Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

# Message File: Door.msg #
# #
# Note: Characters within curly braces (like line 100) #
# will be read in as a message string. Caution #
# should be used when making comments. All comments #
# should be prepended with a pound symbol for #
# visual ease. This does not comment out the line #
# though. #
# #
# Purpose: This message file contains the name which will #
# be displayed for critter or items when they #
# get hit. Each script from scripts.lst should #
# have a name associated with it. #
# #
# Created: October 06, 1997 #

{101}{}{} # obj_dude.int  ; Player script.
{102}{}{Script Test 0} # Test0.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{103}{}{Script Test 1} # Test1.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{104}{}{Script Test 2} # Test2.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{105}{}{Script Test 3} # Test3.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{106}{}{Script Test 4} # Test4.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{107}{}{Script Test 5} # Test5.int  ; Used to Test Scripts
{108}{}{Arroyo Warrior} # ACWarior.int  ; Generic Warrior in Arroyo
{109}{}{Arroyo Villager} # ACVillgr.int  ; Generic Villager of Arroyo
{110}{}{Mynoc} # ACMynoc.int  ; Mynoc, Bridge Guard of Arroyo
{111}{}{Arroyo Elder} # AHElder.int  ; Elder of Arroyo
{112}{}{Hakunin} # AHHakun.int  ; Hakunin, Shaman of Arroyo
{113}{}{Door} # Door.int  ; generic locked and trapped door
{114}{}{Generic} # Generic.int  ; Generic dialog for scripts
{115}{}{Chest} # AILkBox.int  ; Locked box in Arroyo Elder's room
{116}{}{Lockbox} # Containr.int  ; Generic locked and trapped container
{117}{}{Brahmin} # ACBrahmn.int  ; Brahmin for pen in Arroyo
{118}{}{Spore Plant} # ACSporPl.int  ; Spore plants in Arroyo
{119}{}{} # ZClRat.int  ; Generic lesser rat
{120}{}{Lesser Scorpion} # ZClScorp.int  ; Generic lesser scorpion
{121}{}{Lesser Mantis} # ZClManti.int  ; Generic lesser mantis
{122}{}{Lesser Deathclaw} # ZClDthCL.int  ; Generic lesser death claw
{123}{}{Vase} # AIVase.int  ; Vase in Arroyo Villager's Hut
{124}{}{Chest} # AIChest.int  ; Chest in Arroyo Shaman's Hut
{125}{}{Arroyo Caves} # ArCaves.int  ; Map Script for Arroyo Caves
{126}{}{Wooden Door} # DoorL100.int  ; Generic Locked Door (+100%) (Wood)
{127}{}{Arroyo Village} # ArVillag.int  ; Map Script for Arroyo Village
{128}{}{Arroyo Bridge} # ArBridge.int  ; Map Script for Arroyo Bridge
{129}{}{Old Door} # AICavDor.int  ; Locked wooden door in Arroyo Caves (0/-20)
{130}{}{Floor Plate} # SprTrp0.int  ; Generic spear Trap (0)
{131}{}{Floor Plate} # SprTrp50.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{132}{}{Floor Plate} # SprTrp51.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{133}{}{Floor Plate} # SprTrp52.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{134}{}{Floor Plate} # SprTrp53.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{135}{}{Door} # AIBkDor.int  ; Door w/out a handle In Arroyo Caves
{136}{}{Reliant} # DCAddict.int  ; Addict from the Den
{137}{}{Guard} # DCG2Grd.int  ; Gang 2 Guard from the Den
{138}{}{Townsperson} # DCCustmr.int  ; Generic Customer in the Den
{139}{}{Thug} # DCCustmr.int  ; Thug in the Den
{140}{}{Orphan} # DCOrphan.int  ; Thieving Orphan in the Den
{141}{}{Joey} # DCJoey.int  ; Special thug in the Den
{142}{}{Flick} # DCFlick.int  ; Kwik N Save store owner in the Den
{143}{}{Guard} # DCG2Grd.int  ; Gang 2 Guard in the Den
{144}{}{Petey} # DCPetey.int  ; Petey, the alley addict in the Den
{145}{}{Smitty} # DCSmitty.int  ; Smitty the junkyard guy in the Den
{146}{}{Metzger} # dcMetzge.int  ; Metzger the Slaver in the Den
{147}{}{Slaver} # DCSlaver.int  ; Regular Slaver in the Den
{148}{}{Tubby} # DCTubby.int  ; Tubby the store owner in the Den
{149}{}{Anna} # DCAnna.int  ; Anna the Ghost in the Den
{150}{}{Vic} # DCVic.int  ; Trader Vic in the Den, can be a party member
{151}{}{Frankie} # DCFranki.int  ; Frankie, owner of the Hole in the Den
{152}{}{Rebecca} # DCRebecc.int  ; Rebecca in the Den
{153}{}{Billy} # DCBilly.int  ; One-tooth Billy in the Hole in the Den
{154}{}{Sheila} # DCSheila.int  ; Sheila, the prostitute in the Hole in the Den
{155}{}{Mom} # DCMom.int  ; Mom, who run's Mom's in the Den
{156}{}{Villager} # DCSlvRun.int  ; Generic People for Slave Runs
{157}{}{Slave Run} # DNSlvRun.int  ; Map Script for Den Slave Runs
{158}{}{Slave Cart} # DISlvCrt.int  ; Slave Cart to take the Player to Den
{159}{}{Den Business Area} # DenBus1.int  ; Map Script for Den business area 1
{160}{}{Den Business Area} # DenBus2.int  ; Map Script for Den business area 2
{161}{}{Den Residential Area} # DenRes1.int  ; Map Script for Den residential area
{162}{}{Grave} # diAnnGrv.int  ; Grave of Anna the ghost in the Den
{163}{}{Grave} # diDadGrv.int  ; Grave of Anna the ghost's Dad in the Den
{164}{}{Grave} # diMomGrv.int  ; Grave of Anna the ghost's Mom in the Den
{165}{}{Bones} # diBones.int  ; Bones of Anna the ghost in the Den
{166}{}{Diary} # diDiary.int  ; Diary of Anna the ghost in the Den
{167}{}{Locket} # diLocket.int  ; Locket of Anna the ghost in the Den
{168}{}{Still} # diStill.int  ; Still that Maggie has in the basement in the Den
{169}{}{Grave} # ziGenGrv.int  ; Generic grave
{170}{}{Black Jack} # ziBlkJck.int  ; Generic black jack table
{171}{}{Slave} # zcSlave.int  ; Generic slave
{172}{}{Black Jack} # dcBlkJck.int  ; Den black jack table from Maggie's place
{173}{}{Door} # diChcDor.int  ; Church door from the Den
{174}{}{Whiskey Bob} # KCBob.int  ; Whiskey Bob from Klamath
{175}{}{Craps} # dcCraps.int  ; Maggie Craps dealer in the den
{176}{}{Aldo} # KCAldo.int  ; Aldo from Klamath
{177}{}{Ardin} # KCArdin.int  ; Ardin from Klamath
{178}{}{Child} # KChild.int  ; Child from Klamath
{179}{}{Citizen} # KCitizen.int  ; Citizen from Klamath
{180}{}{Maida} # KCMaida.int  ; Maida from Klamath
{181}{}{Sajag} # KCSajag.int  ; Sajag from Klamath
{182}{}{Sally} # KCSally.int  ; Sally from Klamath
{183}{}{Smiley} # KCSmiley.int  ; Smiley from Klamath
{184}{}{Jenny} # KCJenny.int  ; Jenny from Klamath
{185}{}{Slim} # KCSlim.int  ; Slim from Klamath
{186}{}{Torr} # KCTorr.int  ; Torr from Klamath
{187}{}{Dunton} # KCDunton.int  ; Dunton from Klamath
{188}{}{Citizen} # VCCrtCit.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Citizen
{189}{}{Traveller} # VCCrtOut.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Outsider
{190}{}{Vault City Guard} # VCCrtGrd.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Guard
{191}{}{Vault City Guard} # VCInGrd.int  ; Vault City Inner Guard
{192}{}{Steve} # VCSteve.int  ; Steve from Vault City
{193}{}{Andrew} # VCAndy.int  ; Andy the Medic in the Central Vault City
{194}{}{Vault City Guard} # VCGatGrd.int  ; Vault City Main Gate Guard
{195}{}{Dr. Troy} # VCDrTroy.int  ; Vault City Dr. Troy in the Vault
{196}{}{Yellow Dog} # KCYellow.int  ; Yellow Dog in Klamath
{197}{}{Balthas} # mcBaltha.int  ; Balthas in Modoc
{198}{}{Cornelius} # mcCornel.int  ; Cornelius in Modoc
{199}{}{Davin} # mcDavin.int  ; Davin in Modoc
{200}{}{Farrel} # mcFarrel.int  ; Farrel in Modoc
{201}{}{Grisham} # mcGrisha.int  ; Grisham in Modoc
{202}{}{Jo} # mcJo.int  ; Jo in Modoc
{203}{}{Jonny} # mcJonny.int  ; Jonny in Modoc
{204}{}{Karl} # mcKarl.int  ; Karl in Modoc
{205}{}{Laddie} # mcLaddie.int  ; Laddie in Modoc
{206}{}{Miria} # mcMiria.int  ; Miria in Modoc
{207}{}{Protector} # mcProtec.int  ; Protector in Modoc
{208}{}{Rose} # mcRose.int  ; Rose in Modoc
{209}{}{Vegeir} # mcVegeir.int  ; Vegeir in Modoc
{210}{}{Ed} # VCEd.int  ; Ed the Brahma dealer in Vault City
{211}{}{Harry} # VCHarry.int  ; Happy Harry the store keep in Vault City
{212}{}{Mrs. Smith} # VCFSmith.int  ; Mrs. Smith from Vault City (Farmer)
{213}{}{Melinda} # VCMelind.int  ; Town Greeter Melinda, Vault City
{214}{}{Trapper} # KCTrapr.int  ; Generic trapper in Klamath
{215}{}{Mr. Smith} # VCMSmith.int  ; Mr. Smith from Vault City (Farmer)
{216}{}{Skeeve} # VCSkeeve.int  ; Skeeve, sells fake passes to Vault City
{217}{}{Proconsul Gregory} # VCGreg.int  ; Proconsul Gregory of Vault City
