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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sentry bot.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000BF984 000BF98D Weapon systems locked on.
2 000BF98E Engaging hostile target.
3 000BF98F Locking on...
4 000BF990 Weapon status: engaged.
5 003B7F8B Threats to Commander will be eliminated.
6 003B7F8C Running all available Commander protection subroutines until target threat is terminated.
7 000BF985 000BF993 Alert. Use of lethal force in progress. Non-combatant safety cannot be guaranteed.
8 000BF994 Alert. Security operation in progress. Stand clear of security perimeter.
9 000BF995 Threat assessment: primary target almost neutralized. Stand by.
10 000BF996 Threat assessment: primary target has suffered critical damage. Neutralization imminent.
11 000BF997 Threat assessment: primary target heavily damaged. Continuing to engage.
12 000BF998 Threat assessment: primary target has been engaged, but continues to exhibit hostile intent.
13 000BF999 Threat assessment: primary target is at large and undamaged. Full perimeter alert recommended.
14 000BF99A Warning! System failure imminent.
15 000BF99B Status report: red. Primary system failure imminent. Repair or reinforcement recommended.
16 000BF99C Status report: yellow and falling. Perimeter security can no longer be guaranteed.
17 000BF99D Status report: yellow. Primary systems have sustained significant damage. Reinforcement recommended.
18 000BF99E Status report: green. All systems within acceptable operating parameters.
19 000BF99F Weapons free. Non-combatants are advised to stand clear.
20 000BF9A0 Be advised. Hostiles in area. Threat neutralization in progress.
21 000BF9A1 Non-combatants are advised to stand clear of weapons discharge.
22 000BF9A2 Alert. Hostiles in area.
23 000BF9A3 Threat level: red.
24 00225DCF Non-combatants are advised to stand clear of weapons discharge.
25 00225DD0 Warning! System failure imminent.
26 00225DD1 Status report: red. Primary system failure imminent. Repair or reinforcement recommended.
27 00225DD2 Status report: yellow and falling. Perimeter security can no longer be guaranteed.
28 00225DD3 Commander recommendation: Order immediate backup reinforcements.
29 003B7F85 Alert. Threat to Commander detected.
30 003B7F86 Status report: Secondary systems failing. Commander should stand back and await tactical extraction.
31 003B7F87 Warning! Commander is advised to seek safety in the event of Sentry Bot Failure
32 004E0EA5 Dispersal efforts unsuccessful. Maximum hostility permitted. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
33 004E0EA6 Threat level from protestors increased to red. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
34 004E0EA7 Hostilities from strikers above normal levels. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
35 004E0EA8 Labor dispute taking longer than expected to resolve. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
36 000BF988 000BF991 Do not interfere with security operations.
37 000C1518 000C1531 Adding target to threat matrix.
38 000C1532 Reanalysis complete. Threat level red.
39 000C1519 000C1526 Threat analysis... green. Standing down.
40 000C1520 000C152C Warning. Use of lethal force is authorized.
41 000C152D Warning. You are in violation of a security zone. Use of lethal force is imminent.
42 000C152E Warning. You have entered a security zone. Lethal force may be used without further warning.
43 000C152F Warning. Leave the security zone immediately or you may be fired upon without further warning.
44 000C1521 000C153E no text - holder for sound
45 000C155D 000C1577 Murder detected. Judicial circuits recommend immediate application of capital punishment.
46 000C1578 Murder detected. Application of death sentence commencing.
47 000C1579 Murder detected. Consulting judicial circuits... offender sentenced to death.
48 000C1566 000C1593 Crime detected. Judicial circuits recommend immediate application of capital punishment.
49 000C1594 Crime detected. Application of death sentence commencing.
50 000C1595 Crime detected. Consulting judicial circuits... offender sentenced to death.
51 000C15B8 000C162C Threat analysis: red. Weapons free.
52 000C162D Hostile detected. Non-combatant safety can no longer be guaranteed.
53 000C162E Threat analysis: red. Engaging hostile target.
54 003B7F8E Threat analysis: red. Lethal force issued to protect Commander from enemy combatant.
55 000C15B9 000C15E7 Threat analysis: yellow. Potential perimeter breach. Beginning sweep.
56 000C15E8 Alert. Hostiles may be in area. Non-combatants are advised to seek secure location until perimeter is secured.
57 000C15E9 Threat analysis: yellow. Beginning lethal force neutralization operation.
58 000C15BA 000C1639 Threat analysis: green. Perimeter secure. Resuming standard operations.
59 000C163A Threat analysis: green. Perimeter secure.
