in my stash by the time I get back.