{218}{}{Nurse Nancy} # VCNancy.int  ; Nurse Nancy in Vault City
{219}{}{Randal} # VCRandal.int  ; Chief Admenities Officer of Vault City
{220}{}{Goo} # KTGoo.int  ; Toxic Goo in the rat caves (Klamath)
{221}{}{Barkus} # VCBarkus.int  ; Barkus, Vault City Service Coordinator
{222}{}{Villager} # VCGenVil.int  ; Generic Villager around Vault City
{223}{}{Stark} # VCStark.int  ; Vault City Sargent Stark
{224}{}{Vault Gate Guard} # VCVltGrd.int  ; Guard for entrance into the Vault of VC
{225}{}{Old Joe} # VCOldJoe.int  ; Crazy Old Joe (Vault City)
{226}{}{Connar} # VCConnar.int  ; Connar from Vault City
{227}{}{Wallace} # VCWalace.int  ; Wallace the Customs Official (Vault City)
{228}{}{Lynette} # VCLynett.int  ; First Citizen Lynette of Vault City
{229}{}{McClure} # VCMClure.int  ; Senior Council Member MCclure (Vault City)
{230}{}{Mutated Rat} # GCBrain.int  ; Intelligent rat in Gecko
{231}{}{Festus} # GCFestus.int  ; Festering ghoul in Gecko
{232}{}{Gordon} # GCGordon.int  ; Ghoul with economic data in Gecko
{233}{}{Hank} # GCHank.int  ; Ghoul that monitors the reactor in Gecko
{234}{}{Jeremy} # GCJerem.int  ; Ghoul in charge of supply cabinet in Gecko
{235}{}{Lumpy} # GCLumpy.int  ; Watches the Brahmin and helps Skeeter
{236}{}{Skeeter} # GCSkeetr.int  ; Gadgeteer in Gecko
{237}{}{Zomak} # GCZomak.int  ; Muscle man for the Brain
{238}{}{Wooz} # GCWooz.int  ; Bar owner and Tragic player
{239}{}{Lenny} # GCLenny.int  ; Stuttering ghoul that can join party
{240}{}{Ghoul Guard} # GGCRDesk.int  ; Reactor Desk guard
{241}{}{Ghoul Worker} # GCRWorkr.int  ; Reactor worker
{242}{}{Glowing Worker} # GCRGlow.int  ; Reactor glowing one
{243}{}{Ghoul Guard} # GCRGuard.int  ; Reactor guard
{244}{}{Robot} # GCRRobot.int  ; Reactor robot
{245}{}{Ghoul Citizen} # GCFolk.int  ; Townsfolk in Gecko
{246}{}{Map Script} # DepoLv1.int  ; Map script for Sierra Army Depot, Level 1
{247}{}{Map Script} # DepoLvA.int  ; Map script for Sierra Army Depot Undergound
{248}{}{Map Script} # DepoLvB.int  ; Map script for Sierra. Underground B
{249}{}{Security Robot} # WCSecBot.int  ; Sierra Base, Security Robot (generic)
{250}{}{Repair Robot} # WCRepBot.int  ; Sierra Base, Repair Robot (generic)
{251}{}{Holodisk} # WIEvcDsk.int  ; Sierra Base, Evacution Holodisk
{252}{}{Holodisk} # WIMedDsk.int  ; Sierra Base, Medical Log 1 Holodisk
{253}{}{Holodisk} # WIExpDsk.int  ; Sierra Base, Experiment Log Holodisk
{254}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm1A.int  ; Security Computer, Level 1 -- Sierra Base
{255}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm1B.int  ; Security Systems, Level 1 -- Sierra Base
{256}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm2A.int  ; Security Computer, Level 2 -- Sierra Base
{257}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm2B.int  ; Security Systems, Level 2 -- Sierra Base
{258}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm2C.int  ; Auto Repair System, Level 2 -- Sierra Base
{259}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm3A.int  ; Security Computer, Level 3 -- Sierra Base
{260}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm3B.int  ; Skynet Terminal, Level 3 -- Sierra Base
{261}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm3C.int  ; Robobrain Activator, Level 3 -- Sierra Base
{262}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm4A.int  ; Security Computer, Level 4 -- Sierra Base
{263}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm4B.int  ; Organ Extractor, Level 4 -- Sierra Base
{264}{}{Terminal} # WSTerm4C.int  ; BioStorage Computer, Level 4 -- Sierra Base
{265}{}{Paper} # WIPaswrd.int  ; Piece of paper with the password on it
{266}{}{Private Dobbs} # WCDobbs.int  ; Private Dobbs, Sierra Army Depot
{267}{}{Brain Bot} # WCBrnBot.int  ; Brain Bot in the Army Depot
{268}{}{Elevator} # ZSElev01.int  ; Generic Elevator
{269}{}{Elevator} # ZSElev02.int  ; Generic Elevator
{270}{}{Lockbox} # DITubBox.int  ; Tubby's box of inventory
{271}{}{Lockbox} # DIFlkBox.int  ; Flick's box of inventory
{272}{}{Tandi} # SHTandi.int  ; Tandi the talking head in the NCR2 area
{273}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp0.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{274}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp1.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{275}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp2.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{276}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp3.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{277}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp4.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{278}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp5.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{279}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp6.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{280}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp7.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{281}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp8.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{282}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrp9.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{283}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpA.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{284}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpB.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{285}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpC.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{286}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpD.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{287}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpE.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{288}{}{Spear Trap} # ATSrTrpF.int  ; Arroyo Spear Trap for Caves (50)
{289}{}{Ghost Cave One} # GstCav1.int  ; Modoc Ghost Cave 1
{290}{}{Ghost Cave Two} # GstCav2.int  ; Modoc Ghost Cave 2
{291}{}{Ghost Farm} # GstFarm.int  ; Modoc Ghost Farm
{292}{}{Modoc Brahmin Field} # ModBrah.int  ; Modoc Brahmin Field
{293}{}{Modoc Garden} # ModGard.int  ; Modoc Garden
{294}{}{Modoc Inn} # ModInn.int  ; Modoc Inn
{295}{}{Modoc Main} # ModMain.int  ; Modoc Main
{296}{}{Modoc Shit} # ModShit.int  ; Modoc under the shitter
{297}{}{Mod Well} # ModWell.int  ; Modoc Well
{298}{}{Ncr Area 2} # ncr2.int  ; NCR area 2
{299}{}{Arroyo Gardens} # ArGarden.int  ; Arroyo Gardens map script
{300}{}{Gecko} # ACGecko.int  ; generic Gecko creature
{301}{}{Broc Flower} # AIBroc.int  ; Arroyo Broc Flower
{302}{}{Xander Root} # AIXander.int  ; Arroyo Xander Root
{303}{}{Brahmin} # ZCBrahmn.int  ; Generic Brahmin
{304}{}{Balthas Wife} # mcBalWif.int  ; Modoc Balthas wife
{305}{}{Brahmin} # mcBrahmn.int  ; Modoc brahmin
{306}{}{Wild Dog} # mcAtkDog.int  ; Modoc Attack Dog
{307}{}{Rocks} # miDclRks.int  ; Modoc Rocks in front of the death claw cage
{308}{}{Rocks} # miShtRks.int  ; Modoc Rocks under the shitter
{309}{}{Wall Safe} # miWalSfe.int  ; Modoc Farrel's wall safe
{310}{}{Coin Bag} # miCoinBg.int  ; Modoc Coin bags at the bottom of the well
{311}{}{Toilet} # miToilet.int  ; ; Modoc Toliet
{312}{}{Box} # miLstFnd.int  ; Modoc Lost and Found at Rose's
{313}{}{Jordan} # ACJordan.int  ; Jordan. Trains player in Melee
{314}{}{Aunt Morlis} # ACMorlis.int  ; Aunt Morlis. Has flint to give player
{315}{}{Lucas} # ACFist.int  ; Standing Fist. Trains player in Unarmed
{316}{}{Feargus} # ACEric.int  ; Whiny person asking to fix the well
{317}{}{Well} # ASWell.int  ; Arroyo Well. It's broken. Fix w/ Repair
{318}{}{Gruthar} # OCGrutha.int  ; Vault 13 Gruthar Deathclaw leader
{319}{}{Map Script} # Kladwtwn.int  ; Map script for Klamath Downtown
{320}{}{Skeeter} # SCSkeete.int  ; Skeeter dialog script for NCR Entrance area
{321}{}{Nagor} # ACNagor.int  ; You cousin who has lost his dog
{322}{}{Smoke} # ACDog.int  ; Nagor's dog Smoke
{323}{}{Ncr Area 1} # Ncr1.int  ; Ncr area 1 map
{324}{}{Ncr Area 3} # Ncr3.int  ; Ncr area 3 map
{325}{}{Ncr Area 4} # Ncr4.int  ; Ncr area 4 map
{326}{}{Ncr Area Entrance} # Ncrent.int  ; Ncr area Entrance map