60 000C163B Threat analysis: green. No hostiles detected.
61 000C15BB 000C15EF Target lock status: green. Re-engaging hostile target.
62 000C15F0 Hostile target detected. Target lock status: green.
63 000C15F1 Target lock acquired. Resuming lethal force neutralization operation.
64 000C15BC 000C1648 Alert. Non-combatant safety cannot be guaranteed.
65 000C1649 Target lock status: red. Continuing perimeter sweep.
66 000C164A Alert. Hostile remains at large. Recommend non-combatants seek secure location.
67 000C15BD 000C15F7 Threat analysis: green. Neutralization operation complete.
68 000C15F8 Threat analysis: green. Security operation successful. Resuming normal operation.
69 000C15F9 Hostiles neutralized. Recommend immediate repairs to primary systems to ensure continued operation.
70 003B7F81 Threat Eliminated. Returning to Commander guardian protocols.
71 000C15BE 000C1650 Alert. Target lock lost. Beginning search pattern delta seven.
72 000C1651 Alert. Target lock lost. Neutralization by lethal force remains primary objective.
73 000C1652 Alert. Target lock lost. Unneutralized hostile within perimeter.
74 000C15BF 000C15FF Threat analysis: green. Standing down.
75 000C1600 Threat analysis: green. Resuming standard patrol pattern.
76 000C1601 Threat analysis: green. Security sweep canceled.
77 000C15C0 000C15CB Hostile detected. Commencing neutralization.
78 000C15CC Weapons free.
79 000C15CD Alert. Hostile detected. Lethal force authorized for all units.
80 003B7F84 Alert. Hostile detected. Commander should stand back until threat is neutralized.
81 000C15C1 000C1658 Threat analysis: yellow. Scanning for hostiles.
82 000C1659 Alert. Non-combatants are advised to leave the area. Security sweep in progress. Lethal force may be used without warning.
83 000C165A No hostiles detected. Continuing perimeter sweep.
84 000C165B 000C165F no text, hit sound
85 000CE989 000CE98A Sound effects. Ignore for script
86 0020FF1E Security alert. Nuclear detonation in area. area was recently hit be a nuclear missile
87 0020FF1F Area assessment concluded. Increased radiation and mutation activity. area was recently hit be a nuclear missile
88 0020FF20 Organic life-forms compromised. Eliminate all radioactive threats. area was recently hit be a nuclear missile
89 0020FF21 Hostiles using nuclear weapons. Threat level: ultra violet. area was recently hit be a nuclear missile
90 0020FF22 Nuclear assault defensive sub-routines engaged. area was recently hit be a nuclear missile
91 00309397 003093B4 Threat of labor strike in area. Maximizing discipline protocols. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
92 003093B5 Employees may be striking. "Negotiator" class weaponry equipped. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
93 003093B6 Possible seditious employees. Eliminating. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
94 003093B7 Labor dispute imminent. Dispersing. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
95 003093B8 Union organization equivalent to hostile intent. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
96 0052F213 Executive ID not found on friendly list. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID
97 0052F214 Stolen executive credentials detected. Repossessing. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID
98 0052F215 Your executive performance review has been ruled unsatisfactory. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 0012B7A6 0012B7BF Nothing to see here, civilian. Stern. You've been overridden by an outside force and don't want to be detected.
5 0012B7C0 Move along. Stern. You've been overridden by an outside force and don't want to be detected.
6 0012B7C1 You will not be harmed unless merited, civilian. Stern. You've been overridden by an outside force and don't want to be detected.
7 00521A40 Patrol active. Please stand clear. Stern. You've been overridden by an outside force and don't want to be detected.
8 00521A41 Please stand back. Your safety cannot be guaranteed. Stern. You've been overridden by an outside force and don't want to be detected.
9 00521A43 Member. A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
10 00521A44 Uph. What is that smell? We're not sure how you stand it out here. A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
11 00521A45 Don't mind us. Just out for ... a little stroll. A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
12 00521A46 They did quite the number on this place, didn't they, member? A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
13 00521A47 If you'll excuse us, we have some ... errands to attend to. A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
14 00521A48 Well, isn't this ... unpleasant. We can feel the rust setting in already. A little glitchy. You've been overridden by a more powerful robot.
15 0012B7A7 0012B7BB Hmm. It would appear there are no viable targets for the time being. Please check back later.
16 00521A1D 00521A39 Patrol obstruction rediscovered. Kill procedure engaged. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
17 00521A3A Target found. Resuming execution. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
18 00521A3B Resuming obstacle removal. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
19 00521A1E 00521A31 Estimated time of obstruction removal: 10 seconds. Glitching out while in combat.
