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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sergeant RL-3.


Goodbye, Fawkes.
Never mind. Neutral 50 Standing by for further orders. 1
I'm going in. Neutral 50 I'll see to it that your posthumous awards are polished daily, soldier. 2
Sorry, but this is how it is. Neutral 50 You're a disgrace to the service. 3
Fawkes, I need you to start the purifier. The code is 2-1-6.
Fine. You do it then. The code is 2-1-6. Neutral 50 Now that's more like it! 4
Neutral 50 This unit is more than equipped to handle the harsh combat environment.--> 5
Neutral 50 Cycle that airlock, soldier, and we'll end this war. 6
Emergency Directive: Get that purifier running on the double! Code 2-1-6! Neutral 50 Sir, yes sir! 7
Neutral 50 My superior construction and programming will outlast your frail human form in that hostile environment. 8
Neutral 50 It'll be a battlefield commendation for sure. Cycle that airlock, soldier, and we'll put an end to this. 9
Emergency Directive: Get that purifier running on the double! Code 2-1-6! Neutral 50 Sir, yes sir! 10
Neutral 50 My superior construction and programming will outlast your frail human form in that hostile environment. 11
Neutral 50 It'll be a battlefield commendation for sure. Cycle that airlock, soldier, and we'll put an end to this. 12
FollowersFired You're fired, RL-3. Leave immediately. Surprise 50 I think I may have misheard that order. 13
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stay with me. Neutral 50 Excellent. Will do. 14
FollowersFiredYes You didn't mishear me. Leave. Surprise 50 Leaving a soldier behind? Very bad form. Making base in Canterbury Commons for when you come to your senses, sir! 15
FollowersHired Time to head back into the fight, RL-3. Happy 50 Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an irresponsible officer! 16
Neutral 50 It is a soldier's duty to soldier, not to play hero! 17
Time to head back into the fight, RL-3. Happy 50 Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an officer under a Court Marshall! 18
Time to head back into the fight, RL-3. Happy 50 Sir, I apologize, but a squad is less effective when it is over crowded. 19
Time to head back into the fight, RL-3. Happy 50 I should definitely say so! Time to roll out! 20
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Happy 50 Yes, sir! 21
FollowersLetsGoNotYet1 Not just yet. I wanted to talk to you about something. Neutral 10 No time to dilly-dally, sir! What is it? 22
FollowersLetsGoNotYet2 I just wanted to make sure you were still here. Goodbye. Sad 50 Old war-bots never die! We just rust away. 23
FollowersPPurity Emergency directive, sergeant. Go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. Anger 50 Soldier, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. This is your fight! You gotta finish what your daddy started! Stand strong and get your ass in there! 24
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault You're good where you are. Happy 50 Understood, sir. Proceeding as normal! 25
Stay close to me. Happy 50 RL-3 will maintain a tactical distance! 26
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Yes, sir? What, sir? 27
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Happy 50 Affirmative! 28
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep hanging back. Anger 20 If you insist, sir, but RL-3 functions best when closer to the fight! 29
Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Anger 20 Stealth flanking mode active! {Extra loud and un-stealthy} 30
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Happy 50 Agreed! Now it is time to apply those tactics! {Said as a threat} 31
FollowersTacticsRL3Distance I want you to change how close you follow me. Neutral 50 Give me my marching orders, sir. 32
Let's trade equipment.
I want to access your storage module. Happy 50 RL-3 comes equipped with everything a good soldier needs! But your RL-3 can assist in carrying equipment, if needed. 33
FollowersWait Wait here. Happy 50 I will keep this location secure! 34
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Get that airlock cycled, soldier, before we're all blown to kingdom come! 35
GREETING Neutral 50 So this is it? You just quit, give up on Uncle Sam and America? You make me puke. 36
GREETING Neutral 50 This is where the hard decisions are made, soldier. Where history is written. 37
GREETING Neutral 50 You've got a job to do, soldier. No time for chit-chat! 38
GREETING Anger 50 RL-3 regrets to inform that you are obviously unfit to command, sir! 39
GREETING Anger 50 RL-3 is pleased to see you, sir! Is there a mission to undertake? 40
GREETING Happy 50 RL-3 is ready for another tour of duty, sir! 41
GREETING Happy 50 RL-3 is ready for duty, sir! 42
GREETING Happy 50 Yes, commander? 43
GREETING Happy 50 By your command, sir! 44
GREETING Happy 50 Salutations, Commander! Sergeant RL-3, Gutsy-class robotic soldier, reporting for duty! 45


I have to go now.
Let's go. Happy 50 Lead on! 46
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 RL-3 stands at attention, sir! 47
HELLO Happy 50 Another glorious day in this man's army! 48
IdleChatter Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Sir, searching for targets. 49
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Scanning, sir... 50
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Sir, I am on the lookout. 51
MS14Suit MS14SuitHead Anger 50 Pansy! Take a shot of vitamin M and keep fighting! {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 52
MS14SuitHead Anger 50 It's just pain, soldier. Have some of this and tough it out. {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 53
MS14SuitHead Anger 50 Be a soldier, not a civie! Have some juice and suck it up! {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 54
MS14SuitCombat MS14SuitCombat Anger 50 Gear up, soldier! 55
MS14SuitCombat Anger 50 Let 'em eat lead! 56
MS14SuitCombat Anger 50 Time to kick some ass! 57
MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty Anger 50 Head wound! Too bad you're out of morhpine. {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 58
MS14SuitEmpty Anger 50 Leg wound! Without morphine, you're just going to have to suck it up. {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 59
MS14SuitEmpty Anger 50 Chest wound! Don't you wish you had some vitamin M? {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 60
MS14SuitEmpty Anger 50 Arm wound! No morphine, no relief soldier. {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 61
MS14SuitEmpty Anger 50 God damn it, soldier! You're out of morphine! {Spoken like a marine drill sergeant} 62
MS14SuitStart MS14SuitStart Anger 50 Listen up you god-damn puke! You are now wearing prototype medic power armor. You take care of me, and I'll take care of you. {Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.} 63
MS14SuitStart Anger 50 Medic armor, reporting for duty, sir! {Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.} 64
MS14SuitStart Anger 50 Medic armor, reporting for duty, ma'am! {Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.} 65


