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Fallout Wiki

Sgt. Reyes list is a paper note which was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.


Sgt. Reyes list (with Charlie)[]


Here's what I need you to research.

1) Several casualty reports have come in saying that Alpha Station sustained heavy casualties and injuries in the vicinity of Hoover Dam - yet no new reinforcements have been sent in weeks. Speak with Senior Ranger Rebecca Lineholm, get an accurate casualty count and asses the situation, as several of us have been worried that something horrible is stalking the Hoover Dam area if it can claim NCR's elite Rangers.

2) Ranger Station Bravo hasn't requested a resupply in four months. While the Rangers I can reach on the radio say things are 'just fine' I need you to speak to Ranger Ericsen, the commanding officer, and find out how they've been running on no supplies for so long.

3) Charlie station received a substantial shipment of medical supplies despite having only a few serious injury reports. Check up on them and see if they have a surplus that could be redistributed to needed locations - I'm having a hard time getting anyone on the radio lately.

4) Delta station radioed in a report of an NCR Trooper cadre being murdered to the last man in a horrifying display of brutality. The report mentioned a squad of Super mutants wearing Caesar's colors. This report has unsettled NCR command I need you to speak to Senior Ranger Pason to confirm the report and get an accurate count of Super mutants spotted.

5) Echo Station has had a five-fold spike in reported enemy contacts, but NCR crews dispatched to follow up have a mere 10% success rate in intercepting these hostiles. The ghouls I've reached by the radio insist everything is 'just fine' but the numbers disagree - so speak Senior Ranger Erasmus for me please. Perhaps they're short-handed and need more spotters.

6) Foxtrot station called in a report of an NCR Trooper patrol slaughtered by a Great Khan hunting team with trained Deathclaws. Senior Ranger Kudlow called in the report but I can't seem to contact her for a more detailed account of the incident - please to speak to her and confirm/deny this rather disturbing report.

Sgt. Reyes list (without Charlie)[]


Here's what I need you to research.

1) Several casualty reports have come in saying that Alpha Station sustained heavy casualties and injuries in the vicinity of Hoover Dam - yet no new reinforcements have been sent in weeks. Speak with Senior Ranger Rebecca Lineholm, get an accurate casualty count and asses the situation, as several of us have been worried that something horrible is stalking the Hoover Dam area if it can claim NCR's elite Rangers.

2) Ranger Station Bravo hasn't requested a resupply in four months. While the Rangers I can reach on the radio say things are 'just fine' I need you to speak to Ranger Ericsen, the commanding officer, and find out how they've been running on no supplies for so long.

3) Delta station radioed in a report of an NCR Trooper cadre being murdered to the last man in a horrifying display of brutality. The report mentioned a squad of Super mutants wearing Caesar's colors. This report has unsettled NCR command I need you to speak to Senior Ranger Pason to confirm the report and get an accurate count of Super mutants spotted.

4) Echo Station has had a five-fold spike in reported enemy contacts, but NCR crews dispatched to follow up have a mere 10% success rate in intercepting these hostiles. The ghouls I've reached by the radio insist everything is 'just fine' but the numbers disagree - so speak Senior Ranger Erasmus for me please. Perhaps they're short-handed and need more spotters.

5) Foxtrot station called in a report of an NCR Trooper patrol slaughtered by a Great Khan hunting team with trained Deathclaws. Senior Ranger Kudlow called in the report but I can't seem to contact her for a more detailed account of the incident - please to speak to her and confirm/deny this rather disturbing report.