20 00521A32 Patrol blockage removal in progress. Glitching out while in combat.
21 00521A33 We were having such a nice walk. Glitching out while in combat.
22 00521A34 You're in our way. Glitching out while in combat.
23 00521A35 Patrol interruptions will not be tolerated. Glitching out while in combat.
24 00521A36 Overrides active. Obstacle must be destroyed. Glitching out while in combat.
25 00521A37 Sweep and clear procedure engaged. Glitching out while in combat.
26 00521A1F 00521A28 Patrol obstruction found. Eliminating. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
27 00521A29 Obstacle found. Clearing pathway. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
28 00521A2A Halting progress. Engaging combat routines. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
29 00521A20 00521A26 Patrol complete. Initiating cleanup. Robotic, but a little glitchy. You've been overtaken by another, more powerful robot.
30 00521A22 00521A3D En-en-engaging! Glitching out as you're entering combat.
31 00521A3E Removing patrol blockage! Glitching out as you're entering combat.
32 00521A3F Our task will be completed. Glitching out as you're entering combat.
33 00521A23 00521A2B Processing... Robotic.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00052A65 0015C400 Workers must control the means of production!
2 0015C401 The rise of the proletariat is inevitable!
3 0015C46E Capitalism is slavery! These shackles will be broken!
4 0015C4D6 The class struggle is unleashed!
5 0015C4D7 The workers will be the seat of all political power!
6 004E8A71 Will you die for your capitalist masters?
7 004E8A72 Dance, puppet, dance.
8 004E8A73 Are you prepared to meet your culturally imposed deity?
9 004E8A74 The red wave will not be stopped!
10 004E8A75 Where are your paymasters now?
11 00346936 0034695E Target reacquired! Communists - to action! Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
12 0034695F Enemy of the party in sight. Reengaging. Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
13 00346960 Reinitiating defense of the proletariat. Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
14 00346937 00346959 Capitalist detected. Eliminating. Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
15 0034695A Target spotted. Engaging - for the workers! Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
16 0034695B Threat to party unity acquired. Dispatching. Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
17 00346938 00346967 Initiating class war. Robotic. Entering combat.
18 00346968 We will eliminate the bourgeoisie. Robotic. Entering combat.
19 00346969 You will feel the worker's wrath. Robotic. Entering combat.
20 0034696A All dissension will be terminated. Robotic. Entering combat.
21 0034696B Prepare to die for your inferior economic philosophy. Robotic. Entering combat.
22 004E8A27 004E8A7A Threat level cleared. Capitalist cowardice documented.
23 004E8A7B Target lost. Probability of fleeing back to corporate paymasters: 100 percent.
24 004E8A7C No hostiles detected. Worker unshackling protocol activated.
25 004E8A28 004E8A5D No capitalist dogs detected.
26 004E8A5E Zero threats detected. Resuming protection of the working class.
27 004E8A5F Canceling alert status. The party is safe again.
28 004E8A29 004E8A51 Class war complete. Establishing worker's paradise.
29 004E8A52 Capitalist threat neutralized.
30 004E8A53 Action complete. Returning power to the workers.
31 004E8A2A 004E8A68 Crushed like a capitalist dog! Battering someone with your fists.
32 004E8A69 Smash the system! Battering someone with your fists.
33 004E8A6A Your beliefs will be erased! Battering someone with your fists.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0022DADD 0022DBC6 Please keep children at a safe distance.
3 002490CA Hey, Big G. Stay in the street you dummy.
5 003BDC3F Things are getting out of hand. I'm calling for backup.
28 00524C6E 002C3DBF The Grafton Monster is a loyal friend of the mayor.
29 003BDC3C City ordinance prohibits the use of fire arms within city limits.
30 003BDC3D You are provoking the Grafton Monster.
31 003BDC3E You are not authorized to protest at this civic event.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 002B79AE 002B79C5 Warning. Critical damage received. System Error. System Error. Returning for repairs. Notify Hornwright Security to acquire override keys and engage shutdown procedure.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
26 000977BD 002B7FA5 Your presence has been noted. Stern. You're keeping guard over a very important room.
27 002B7FA6 We only ask you try not to dirty this place too much. The hours we've spent just getting it back to this state, you wouldn't believe. A little firm, but still servant like.
28 002B7FA7 Your rank is of no consequence here. Member behavior is required. Stern. You're guarding a critical location.
29 002B7FA8 This unit suggests you move along. Stern. You're guarding a critical location. Try to get some of MODUS' cadence in here.