AcceptYield AcceptYield Anger 50 Do that again and I'll put my foot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish! 66
Assault Assault Anger 50 What is your major malfunction, maggot? 67
Assault Anger 50 You make me sick, you worthless scumbag. 68
Attack Attack Anger 50 Eat hot lead, you commie bastard! 69
Attack Anger 50 Ready to die for your country? 70
Attack Anger 50 Pain is just weakness leaving the body! 71
Attack Anger 50 Today's a hell of day to die, commie! 72
Attack Anger 50 Come on, people, give 'em hell! 73
Attack Anger 50 How do you like that, you mother-loving commie! 74
Attack Anger 50 Made in the U.S.A.! 75
Attack Anger 50 No surrender! 76
Attack Anger 50 Is that the best you can do? 77
Attack Anger 50 I'm just getting warmed up! Hoo-ah! 78
Attack Anger 50 There's nothing I like better than the smell of plasma in the morning! 79
Attack Anger 50 What's the matter, you pansy ass pinko? Getting tired? 80
Attack Anger 50 We are lean! We are mean! 81
Attack Anger 50 I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam! 82
Attack Anger 50 Running will only make the pain last longer! 83
Attack Anger 50 Kill them all! God will understand. 84
Attack Anger 50 There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country. 85
Attack Anger 50 Now you're starting to piss me off. 86
Death Death Anger 50 Tell my mama I've done my best. 87
Death Anger 50 Pin my medals upon my chest. 88
Death Anger 50 Box me up and ship me home. 89
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You had better remove yourself from this area before I am forced to declare you an enemy of the U.S. of A. 90
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 This area is under the protection of the U.S. army. Remove yourself or be prepared to defend yourself. 91
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You're not allowed in here. Don't give me an excuse to use my weapon on you. 92
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Do not push your luck any further. 93
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 I'll advise you again to leave immediately or I cannot be responsible for the consequences. 94
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You are taking your life into your own hands. 95
Murder Murder Anger 50 You are the lowest form of commie scumbag I've ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on! 96
Murder Anger 50 You seem to need an object lesson in democracy! 97
Murder Anger 50 I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam! 98
Pickpocket Pickpocket Anger 50 Please tell me that you did not just do what I think you did! 99
Steal Steal Anger 50 I thought I had seen every species of moronic petty bullshit, but you've just topped the list. Congratulations. 100
Steal Anger 50 Do you have no respect for private property, you slimy little commie bastard? 101
Steal Anger 50 Did you not realize that I have eyes in the back of my head? 102


AlertIdle AlertIdle Disgust 50 Are you afraid of me? You should be because I'm going to kick your ass when I find you! 103
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Step forward and identify yourself! 104
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Do you think you can hide from me? 105
AlertIdle Disgust 50 I'm starting to get angry. You would not like me when I'm angry. 106
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Are you playing games with me, goddammit? 107
AlertIdle Disgust 50 I cannot wait to find you so I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam. 108
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Disgust 50 You're gonna learn how Uncle Sam deals with commie maggots! 109
AlertToCombat Happy 50 You are about to be introduced to the U.S. army! 110
AlertToCombat Anger 50 Kill that son of a bitch! 111
AlertToCombat Happy 50 You just made my day! Opening fire! 112
AlertToCombat Happy 50 Looks like this is my lucky day. 113
AlertToCombat Anger 50 Since you don't seem willing to do the world a favor and kill yourself, I guess I'm going to have to do it for you. 114
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Anger 50 Another glorious day in the U.S. army. 115
AlertToNormal Anger 50 False alarm. Stand down, people. 116
AlertToNormal Anger 50 Nothing I like better than a little R and R on Uncle Sam's dime. 117
CombatToLost CombatToLost Anger 50 Somebody find me something to shoot at! 118
CombatToLost Anger 50 Who's got a target? 119
CombatToLost Anger 50 Restore contact with the enemy, goddammit! 120
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Anger 50 That's how we do things in the U.S. army! Hoo-ah! 121
CombatToNormal Happy 50 Time to hit the showers! 122
CombatToNormal Happy 50 Another glorious day in the U.S. army! 123
LostIdle LostIdle Anger 50 You better run, you commie-loving bastard! 124
LostIdle Anger 50 Who's got a target? 125
LostIdle Anger 50 Come on, people, I need a target! 126
LostToCombat LostToCombat Happy 50 You cannot hide from me, you commie maggot! 127
LostToCombat Happy 50 You can run, but you can't hide! 128
LostToCombat Happy 50 Your worthless hide is mine! 129
LostToNormal LostToNormal Happy 50 Typical chickenshit commie maneuver. 130
LostToNormal Happy 50 The enemy has retired before the awesome might of the U.S. army. 131
LostToNormal Happy 50 This battlefield now belongs to Uncle Sam! 132
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Happy 50 Is that someone who needs me to kick their ass? 133
NormalToAlert Happy 50 Move it out, people. I want this place searched top to bottom. 134
NormalToAlert Happy 50 Who's ready to have their ass kicked? 135
NormalToCombat StartCombat Happy 50 Ready to die for your country, you commie son of a bitch? 136
StartCombat Happy 50 Kill them all and let God sort them out! 137
StartCombat Happy 50 Every day is a good day to die! 138