Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sentry Ahab's helm is a unique robot mod for the sentry head in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.


Although Ahab's helm is classed as a mod, it essentially serves as a blueprint instead. This means that it can be crafted multiple times for different automatrons once it has been acquired. The most notable feature is the deathclaw skull joined with metal plates to form its shape.


Found on Ahab in the Fort Hagen hangar during the quest Headhunting.


PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One If one attempts to attach the helm acquired from Ahab to an automatron at a robot workbench, the game acts as if the helm had been created from scratch. This can be exploited to quickly gain XP and caps. [verified]