{327}{}{Mikey} # SCMikey.int  ; NCR Lizard Dealer
{328}{}{Mikey's box} # SIMbox.int ' NCR Mikey's inventory box. (off Screen)
{329}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit1a.int  ; Emitter, Level 1, Section A (Sierra Base)
{330}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit1b.int  ; Emitter, Level 1, Section B (Sierra Base)
{331}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit1c.int  ; Emitter, Level 1, Section C (Sierra Base)
{332}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit1d.int  ; Emitter, Level 1, Section D (Sierra Base)
{333}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit1e.int  ; Emitter, Level 1, Section E (Sierra Base)
{334}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit2a.int  ; Emitter, Level 2, Section A (Sierra Base)
{335}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit2b.int  ; Emitter, Level 2, Section B (Sierra Base)
{336}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit2c.int  ; Emitter, Level 2, Section C (Sierra Base)
{337}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit2d.int  ; Emitter, Level 2, Section D (Sierra Base)
{338}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit3a.int  ; Emitter, Level 3, Section A (Sierra Base)
{339}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit3b.int  ; Emitter, Level 3, Section B (Sierra Base)
{340}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld1a.int  ; F. Field, Level 1, Section A (Sierra Base)
{341}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld1b.int  ; F. Field, Level 1, Section B (Sierra Base)
{342}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld1c.int  ; F. Field, Level 1, Section C (Sierra Base)
{343}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld1d.int  ; F. Field, Level 1, Section D (Sierra Base)
{344}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld1e.int  ; F. Field, Level 1, Section E (Sierra Base)
{345}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld2a.int  ; F. Field, Level 2, Section A (Sierra Base)
{346}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld2b.int  ; F. Field, Level 2, Section B (Sierra Base)
{347}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld2c.int  ; F. Field, Level 2, Section C (Sierra Base)
{348}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld2d.int  ; F. Field, Level 2, Section D (Sierra Base)
{349}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld3a.int  ; F. Field, Level 3, Section A (Sierra Base)
{350}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld3b.int  ; F. Field, Level 3, Section B (Sierra Base)
{351}{}{Klaxon} # WSKlaxon.int  ; Changes lights to Flashing w/ Sierra on Alert
{352}{}{Buster} # SCBuster.int  ; Buster gun dealer at NCR entrance
{353}{}{Bookshelf} # SIShelf1.int  ; Busters shelves where items are kept
{354}{}{Bookshelf} # SIShelf2.int  ; Busters shelves where items are kept
{355}{}{Bookshelf} # SIShelf3.int  ; Busters shelves where items are kept
{356}{}{Raider} # ECRaider.int  ; Random Encounter Raider
{357}{}{Peasant} # ECPeasnt.int  ; Random Encounter Peasant
{358}{}{Merchant} # ECMrchnt.int  ; Random Encounter Merchant
{359}{}{Guard} # ECGuard.int  ; Random Encounter Gaurd
{360}{}{Rawhide Patron} # SCRawpat.int  ; Rawhide patron in NCR Entrance
{361}{}{Floor} # WTElFlr2.int  ; Electric Floor on Level 2 Sierra Base
{362}{}{Plasma Trap} # WTPlTrp0.int  ; Plasma Trap for Sierra Base(-30)
{363}{}{Plasma Trap} # WTPlTrp1.int  ; Plasma Trap for Sierra Base(-30)
{364}{}{Terminal} # WSPwrDwn.int  ; Power Switch for the Sierra Base
{365}{}{Bulletin Board} # KSBboard.int  ; Klamath bulletin board
{366}{}{Gate} # ASCrlDr.int  ; Arroyo Corral Gate
{367}{}{Goo} # ATGoo.int  ; Goo in the Garden Map
{368}{}{Door} # KSCVDoor.int  ; Door in Klamath Rat Caves
{369}{}{Door} # KSMalldr.int  ; Door in Klamall..get key from Slim or Dog
{370}{}{} # ZCGecko.int  ; Generic gecko
{371}{}{} # ZCLGecko.int  ; Generic Golden Gecko
{372}{}{Map Script} # 2ndSt.int  ; 2nd Street Map Script
{373}{}{Map Script} # ChopShop.int  ; Chop Shop Map Script
{374}{}{Map Script} # GeckPwpl.int  ; Gecko Power Plant Map Script
{375}{}{Map Script} # GeckTunl.int  ; Gecko Tunnels Map Script
{376}{}{Map Script} # KlaCnyn.int  ; Klamath Canyon Map Script
{377}{}{Map Script} # MBase12.int  ; Military Base Level 1,2 Map Script
{378}{}{Map Script} # MBase34.int  ; Military Base Level 3,4 Map Script
{379}{}{Map Script} # MBClose.int  ; Military Base Closed Map Script
{380}{}{Map Script} # ModShit.int  ; Map Script for Modoc Shitter
{381}{}{Map Script} # NCR1.int  ; Map Script for NCR1
{382}{}{Map Script} # NCR2.int  ; Map Script for NCR2
{383}{}{Map Script} # NCR3.int  ; Map Script for NCR3
{384}{}{Map Script} # NCR4.int  ; Map Script for NCR4
{385}{}{Map Script} # NCREx.int  ; Map Script for NCR Exit
{386}{}{Map Script} # Stable.int  ; Map Script for Stables
{387}{}{Map Script} # V13_Orig.int  ; Map Script for Original Vault 13
{388}{}{Map Script} # V13Ent.int  ; Map Script for Vault 13 Entrance
{389}{}{Map Script} # V15_Orig.int  ; Map Script for Original Vault 15
{390}{}{Map Script} # V15Ent.int  ; Map Script for Vault 15 Entrance
{391}{}{Map Script} # Vault13.int  ; Map Script for Vault 13
{392}{}{Map Script} # Vault15.int  ; Map Script for Vault 15
{393}{}{Map Script} # VaultNec.int  ; Map Script for Necropolis Vault
{394}{}{Map Script} # VCtyVlt.int  ; Map Script for Vault City Vault
{395}{}{Map Script} # Virgin.int  ; Map Script for Virgin (these still exist?)
{396}{}{Still} # Kstill.int  ; Script for still in Klamath
{397}{}{Bar Customer} # Kcggcust.int  ; Script for Klamath golden gecko customer
{398}{}{Bar Customer} # Kcbhcust.int  ; Script for Klamath buckner house customer
{399}{}{Vortis} # SCVortis.int  ; Script for Vortis slave pen dude in NCR entrance
{400}{}{Bath Attendant} # Kcbgirl.int  ; Script for Klamath bath girl
{401}{}{Slaves} # SCSlaves.int  ; Script for NCR Entrance slaves
{402}{}{Scorpion} # Kcscorp.int  ; Script for Klamath scorpions on the graze map
{403}{}{Brahmin} # Kcbrahmn.int  ; Script for Klamath brahmin on the graze map
{404}{}{Car} # ZSDrvCar.int  ; Drivable Car for the player
{405}{}{Table} # diVicTbl.int  ; Den, table that Vic works at
{406}{}{Map Script} # Klagraz.int  ; Map Script for Klamath graze map
{407}{}{Map Script} # CarDesrt.int  ; Car Out of Gas Desert Map
{408}{}{Map Script} # GeckSetl.int  ; Map Script for Gecko Settlememt
{409}{}{Map Script} # VCtyCtyd.int  ; Map Script for Vault City Courtyard
{410}{}{Corvega} # Kscorveg.int  ; Klamath broken car with fuel injection
{411}{}{Map Script} # KlaToxCv.int  ; Klamath Toxic Caves Map Script
{412}{}{Metal Door} # SISlvdor.int  ; Slave pen door in NCR Entrance
{413}{}{Map Script} # RndDsrt.int  ; Random Encounter Desert Map Script
{414}{}{Map Script} # RndCoast.int  ; Random Encounter Coast Map Script
{415}{}{Map Script} # RndMnt.int  ; Random Encounter Mountain Map Script
{416}{}{Lockbox} # Kidbox.int  ; Klamath dunton inventory box
{417}{}{Lockbox} # Kibbox.int  ; Klamath buckner inventory box
{418}{}{Lockbox} # Kisbox.int  ; Klamath sajag inventory box
{419}{}{Ratch} # SCRatch.int  ; Ncr entrance JUNK dealer
{420}{}{Boxer} # ncBoxer.int  ; New Reno Generic Boxer
{421}{}{Pete McKneely} # ncMcKnee.int  ; New Reno Mike McKneely
{422}{}{Evan Hollyfeld} # ncHollyf.int  ; New Reno Evan Hollyfeld
{423}{}{Masticator} # ncTyson.int  ; New Reno Mike Tyson
{424}{}{Scientist} # ncScient.int  ; New Reno Generic Scientist
{425}{}{Merk} # SCMerk.int  ; Merk an NCR mob type guy
{426}{}{Fan} # ncBoxFan.int  ; New Reno Boxing Fan
{427}{}{Drug Dealer} # ncDrgDlr.int  ; New Reno Drug Dealer
{428}{}{Casino Patron} # ncCasPat.int  ; New Reno Casino Patron
{429}{}{Pimp} # ncPimp.int  ; New Reno Generic Pimp
{430}{}{Junkie} # ncJunkie.int  ; New Reno Generic Junkie
{431}{}{Furniture} # stuff.int  ; signals critters on steal attempt
{432}{}{Floor} # trespass.int  ; same as stuff only for an area
{433}{}{Ground} # ATDeath.int  ; Spatial telling the player about Nagor dead
{434}{}{Holodisk} # SIFakhlo.int  ; Fake holodisk you get from Merk in NCR.