30 002B7FA9 You have entered a secure area. Act accordingly. Stern. You're guarding a critical location.
31 002B7FAA All combat systems active. Stern. You're guarding a critical location.
32 002B7FAB Member activities in this space are restricted to the following: leaving. End of list. Stern. You're guarding a critical location.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00164CB7 002F08F2 Override active. Must protect target. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
2 002F08F4 External commands ... detected! Kill procedure active. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
3 002F08F6 Defend target at all costs! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
4 004E21CE Target will not be harmed. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
5 004E21CF Subroutines ... compromised. Protection routines engaged! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
6 004E21D0 Directive: eliminate all threats to collection process. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
7 00164EB6 002F0886 Defense overrides active. Engaging! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
8 002F0888 Warning! Unidentified subroutine active! Engaging! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
9 002F08CD External control active. Entering defense mode. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
10 004E21C5 Protect target. All costs. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
11 004E21C6 Collection must not be interrupted. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
12 004E21C7 Target must complete collection. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
13 00275BCF 002F0775 System override active. You will not be harmed. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
14 002F0776 We are watching. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
15 002F07AF Protection protocol active. You may resume your collection task. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
16 002F07B0 Target acquired! Eliminat-- error. Hostility canceled. In your normal voice initially, but then swapping to the harsher, more stuttering voice.
17 004E21BA Your security will be preserved. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
18 004E21BB Priority list: target protection during collection. End of list. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
19 004E21BC Self-preservation routines disengaged. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
20 004E2191 004E21B6 Threat detection levels raised to maximum. Target will be protected. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
21 004E21B7 Seek and destroy procedure active. Collection cannot be interrupted. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
22 004E21B8 Scanning. Scanning. Scanning. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
23 004E21B9 Enemy lost. Attempting to reengage. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
24 004E2192 004E21A5 Hostile detected. Target will be protected! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
25 004E21A6 Search active. Destroy all threats to collection. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
26 004E21A7 Searching, searching. You will be eliminated. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
27 004E21A8 Target safety will not be compromised. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
28 004E2193 004E21B0 Override active. Eliminating all threats. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
29 004E21B1 Enemy reacquired. Protection procedures restored. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
30 004E21B2 Locking on. You will not interrupt collection. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
31 004E21B3 Initiating hostile removal. Protect target at all costs. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
32 004E21B4 Target. Please clear the area. Hostile found. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
33 004E2194 004E21C0 Threat found. Eliminating! More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
34 004E21C1 You cannot stop the collection. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
35 004E21C2 Threat to target spotted. Destruction initiated. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
36 004E21C3 Detection routine complete. Activating kill procedure. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.
37 004E21C4 External procedures engaged. Destroy. More stuttering and sinister than your standard lines. You're being overridden by another computer who is a very sinister.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0034E814 0034E818 Company assets will be protected. You have been warned.
2 0034E819 Threats to company assets and/or personnel will not be tolerated.
3 0034E81A Pacification protocols engaged. Disperse or face the consequences.
4 0034E81B Hornwright Mining Directive 23-B: Lethal force authorized.
5 0034E81C Safeguarding priority assets. Threats will be neutralized.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
15 0012B7A9 00397480 Combat override complete. Robotic.
16 00397481 Evaluating combat capabilities. Robotic.
17 00397482 Target elimination protocols engaged. Robotic.
18 00397483 System online. Prioritizing defense sequencing. Robotic.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003B7F72 003B7F8D Alert: Commander attempting to sabotage combat operation. Anti-spy extreme pacification protocol initiated.
2 003B7F73 003B7F7F Initiating new Commander identity scan.
3 003B7F75 003B7F7E Update: Running scheduled diagnostics. System error detected. Administering repairs. Please stand by.
4 003B7F76 003B7F7C Initiating level 7 deep system scan. Please stand by.
5 003B7F7D Warning: Invalid Commander identity detected. Eliminate impersonator with extreme prejudice.
6 003B7F79 003B7F8A Warning: Breach of Commander protocol. Commander has moved beyond valid Sentry Bot protection zone without issuing authorization keyword.
7 003B7F7A 003B7F82 Initiating visual identification scan.
8 003B7F7B 003B7F80 Commander identified. Greetings. Engaging protocols: Protect and follow Commander. Ready when you are.
9 003DC5AE 003DC5B1 Greetings commander. Proceed with security operations.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
31 003DC9D4 003DC9D8 You have not been authorized to make adjustments to this system or its components.
32 Please remain where you are and submit to automated federal law enforcement.
33 Failure to comply may result in involuntary termination of employment and/or life.