{435}{}{Lenny} # SCLenny.int  ; Lenny a guy in NCR Entrance
{436}{}{Box} # SCPtbox.int  ; Players temp box to hold his stuff for the fight with lenny
{437}{}{Prostitute} # ncProsti.int  ; New Reno Prostitute with billions of messages
{438}{}{Slave} # ncSlave.int  ; New Reno Slaves
{439}{}{Rico} # ncRico.int  ; New Reno Rico, Monte's thug
{440}{}{Porn Actress} # ncActres.int  ; New Reno Porn Actress
{441}{}{Fluffer} # ncFluffe.int  ; New Reno Porn Fluffer/Extra
{442}{}{Map Script} # Klacanyn.int  ; Map script for Klamath Canyon
{443}{}{Wolf} # ECWlfPck.int  ; Military Base Wolf Pack
{444}{}{Generator} # ESPwrGen.int  ; Military Base Power Generator
{445}{}{Door} # ESLkDor.int  ; Military Base Locked Door (-30)
{446}{}{Super Mutant} # ECGenMut.int  ; Military Base Generic Mutant
{447}{}{Salvatore's Man} # ncSalMen.int  ; New Reno Salvatore's Men
{448}{}{Bishop's Man} # ncBisMen.int  ; New Reno Bishop's Men
{449}{}{Mordino's Man} # ncMorMen.int  ; New Reno Mordino's Men
{450}{}{Wright's Child} # ncWriTee.int  ; New Reno Wright's Sons & Daughters
{451}{}{Casino Bouncer} # ncCasBou.int  ; New Reno Generic Casino Bouncer
{452}{}{Mira} # SCMira.int  ; NCR entrance bartender
{453}{}{New Reno Virgin Street} # NewR1.int  ; New Reno Map Virgin Street
{454}{}{New Reno 2nd Street} # NewR2.int  ; New Reno Map 2nd Street
{455}{}{New Reno Commercial Row} # NewR3.int  ; New Reno Map Commercial Row
{456}{}{New Reno East Side} # NewR4.int  ; New Reno Map East Side
{457}{}{New Reno Stables} # NewRSt.int  ; New Reno Map Stables
{458}{}{New Reno Chop Shop} # NewRCS.int  ; New Reno Map Chop Shop
{459}{}{New Reno Gologtha} # NewRGo.int  ; New Reno Map Gologtha
{460}{}{New Reno Bishop Basement} # NewRBa.int  ; New Reno Map Bishop Basement
{461}{}{Holodisk} # EIOutDsk.int  ; Military Base Holodisk (Outside)
{462}{}{Holodisk} # EILv1Dsk.int  ; Military Base Holodisk (Level 1)
{463}{}{Holodisk} # EILv2Dsk.int  ; Military Base Holodisk (Level 2)
{464}{}{Holodisk} # EILv3Dsk.int  ; Military Base Holodisk (Level 3)
{465}{}{Holodisk} # EILv4Dsk.int  ; Military Base Holodisk (Level 4)
{466}{}{Guard} # SCGteGrd.int  ; Ncr gate guard
{467}{}{Mine Cart} # ESMinCrt.int  ; Military Base Mine Cart to explode on door
{468}{}{Melchior} # ECMelchr.int  ; Melchoir the Magnificent (psuedo-mage)
{469}{}{Mutated Beast} # ECMutRat.int  ; Mutated Rats in Military Base
{470}{}{FEV Goo} # ETGoo.int  ; FEV Goo in the Military Base
{471}{}{Guard Captain} # SCGGCap.int  ; NCR Entrance Gate guard captain
{472}{}{Slave Overseer} # SCslvovr.int  ; NCR Entrance slave overseer
{473}{}{Melchior's Pet} # ECMelPet.int  ; Melchior's Pets
{474}{}{Slaver Guard} # SCslvgrd.int  ; Slaver Guard in NCR Entrance
{475}{}{Door} # SIclsdor.int  ; Closing door
{476}{}{Terminal} # SITerm.int  ; Slave pen terminals NCR Entrance
{477}{}{Slot Machine} # ziSlots.int  ; Generic Slot Machine
{478}{}{Child} # ncWriChi.int  ; New Wright children
{479}{}{Sheb} # ncSheb.int  ; New Reno Sheb
{480}{}{Guard} # SCMrkGrd.int  ; Merk's guards NCR Entrance and council
{481}{}{Emitter} # SIEmtr.int  ; Emitter in NCR Entrance
{482}{}{Force Field} # SIFField.int  ; Force field in NCR Entrance
{483}{}{Sulik} # Kcsulik.int  ; Sulik from Klamath
{484}{}{Dr. Henry} # SCHenry.int  ; Henry NCR Entrance
{485}{}{Guard} # SCCarGrd.int  ; Carlson's guards NCR2
{486}{}{Carlson Guards Attack} # STCaratk.int  ; Carlson's guards attack spatial
{487}{}{Carlson's Gate Guards} # SCcgtgrd.int  ; Carlson's gate Guards
{488}{}{Prisoner} # VCOutPrs.int  ; Vault City Outsider Prisoner (Generic)
{489}{}{Prisoner} # VCCitPrs.int  ; Vault City Citizen Prisoner (Generic)
{490}{}{Citizen} # VCGenFam.int  ; Vault City Generic Family
{491}{}{Amenities Aid} # VCAmAid.int  ; Vault City Amenities Aid
{492}{}{Desk Guard} # GCRDesk.int  ; Gecko Reactor Desk Guard
{493}{}{Ghoul Worker} # GCRGhoul.int  ; Gecko Reactor Ghoul Worker
{494}{}{Glowing One} # GCRGlow.int  ; Gecko Glowing One
{495}{}{Ghoul Guard} # GCRGuard.int  ; Gecko Red Door Guard
{496}{}{Robot} # GCRobot.int  ; Gecko Reactor Robot
{497}{}{Ghoul} # GCFolk.int  ; Gecko Townsfolk
{498}{}{Worshipper} # GCWorshp.int  ; Gecko Worshippers
{499}{}{Harold} # GCHarold.int  ; Harold in Gecko
{500}{}{Officer} # GCPACOff.int  ; Gecko Powered Armor Com Officer
{501}{}{Toto} # SCToto.int  ; Toto hlper bot in NCR 1
{502}{}{Dorothy} # SCDoroth.int  ; Dorothy Repair chick in NCR 1
{503}{}{Townsperson} # ncPerson.int  ; New Reno Generic Townsperson/Citizen
{504}{}{Ghoul Guard} # GCYGuard.int  ; Gecko Yellow Door Guard
{505}{}{Ghoul Guard} # GCGuard.int  ; Gecko Generic Guard
{506}{}{Gond} # SCGond.int  ; Ranger Guard, NCR 1
{507}{}{Duppo} # SCDuppo.int  ; Stockman's yard store owner
{508}{}{Stuff} # SIdtbl.int  ; Duppo's tables in shop
{509}{}{Bob} # SCsalbob.int  ; Salt Beef Bob NCR 3
{510}{}{Casino Girl} # ziDceGrl.int  ; Generic Casino Girl with Dice Game
{511}{}{Casino Girl} # niDceGrl.int  ; New Reno Casino Girl with Dice Game
{512}{}{Magic Eight Ball} # zi8Ball.int  ; EPA Magic 8 Ball
{513}{}{Brahmin} # ncAngBra.int  ; New Reno Angry Brahmin
{514}{}{Slot Machine} # niMcGSlt.int  ; New Reno McGee's Slot Machine
{515}{}{Old Man McGee} # ncMcGee.int  ; New Reno Old Man (Bobby) McGee
{516}{}{Three Card Monte} # nc3Monte.int  ; New Reno Three Card Monte
{517}{}{Algernon} # ncAlgern.int  ; New Reno Algernon
{518}{}{Bill} # ncBill .int  ; New Reno Bill (Trees Lounge)
{519}{}{Bodyguard} # ncBisGrd.int  ; New Reno Bishop's Bodyguards
{520}{}{John Bishop} # ncBishop.int  ; New Reno John Bishop
{521}{}{Casino Machine} # niCasMac.int  ; New Reno Casino Machine
{522}{}{Chop Shop Boy} # ncChpBoy.int  ; New Reno Chop Shop Boys
{523}{}{Chris Wright} # ncChrWri.int  ; New Reno Chris Wright
{524}{}{Cody} # ncCody .int  ; New Reno Cody
{525}{}{Corsican Bother} # ncCorBro.int  ; New Reno Corsican Bothers
{526}{}{Eldridge} # ncEldrid.int  ; New Reno Eldridge
{527}{}{Ethyl Wright} # ncEthWri.int  ; New Reno Ethyl Wright
{528}{}{Father Tully} # ncFTully.int  ; New Reno Father Tully
{529}{}{HumperdumperDIDO} # ncHumper.int  ; New Reno HumperdumperDIDO
{530}{}{Lil' Jesus Mordino} # ncLilJes.int  ; New Reno Lil' Jesus Mordino
{531}{}{Jagged Jimmy J} # ncJimmyJ.int  ; New Reno Jagged Jimmy J
{532}{}{Keith Wright} # ncKeiWri.int  ; New Reno Keith Wright
{533}{}{Lee Anne Bishop} # ncLABish.int  ; New Reno Lee Anne Bishop
{534}{}{Pretty Boy Lloyd} # ncLloyd.int  ; New Reno Pretty Boy Lloyd
{535}{}{Mason} # ncMason.int  ; New Reno Mason
{536}{}{Guard} # ncMyrGrd.int  ; New Reno Myron's Guards
{537}{}{Myron} # nhMyron.int  ; New Reno Myron (Talking Head)
{538}{}{Nikki} # ncNikki.int  ; New Reno Darlin' Nikki
{539}{}{Orville Wright} # ncOrvill.int  ; New Reno Orville Wright
{540}{}{Pit Boss} # ncPitBos.int  ; New Reno Generic Pit Boss
{541}{}{Renesco the Rocket-Man} # ncRenesc.int  ; New Reno Renesco the Rocket-Man
{542}{}{Researcher} # ncResear.int  ; New Reno Stables Researcher
{543}{}{Boss Salvatore} # ncSalvat.int  ; New Reno Boss Salvatore
{544}{}{Stuart Little} # ncStuLit.int  ; New Reno Stuart Little (Agent)
{545}{}{T-Ray} # ncTRay .int  ; New Reno T-Ray
{546}{}{Bitch} # ncBitch.int  ; New Reno Corsican Brothers Bitches
{547}{}{Wright Child} # ncWriPly.int  ; New Reno Wright Children Playing
{548}{}{NCR Police} # SCCop.int  ; NCR cop
{549}{}{Oswald} # SCOswald.int  ; Raider Oswald captive NCR 1
{550}{}{Dusty} # SCDusty.int  ; Dusty bartender in NCR 1
{551}{}{Jules} # ncJules.int  ; New Reno Jules
{552}{}{Miss Kitty} # ncKitty.int  ; New Reno Miss Kitty
{553}{}{Bartender} # ncBarten.int  ; New Reno Bartender
{554}{}{Deputy Karl} # SCKarl.int  ; NCR Deputy
{555}{}{Cell Door} # SIKdoor.int  ; NCR Cell door
{556}{}{Big Jesus Mordino} # ncBigJes.int  ; New Reno Big Jesus Mordino
{557}{}{Hoss} # SCHoss.int  ; Hoss, bully NCR 1 map
{558}{}{Mutagenic Serum} # SIMserum.int  ; Mutagenic Serum
{559}{}{Box} # niSalBox.int  ; New Reno Salvatore Bartender Shop Inventory
{560}{}{Box} # niMorBox.int  ; New Reno Mordino Bartender Shop Inventory
{561}{}{Box} # niBisBox.int  ; New Reno Bishop Bartender Shop Inventory
{562}{}{Box} # niTmpBox.int  ; New Reno Personal Inventory Swap Box
{563}{}{Doctor Jubilee} # SCDocJub.int  ; Doctor Jubilee NCR Map 1
{564}{}{Door} # GSYDoor.int  ; Yellow Door in Gecko Reactor
{565}{}{Door} # GSRDoor.int  ; Red Door in Gecko Reactor
{566}{}{Bookcase} # SIdshelf.int  ; Bookshelf for the Doc NCR 1
{567}{}{Sheriff Dumont} # SCsherif.int  ; Sheriff in NCR map 1
{568}{}{Elise} # SCElise.int  ; Elise in NCR map 1 ranger leader chick
{569}{}{Ranch Hand} # SCwrHand.int  ; Westin Ranch Hand NCR 3
{570}{}{Felix} # SCFelix.int  ; Westin's forman on NCR 3
{571}{}{Westin} # SCWestin.int  ; Westin big dude on NCR 3
{572}{}{Rondo} # SCRondo.int  ; Rondo Ranger NCR 1
{573}{}{Robodog} # SCRobo.int  ; Robodog NCR 1
{574}{}{Stairs} # NIBissta.int  ; New Reno Bishop's stairs
{575}{}{Hal} # SCHal.int  ; Hal, Drive Leader
{576}{}{Gunther} # SCGunthr.int  ; Gunther Tandi's assistant NCR 2
{577}{}{Brahmin} # ECCrtBra.int  ; Random Encounter Brahmin for carts
{578}{}{Caravan Master} # ECCvnMst.int  ; Random Encounter Caravan Master
{579}{}{Caravan Driver} # ECCvnDrv.int  ; Random Encounter Caravan Driver
{580}{}{Caravan Guard} # ECCvnGrd.int  ; Random Encounter Caravan Guard
{581}{}{Raider} # ECRadLdr.int  ; Random Encounter Raider Leader
{582}{}{Mobster} # ECMobstr.int  ; Random Encounter Mobster (Outside New Reno)
{583}{}{Hunter} # ECHntLdr.int  ; Random Encoutner Hunting Party Leader
{584}{}{Hunter} # ECHunter.int  ; Random Encounter Hunting Party
{585}{}{Ranger} # ECRanger.int  ; Random Encounter NCR Rangers (Patrol)
{586}{}{Mercenary} # ECMercs.int  ; Random Encounter Mercenaries
{587}{}{Mercenary} # ECMrcLdr.int  ; Random Encounter Mercenary Leader
{588}{}{Raider} # ECRadGrp.int  ; Random Encounter Raider Party
{589}{}{Caravan Driver} # ECRndDrv.int  ; Random Encounter Other Caravan Driver
{590}{}{Caravan Guard} # ECRndGrd.int  ; Random Encounter Other Caravan Guard
{591}{}{Patrol Guard} # ECVltPat.int  ; Random Encounter Vault City Patrols
{592}{}{Patrol Captain} # ECVltCpt.int  ; Random Encounter Vault City Patrol Capt.
{593}{}{Farmer} # ECFarmer.int  ; Random Encounter Farmer
{594}{}{Brahmin} # ECBraHrd.int  ; Random Encounter Brahmin Herd
{595}{}{Brahmin} # ECLedBra.int  ; Random Encounter Lead Brahmin
{596}{}{Traveler} # ECTrvlr.int  ; Random Encounter Traveler
{597}{}{Patrol Guard} # ECGhlPat.int  ; Random Encounter Ghoul Patrol
{598}{}{Patrol Captain} # ECGhlCpt.int  ; Random Encounter Ghoul Patrol Capt.
{599}{}{Patrol Guard} # ECMutPat.int  ; Random Encounter Mutant Patrol
{600}{}{Patrol Captain} # ECMutCpt.int  ; Random Encounter Mutant Patrol Capt.
{601}{}{Brahmin Driver} # ECBraDrv.int  ; Random Encounter Brahmin Driver
{602}{}{Rustler} # ECBraRst.int  ; Random Encounter Brahmin Rustler
{603}{}{Squatter} # ECSquatr.int  ; Random Encounter Squatters
{604}{}{Abolitionist} # ECAbolst.int  ; Random Encounter Abolitionist
{605}{}{Bootlegger} # ECMonShn.int  ; Random Encounter Moonshine Runner
{606}{}{Super Mutant} # ECRogMut.int  ; Random Encounter Rogue Super Mutants
{607}{}{Fisherman} # ECFshrmn.int  ; Random Encounter Fisherman
{608}{}{Slaver} # ECSlaver.int  ; Random Encounter Slaver
{609}{}{Trapper} # ECTrappr.int  ; Random Encounter Trapper
{610}{}{Carlson's Kid} # SCCarkid.int  ; Carlson's kid NCR map 2
{611}{}{Carlson} # SCCarlsn.int  ; Carlson NCR 2
{612}{}{} # Animfrv.int  ; Animate forever
{613}{}{Officer Jack} # SCOfjack.int  ; Officer Jack NCR 1
{614}{}{The Enlightened One} # SCEnlOne.int  ; The Enlightened One NCR 1
{615}{}{Door} # diDoor.int  ; Den Auto Closing Door
{616}{}{Computer} # GsTerm.int  ; Gecko robot control terminal
{617}{}{Brahmn} # SCBrahmn.int  ; NCR Map 4 Brahmin.
{618}{}{Deathclaw} # SCDthcla.int  ; NCR Map 4 Deathclaw.
{619}{}{Exit Grid} # SIExit.int  ; NCR Map 4 Exit Grid control
{620}{}{Computer} # SSComp.int  ; NCR Map 1 computer terminal that blows up
{621}{}{Feargus} # SCFergus.int  ; NCR Map 2
{622}{}{Ariel} # OCAriel.int  ; Vault 13 Ariel
{623}{}{Fannie Mae} # RCFannie.int  ; Fannie Mae the hooker in Redding
{624}{}{Computer Terminal} # OCComptr.int  ; Computer terminal in Vault 13
{625}{}{Dalia} # OCDalia.int  ; Dalia in Vault 13
{626}{}{Dar} # OCDar.int  ; Dar Deathclaw guard Vault 13
{627}{}{Dave} # OCDave.int  ; Dave NPC in Vault 13
{628}{}{Gordon} # OCGordon.int  ; Gordon the shrine temple dude
{629}{}{Out of Business Sign} # ziClosed.int  ; Generic "Out of Business" signs
{630}{}{Reactor Control Machinery} # gsReactr.int  ; Script to animate reactor
{631}{}{Jimmy} # OCJimmy.int  ; Jimmy guy in computer room Vault 13
{632}{}{Joseph} # OCJoseph.int  ; The Doctor in Vault 13
{633}{}{Matt} # OCMatt.int  ; Matt prisonner in Vault 13
{634}{}{} # RCFitRat.int  ; Redding Fighting Molerats
{635}{}{Map Script} # RedMEnt.int  ; Redding Mine Entrance Map Script
{636}{}{V13 map script} # vault13.int  ; Vault13 map script
{637}{}{Sandy} # OCSandy.int  ; Sandy Vault 13 child.
{638}{}{Box} # ziTmpBox.int  ; Generic Temporary swap box
{639}{}{Thearn} # OCThearn.int  ; Vault 13 Guard Thearn.
{640}{}{Box} # miGriBox.int  ; Modoc Grisham Merchant box
{641}{}{Box} # miJoBox.int  ; Modoc Jo Merchant box
{642}{}{Valdis} # OCValdis.int  ; Valdis guard in Vault 13
{643}{}{Computer Terminal} # OSvdrcmp.int  ; Door computer vault 13 entrance
{644}{}{Metal Locker} # OILocker.int  ; Metal locker in Vault 13
{645}{}{Footlocker} # OIftlkr.int  ; Footlocker in Vault 13
{646}{}{Deathclaw Guard} # OCgrunt.int  ; Generic Vault 13 Deathclaw guard
{647}{}{Goris} # OCGoris.int  ; Goris possible party NPC vault 13
{648}{}{Box} # miBalBox.int  ; Modoc Balthas Merchant box
{649}{}{Metal Locker} # siLocker.int  ; Guard's lockers in NCR 1
{650}{}{Cheater} # Cheater.int  ; Cheater Character
{651}{}{V15 map Script} # vault15.int  ; Vault 15 map script
{652}{}{Phil} # bcPhil.int  ; Phil the secret vault 15 entrance guard
{653}{}{Bill} # bcBill.int  ; Bill in Vault 15 Entrance
{654}{}{Butcher} # mcButchr.int  ; Slaughter house guys in Modoc
{655}{}{Dalia} # bcDalia.int  ; Guard who guards a trail and shows up in v13
{656}{}{John} # bcJohn.int  ; Vault 15 guy entrance
{657}{}{Jones} # BCJones.int  ; Vault 15 doctor
{658}{}{Karla} # BCKarla.int  ; Karla Vault 15 guard.
{659}{}{V15 Secrect entrance map} # V15sent.int  ; Vault 15 secret entrance map
{660}{}{Rebecca} # BCRebecc.int  ; Vault 15 Rebecca
{661}{}{Door} # miDoor.int  ; Modoc Doors
{662}{}{Death Claw} # mcDthClw.int  ; Modoc Rose's "Chicken"
{663}{}{Roberta} # bcRobert.int  ; Roberta Vault 15 Entrace
{664}{}{Sara} # bcSara.int  ; Sara vault 15 Entrance
{665}{}{Zeke} # bcZeke.int  ; Zeke vault 15 Entrance mayor dude
{666}{}{Brahmin} # bcBrahmn.int  ; Generic Brahmin in Vault15 Entrance
{667}{}{Wood Door} # BiEntDr.int  ; Trapped Vault15 entrance door
{668}{}{Chrissy} # BCCrissy.int  ; Crissy, Rebecca's daughter
{669}{}{Darion} # BCDarion.int  ; Big bad dude in Vault 15
{670}{}{Darion's Guard} # BCDargrd.int  ; Darion's guard in Vault 15
{671}{}{Darion's Dog} # BCDardog.int  ; Darion's dog in Vault 15
{672}{}{Cassidy} # VCCasidy.int  ; Cassidy the bar person in Vault City
{673}{}{Well} # miWell.int  ; Modoc Well
{674}{}{Mole Rat} # mcMolRat.int  ; Modoc Shitter Mole Rat
{675}{}{Brahmin Chunk} # miBraMea.int  ; Modoc Brahmin Chunks
{676}{}{Brahmin} # mcKilBra.int  ; Modoc Slaughterhouse brahmin
{677}{}{Elevator Door} # bsElev.int  ; Elevator door in V15sent
{678}{}{Dog} # mcKilDog.int  ; Modoc Dog that hangs out at the slaughter house
{679}{}{Rat} # mcRat.int  ; Modoc Garden Rat
{680}{}{Sun Spot} # ziSunSpt.int  ; Generic Sun Spot
{681}{}{Bess} # mcBess.int  ; Modoc Bess the Brahmin
{682}{}{Box} # miJkyBox.int  ; Modoc Jerky box
{683}{}{Craps Dealer} # zcCrpDel.int  ; Craps Dealer
{684}{}{Vault 15 Guard} # bcGenGrd.int  ; Vault 15 Khan Guard
{685}{}{Slag} # mcSlag.int  ; Modoc Generic Slag
{686}{}{Rug} # mtRug.int  ; Modoc Spacial Script for Rug
{687}{}{Child} # mcChild.int  ; Modoc Child
{688}{}{Aileen} # hcAileen.int  ; Aileen in Broken Hills
{689}{}{Guard} # hcBnkGrd.int  ; Bank Guard in Broken Hills
{690}{}{Doc Holiday} # hcDoc.int  ; Doc in Broken Hills
{691}{}{Henchman} # hcencha.int  ; Henchman A in Broken Hills
{692}{}{Henchman} # hcenchb.int  ; Henchman B in Broken Hills
{693}{}{Woman} # hcfemale.int  ; Female in Broken Hills
{694}{}{Francis} # hcFranci.int  ; Francis in Broken Hills
{695}{}{Frank} # hcFrank.int  ; Frank in Broken Hills
{696}{}{Ghoul} # hcGhoul.int  ; Ghoul in Broken Hills
{697}{}{Liz} # hcLiz.int  ; Liz in Broken Hills
{698}{}{Man} # hcmale.int  ; Male in Broken Hills
{699}{}{Manson} # hcManson.int  ; Manson in Broken Hills
{700}{}{Marcus} # hcMarcus.int  ; Marcus in Broken Hills
{701}{}{Miner} # hcMiners.int  ; Miners in Broken Hills
{702}{}{Mutant} # hcMutant.int  ; Mutant in Broken Hills
{703}{}{Bill} # hcOutfit.int  ; Outfitter in Broken Hills
{704}{}{Phil} # hcPhil.int  ; Phil the bartender in Broken Hills
{705}{}{Steve} # hcSteve.int  ; Steve in Broken Hills
{706}{}{Supervisor} # hcSuper.int  ; Supervisor in Broken Hills
{707}{}{Zaius} # hcZaius.int  ; Zaius in Broken Hills
{708}{}{Jacob} # hcJacob.int  ; Jacob in Broken Hills
{709}{}{Chemistry Set} # hchems.int  ; Chemistry Set in Broken Hills
{710}{}{Prop} # miGstPrp.int  ; Modoc Ghost Farm Prop
{711}{}{Door} # bssdor1.int  ; Shack doors on V15sEnt map
{712}{}{Computer} # BSComp1.int  ; Library Computer Vault 15
{713}{}{Chad} # hcchad.int  ; Chad from Broken Hills
{714}{}{Spore Plant} # ECPlant.int  ; Random Encounter Spore Plant
{715}{}{Gecko} # ECGecko.int  ; Random Encounter Gecko
{716}{}{Radscorpion} # ECScorp.int  ; Random Encounter Scorpions
{717}{}{} # ECRat.int  ; Random Encounter Rats
{718}{}{Warrior} # ECWarPty.int  ; Random Encounter War Party
{719}{}{Cannibal} # ECCanibl.int  ; Random Encounter Cannibals
{720}{}{Outcast} # ECOutCst.int  ; Random Encounter Outcasts
{721}{}{Holy Person} # ECHlyPpl.int  ; Random Encounter Holy People
{722}{}{Nomad} # ECNomad.int  ; Random Encounter Nomads
{723}{}{Homeless Person} # ECHomles.int  ; Random Encounter Homeless
{724}{}{Bandit} # ECBandit.int  ; Random Encounter Bandit
{725}{}{Robber} # ECRobber.int  ; Random Encounter Robber
{726}{}{Highwayman} # ECHiwymn.int  ; Random Encounter Highwaymen
{727}{}{Slaver} # ECSlvRun.int  ; Random Encounter Slavers on a Slave Run
{728}{}{Slave} # ECSlave.int  ; Random Encounter Slaves
{729}{}{Partier} # ECRavPty.int  ; Random Encounter Rave Party
{730}{}{Mantis} # ECMantis.int  ; Random Encounter Mantis
{731}{}{Brahmin} # ECBrahmn.int  ; Random Encounter Brahmin
{732}{}{Dog} # ECWldDog.int  ; Random Encounter Wild Dogs
{733}{}{Computer} # BSComp2.int  ; Darion's computer terminal Vault15
{734}{}{Computer} # BSComp3.int  ; Force field computer terminal
{735}{}{Computer Terminal} # BSComp4.int  ; Force Field control computer by entrance Vault 15
{736}{}{Computer} # BSComp5.int  ; Computer at the Power area. Vault 15
{737}{}{Power Generator} # BSPower.int  ; Power Generator in Vault 15
{738}{}{Force Field} # BSField.int  ; Force Field in Vault 15
{739}{}{Peasant} # mcPeasan.int  ; Modoc Peasant Person
{740}{}{Emitter} # bsEmtr.int  ; Emitter in Vault 15
{741}{}{Vault Door} # osv13dr.int  ; Vault 13 Door
{742}{}{Security Door} # osDoor1.int  ; Vault 13 Door that shows deathclaws
{743}{}{Bess Encounter} # rndBess.int  ; Random Encounter for Bess outside of modoc
{744}{}{Bess} # ECBess.int  ; Bess in Bess's Encounter (she's dead jim)
{745}{}{Brahmin} # ECBesCow.int  ; One of the Brahmin in Bess's herd
{746}{}{Angela Bishop} # ncAngBis.int  ; New Reno Angela Bishop
{747}{}{Tommy "The Balls"} # ncTommy.int  ; New Reno Tommy the Balls (YEAH! OUR HERO)
{748}{}{Safe} # niABisSf.int  ; New Reno Angela Bishop's Safe
{749}{}{Safe} # niMrBSf.int  ; New Reno Mr. Bishop's Safe
{750}{}{Safe} # niMrsBSf.int  ; New Reno Mrs. Bishop's Safe
{751}{}{Safe} # niOWriSf.int  ; New Reno Orville Wright's Safe
{752}{}{Grave} # niPriGrv.int  ; New Reno Pritchard's Grave
{753}{}{Dresser} # niWridrs.int  ; New Reno Richard Wright's Dresser
{754}{}{Grave} # niWriGrv.int  ; New Reno Righard Wright's Grave
{755}{}{Still} # niWriSti.int  ; New Reno Wright Stills
{756}{}{Ramirez} # ncRamire.int  ; New Reno Ramirez
{757}{}{Cave 1 Random Encounter Map} # cave01.int  ; Cave 1 Random Encounter Map
{758}{}{Box} # niRenBox.int  ; New Reno Renesco Box
{759}{}{Door} # niDoor.int  ; New Reno Door
{760}{}{Cave 2 Random Encounter Map} # cave02.int  ; Cave 2 Random Encounter Map
{761}{}{Cave 3 Random Encounter Map} # cave03.int  ; Cave 3 Random Encounter Map
{762}{}{Cave 4 Random Encounter Map} # cave04.int  ; Cave 4 Random Encounter Map
{763}{}{Cave 2 Random Encounter Map} # cave02.int  ; Cave 2 Random Encounter Map
{764}{}{Door} # VIEntDor.int  ; Vault City Entrance Door
{765}{}{Map Script} # VCtyDwtn.int  ; Vault City Downtown Map script
{766}{}{Trap Door} # miTrpDor.int  ; Modoc Ghost Farm Trap Door
{767}{}{Lockbox} # Hilbox.int  ; Broken Hills Liz inventory box
{768}{}{Room} # ntLydRom.int  ; New Reno Lloyd Room
{769}{}{Thomas Moore} # VCMoore.int  ; Thomas Moore from Vault City
{770}{}{Door} # ZILckDor.int  ; Generic Locked Door (-20)
{771}{}{Locker} # niLydBox.int  ; New Reno Lloyd's Loot Box
{772}{}{Manhole} # niManhol.int  ; New Reno Manhole to Lloyd's Loot
{773}{}{Grave} # niLydGrv.int  ; New Reno Lloyd's Loot Grave
{774}{}{Supply Guard} # VCSupGrd.int  ; Vault City Supply Guard Martin
{775}{}{Map Script} # broken1.int  ; Map Script for Broken Hills Map 1
{776}{}{Map Script} # rndexcow.int  ; Map Script for Low Luck encounter
{777}{}{Mad Brahmin} # eccowbmb.int  ; The cows that blow
{778}{}{Hakeswill} # RCHakes.int  ; Hakeswill from Redding
{779}{}{Redding Downtown} # REDDown.int  ; Redding Downtown map script
{780}{}{Map Script} # BHRndDst.int  ; Broken Hills Caravan Desert Map
{781}{}{Map Script} # BHRndMtn.int  ; Broken Hills Caravan Mountain Map
{782}{}{Lou} # RCLou.int  ; Lou from Redding
{783}{}{Arthur} # ECArthur.int  ; Arthur the leader of the Special Encounter knights
{784}{}{Robin} # ECRobin.int  ; Robin one of the Knights with Arthur
{785}{}{Bedemir} # ECBedemi.int  ; Bedemir one of the Knights with Arthur
{786}{}{Sir Launcelot} # ECSirLau.int  ; Sir Launcelot one of the Knights with Arthur
{787}{}{Galahad} # ECGalaha.int  ; Galahad one of the knights iwth Arthur
{788}{}{Ben Wade} # RCWade.int  ; Ben Wade from Radding
{789}{}{Athabaska Dick} # RCDick.int  ; Athabaska Dick from Redding
{790}{}{Widow Rooney} # RCRooney.int  ; Widow Rooney from Redding
{791}{}{Townsperson} # RCGenPes.int  ; Generic Townsperson in Redding
{792}{}{Stanwell} # RCStanwl.int  ; Stannwell from Redding
{793}{}{Savinelli} # RCSavine.int  ; Savinelli from Redding
{794}{}{Marge} # RCMarge.int  ; Marge LeBarge from Redding
{795}{}{Madam Modjeska} # RCModjes.int  ; Madam Modjeska from Redding
{796}{}{James Hoffy} # RCHoffy.int  ; James Hoffy, Caravan Master for Redding
{797}{}{Map Script} # Rndholy1.int  ; Random Encounter Holy Knights 1 map
{798}{}{Patsy} # ECPatsy.int  ; Arthur's horse HOLY 1 encounter
{799}{}{Concorde} # ECConcor.int  ; Concord Launcelot's horse.
{800}{}{Eric} # ECEric.int  ; Robin's horse
{801}{}{John} # ECJohn.int  ; Bedemir's horse
{802}{}{Joshua} # ECJoshua.int  ; Joshua Robin's minstrel
{803}{}{Ladder} # miLadder.int  ; Modoc Shitter Ladder
{804}{}{Big Head} # ecBHead.int  ; Big Head special encounter
{805}{}{Black Hero} # ecBlkHro.int  ; Black Hero model
{806}{}{Red Heroine} # ecRedHro.int  ; Red Heroine model
{807}{}{Set} # ecSet.int  ; Set in Cafe of Broken Dreams
{808}{}{Tandi} # ecTandi.int  ; Tandi in Cafe of " "
{809}{}{White Hero} # ecWhro1.int  ; White Hero Model 1 " " "
{810}{}{White Hero} # ecWhro2.int  ; White Hero Model 2 " " "
{811}{}{White Heroine} # ecWheon1.int  ; White Heroine Model 1
{812}{}{Box} # NiJulBox.int  ; New Reno Jules Shop Inventory Box
{813}{}{Box} # niEldBox.int  ; New Reno Eldridge Shop Box
{814}{}{Box} # niEldBx2.int  ; New Reno Eldridge Shop Box (For Made Men)
{815}{}{Map Script} # rndholy2.int  ; Hi-Luck random Holy knight encounter 2
{816}{}{Vorpal Rat} # ECVorRat.int  ; Vorpal Rat for Holy Knight 2
{817}{}{Dog} # ECPDog.int  ; Pariah Dog... not good to have following you around
{818}{}{Drill Seargant} # CCDrill.int  ; Drill Seargant in Colusa/Nevarro
{819}{}{Guard} # CCGuard.int  ; Guard in Colusa/Nevarro
{820}{}{Technician} # CCTech.int  ; Technician in Colusa/Nevarro
{821}{}{Commander} # CCMandr.int  ; Commander in Colusa Nevarro
{822}{}{Chris} # CCChris.int  ; Chris the gas station attendant in Colusa
{823}{}{Quarter Master} # CCMaster.int  ; Quarter Master in Colusa/Nevarro
{824}{}{Guard} # CCGGuard.int  ; Gate Guard in Colusa/Nevarro
{825}{}{Grave} # ntLydGrv.int  ; New Reno Lloyd's Loot Grave (Spacial Script)
{826}{}{Car} # ntCar1.int  ; New Reno Stolen Car Seed Spacial 1
{827}{}{Car} # ntCar2.int  ; New Reno Stolen Car Seed Spacial 2
{828}{}{Grave} # niMorGrv.int  ; New Reno Mordino Stash Grave
{829}{}{Robed Figure} # EcBridge.int  ; Bridge guy special encounter
{830}{}{Cattle Buyer} # SCdrvpay.int  ; Cattle drive from NCR to redding.
{831}{}{Map Script} # RndBridg.int  ; Random Bridge encounter
{832}{}{Mysterious Stranger} # ECMstStr.int  ; Mysterious Stranger
{833}{}{Mad Brahmn} # ECgcwbmb.int  ; Generic Cow bomb
{834}{}{} # ECYakuza.int  ; Random Encounter Yakuza
{835}{}{} # ECWilder.int  ; Random Encounter Wilder
{836}{}{Dog} # ncWriDog.int  ; New Reno Wright Dog
{837}{}{Box} # niRamBox.int  ; New Reno Box to be delivered to Ramirez
{838}{}{} # ECUniPat.int  ; Unity Patrol Random Encounter
{839}{}{} # ECTravlr.int  ; Random Encounter Travler
{840}{}{Smoke} # KtSmoke.int  ; displays message about smoke smell in Duntons
{841}{}{Trader} # ECTrader.int  ; Random Encounter Trader
{842}{}{Scavenger} # ECScaven.int  ; Random Encounter Scavenger
{843}{}{Merchant} # FCMercha.int  ; San Fran Air bag merchant
{844}{}{Peasant} # FCBadPea.int  ; San Fran Bad Peasants
{845}{}{Arroyo Temple} # ARTemple.int  ; Arroyo Temple map script
{846}{}{Dock Worker} # FCDokWrk.int  ; San Fran Dock Worker
{847}{}{Peasant} # FCGudPea.int  ; San Fran Good Peasants
{848}{}{Shi Guard} # FCShiGrd.int  ; San Fran Shi Guard
{849}{}{Warrior} # ACTemVil.int  ; Temple challenge person
{850}{}{Door} # AITemDor.int  ; Temple doors that lock at the challenge
{851}{}{Klint} # ACKlint.int  ; Klint the guardian of the temple exit
{852}{}{Crops} # AICrops.int  ; Crops that die after a period of time
{853}{}{Shi Lab Tech} # FCslabte.int  ; San Fran Shi Lab techs
{854}{}{Child} # FCSkids.int  ; San Fran Shi Kids
{855}{}{Ghoul} # GCWander.int  ; wandering ghouls in Gecko
{856}{}{Dr Fung} # FCDrFung.int  ; San Fran Dr Fung
{857}{}{Jul} # OCJul.int  ; Vault 13 Denmother Guard
{858}{}{Kerith} # OCKerith.int  ; Vault 13 Den Mother
{859}{}{Chest} # AITemCst.int  ; Temple Chest to hold the players things
{860}{}{Ghoul} # GCRGhul.int  ; Reactor ghoul that doesn't move
{861}{}{} # ECRaiBow.int  ; Random Encounter Gays
{862}{}{} # ECMstAmy.int  ; Random Encounter Master's Army
{863}{}{Prospector} # ECProspe.int  ; Random Encounter Prospector
{864}{}{} # ECPrsGng.int  ; Random Encounter Press Gang
{865}{}{Nomad Chief} # ECNomChf.int  ; Random Encounter Nomad Chief
{866}{}{Hubologist} # ECElRon.int  ; Hubologist Patrol
{867}{}{Crazy} # ECCrazy.int  ; Crazies from Random Encounter
{868}{}{Claim Jumper} # ECClmJmp.int  ; Random Encounter Claim Jumpers
{869}{}{Cannibal} # ECCanbal.int  ; Random Encounter Cannibals
{870}{}{Nomad Shamon} # ECNomSha.int  ; Random Encounter Nomad Shamon
{871}{}{Marauder} # ECMaradr.int  ; Random Encounter Marauder
{872}{}{Rogue} # ECRogue.int  ; Random Encounter Rogue
{873}{}{Hermit} # ECHermit.int  ; Random Encounter Hermit
{874}{}{} # ECGangs.int  ; Random Encounter Gangs
{875}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstKla.int  ; Random Encounter Klamath Caravan Master
{876}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstDen.int  ; Random Encounter Den Caravan Master
{877}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstNew.int  ; Random Encounter New Reno Caravan Master
{878}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstRed.int  ; Random Encounter Redding Caravan Master
{879}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstBro.int  ; Random Encounter Broken Hills Caravan Master
{880}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstGec.int  ; Random Encounter Gecko Caravan Master
{881}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstSan.int  ; Random Encounter San Fran Caravan Master
{882}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstNCR.int  ; Random Encounter NCR Caravan Master
{883}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstV15.int  ; Random Encounter Vault 15 Caravan Master
{884}{}{Farmer's Wife} # ECFrmWfe.int  ; Random Encounter Farmer's wife
{885}{}{Farmer's Kid} # ECFrmKid.int  ; Random Encounter Farmer's Kid
{886}{}{Homesteader} # ECHomest.int  ; Random Encounter Homesteader
{887}{}{Homesteader's Wife} # ECHomwfe.int  ; Random Encounter Homesteader's Wife
{888}{}{Homesteader's Kid} # ECHomKid.int  ; Random Encounter Homesteader's Kid
{889}{}{Caravan Master} # ECMstVC.int  ; Random Encounter Vault City Caravan Master
{890}{}{} # ECAlien.int  ; Random Encounter Alien
{891}{}{} # ECDthclw.int  ; Random Encounter Deathclaws
{892}{}{} # ECFloatr.int  ; Random Encounter Floater
{893}{}{} # ECCentur.int  ; Random Encounter Centaurs
{894}{}{Enclave Patrolman} # ECElvPat.int  ; Random Encounter Enclave Patrol
{895}{}{Merc Captain} # icMrcCpt.int  ; Raiders Merc Captain
{896}{}{Merc Raider} # icMerc.int  ; Raiders Merc
{897}{}{"Shadow-Who-Walks"} # icScout.int  ; Raiders Scout
{898}{}{Safe} # iiSafe.int  ; Raiders Safe
{899}{}{} # raiders1.int  ; Raiders 1 Enterance
{900}{}{} # raiders2.int  ; Raiders 2 Caves
{901}{}{} # HSCellDr.int  ; Broken Hills bank/jail door
{902}{}{Box} # niTRyBox.int  ; New Reno Chop Shop T-Ray Box
{903}{}{President Richardson} # qhPrzRch.int  ; Enclave President Richardson talking head.
{904}{}{Howitzer} # WIHowitz.int  ; Howitzer in the Sierra Base
{905}{}{Door} # WIEntDor.int  ; Entrance to Sierra Base Door
{906}{}{Baby Deathclaw} # OCBabDth.int  ; Baby Deathclaws in Vault 13
{907}{}{Dangerous Dan} # RCMcGrew.int  ; Dangerous Dan McGrew from redding
{908}{}{Doc Johnson} # RCDrJohn.int  ; Painless Doc Johnson (breaks Jet)
{909}{}{Sheriff Marion} # RCMarion.int  ; Sheriff Earl Marion
{910}{}{Mayor Ascorti} # RCAscort.int  ; Mayor Ascorti of Redding
{911}{}{Nording} # RCNord.int  ; Nording, the payoff man for Stanwell
{912}{}{Velani} # RCVelani.int  ; Velani, the payoff man for Savinelli
{913}{}{Ferndown} # RCFern.int  ; Ferndown, the payoff man for Wade
{914}{}{The Dragon} # FCDragon.int  ; The Dragon, San Fran
{915}{}{Stable Boy} # mcSblBoy.int  ; Modoc Stable Boy
{916}{}{Trader} # mcTrader.int  ; Modoc Trader
{917}{}{Townsperson} # mcPerson.int  ; Modoc Townspeople
{918}{}{Slag} # mcSlgExt.int  ; Ghost Farm Slag Exit Guard
{919}{}{Slag} # mcSlgGrd.int  ; Ghost Farm Slag Enterance Guard
{920}{}{Lo Pan} # FCLoPan.int  ; Lo Pan in San Fran.
{921}{}{Badger} # FCBadger.int  ; Badger in San Fran.
{922}{}{Josh} # RCJosh.int  ; Josh Laurance of Redding
{923}{}{Caminetto} # RCCamint.int  ; Caminetto in bar fight in redding
{924}{}{Bette} # RCBette.int  ; Blasphemous Bette in bar fight in redding
{925}{}{Gun Merchant} # FCGunmer.int  ; San Fran's gun Merchant
{926}{}{Door} # ZIWodDor.int  ; Generic Wooden Door
{927}{}{Door} # ZIMtlDor.int  ; Generic Metal Door
{928}{}{Emitter} # SSEmtN2.int  ; Emitter in NCR area 2
{929}{}{Rat God} # ZCRatGod.int  ; Rat God in Klamath
{930}{}{} # ECBox.int  ; Random box that has stuff in it.
{931}{}{Kaga} # ECKaga1.int  ; Random Encounter Kaga 1
{932}{}{Kaga} # ECKaga2.int  ; Random Encounter Kaga 2
{933}{}{Kaga} # ECKaga3.int  ; Random Encounter Kaga 3
{934}{}{Kaga} # ECKaga4.int  ; Random Encounter Kaga 4
{935}{}{Kaga} # ECKaga5.int  ; Random Encounter Kaga 5
{936}{}{Bounty Hunter} # ECBHunter.int  ; Random Encounter Bounty Hunter
{937}{}{Computer} # VIMedCom.int  ; Vault City Medical Computer
{938}{}{Computer} # VICenCom.int  ; Vault City Central Computer
{939}{}{Computer} # VIAloCom.int  ; Vault City Allocation Computer
{940}{}{Darrow} # VCDarrow.int  ; Vault City Sub-Amenities Officer Darrow
{941}{}{Farrell} # VCFarrel.int  ; Vault City Sub-Amenities Officer Farrell
{942}{}{Bar Patron} # VCBarPat.int  ; Vault City Bar Patron
{943}{}{Vault Citizen} # VCWrkCit.int  ; Vault City Working Citizen
{944}{}{Vault Servant} # VCSlave.int  ; Vault City Slave
{945}{}{Ventilation Shaft} # VIShft2b.int  ; Vault City Ventilation Shaft 2B
{946}{}{Charlie} # VCCharli.int  ; Vault City Puking Charlie
{947}{}{Coolant Control Panel} # GSValve.int  ; Gecko Coolant Control Panel
{948}{}{Poo} # ziBraPoo.int  ; Generic BRAHMIN SHIT!!! YES YES YES
{949}{}{Grant} # scWesGrd.int  ; Westin's Force Field Guard
{950}{}{Emitter} # SSEmiWes.int  ; Westin's Force Field Emitter
{951}{}{Emitter} # SSEmiWe1.int  ; Westin's force field on the other map.
{952}{}{Computer Terminal} # SICmpWes.int  ; Westin's computer terminal for the field.
{953}{}{Emperor Terminal v8.8} # FSEmpTer.int  ; Computer Terminal in San Fran
{954}{}{Vice President Bird} # QCBird.int  ; Enclave, Vice President Bird
{955}{}{Martin} # QCMartin.int  ; Enclave, Martin Frobishner, V13 spokesman
{956}{}{Ken Lee} # FCKenLee.int  ; Ken Lee in San Francisco
{957}{}{Sgt. Granite} # QCGranit.int  ; Sgt. Granite of the Enclave Patrol
{958}{}{Frank Horrigan} # QCFrank.int  ; Secret Service Agent Frank (End Boss)
{959}{}{Map Script} # GeckJunk.int  ; Map Script for Gecko Junkyard
{960}{}{Map Script} # GeckTunl.int  ; Map Script for Gecko Tunnels
{961}{}{Door} # SSFrgDor.int  ; Fergus's Door script
{962}{}{Door} # SSGunDor.int  ; Gunther's Door script to Tandi
{963}{}{Door} # SSFlxDor.int  ; Felix's Door script
{964}{}{Rope} # SSRope.int  ; Rope.. for you to climb
{965}{}{Emitter} # SSEmiEnt.int  ; Emitter in Ncr Entrance
{966}{}{Dr. Curling} # QCCurlng.int  ; Dr. Charles Curling, Chem Corps.
{967}{}{Bulletin Board} # SSSign.int  ; Sign in NCR Entrance
{968}{}{Mole Rat} # mcMolRat.int  ; Ghost Farm Mole Rat
{969}{}{President's Secretary} # QCPrsSec.int  ; President's personal intern (uh sectertary)
{970}{}{Tom Murray} # QCMurray.int  ; Tom Murray, head of AEC
{971}{}{Sturdy Door} # SSCrpDor.int  ; Craps table door in NCR
{972}{}{Townsperson} # mcPeasan.int  ; Modoc Peasant, they attack the farm
{973}{}{Vault City Council Area} # VCtyCocl.int  ; Map Script Vault City Council Area
{974}{}{Air Purifier} # HSPurify.int  ; Air Purifier for Broken Hills
{975}{}{Rocks} # esEntRks.int  ; Military Base Enterance Rocks
{976}{}{Gambler} # RCGamble.int  ; Redding Generic Gamblers
{977}{}{Spatial Script} # HtCorpse.int  ; Spatial Script for Corpses
{978}{}{SCCheat} # SCCheat.int  ; Cheat Character for NCR
{979}{}{Prisoner} # QCGenPrs.int  ; Enclave Generic Prisoner
{980}{}{Citizen} # QCGenCit.int  ; Enclave Generic Citizens
{981}{}{Guard} # QCGenGrd.int  ; Enclave Generic Guards
{982}{}{Scientist} # QCGenSci.int  ; Enclave Generic Scientist
{983}{}{Terminal} # QIPzlTrm.int  ; Enclave terminal in the Puzzle Level
{984}{}{} # etEnter.int  ; Military Base Enterance Spacial Message
{985}{}{} # etBattle.int  ; Military Base Battle Area Spacial Message
{986}{}{Emitter} # SSEmiEn1.int  ; Ncr emitters for ncr entrance on map 1
{987}{}{Blast Door} # QIBstDr1.int  ; Blast Door for Reactor Off to remain closed
{988}{}{Blast Door} # QIBstDr2.int  ; Blast Door for Reactor On to remain closed
{989}{}{Darrow's Stock} # VIDarBox.int  ; Vault City Darrow Shop Inventory
{990}{}{Door} # HSCrlDr.int  ; Jail cell door for Broken Hills
{991}{}{Super Duper Mutant} # ecTlkMut.int  ; Military Base Conversation Mutants
{992}{}{Chemist} # fcChemst.int  ; Chemist in San Francisco
{993}{}{Grundel} # ecGrunde.int  ; Military Base Mouse Hunter
{994}{}{Kid} # ecMelKid.int  ; Some Town USA, Melchior's Kid
{995}{}{Retinal Scanner} # WIRetScn.int  ; Retinal Scanner in the Sieera Base
{996}{}{Elevator Door} # WIElvDor.int  ; Elevator Door in the Seirra Base
{997}{}{Cybernetic Receptical} # WIBrkBrn.int  ; Broken Brain Bot in the Sierra Base
{998}{}{Wall} # WIScrtDr.int  ; Sierra Base Secert Door
{999}{}{Map Script} # broken2.int  ; Map Script for Broken Hills Map 2
{1000}{}{Farrell's Stock} # VIFarBox.int  ; Vault City Farrell Shop Inventory
{1001}{}{Harry's Stock} # VIHarBox.int  ; Vault City Harry Shop Inventory
{1002}{}{Box} # VICtyBox.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Temp Inventory Box
{1003}{}{Box} # VIDwtBox.int  ; Vault City Downtown Temp Inventory Box
{1004}{}{Derek} # dcDerek.int  ; Derek in the Den
{1005}{}{Tubby's Friend} # dcTubFri.int  ; Tubby's Junkie Friends in the Den
{1006}{}{Gambler} # dcGamble.int  ; Gamblers in the Den
{1007}{}{Slave} # dcSlave.int  ; Pen Slaves in the Den
{1008}{}{Guard} # dcMetRom.int  ; Metzger Room Guard in the Den
{1009}{}{Slaver} # dcPenGrd.int  ; Slaver Pen Guard in the Den
{1010}{}{Lara} # dcLara.int  ; Lara in the Den
{1011}{}{Tyler} # dcTyler.int  ; Tyler in the Den
{1012}{}{Marc} # dcMarc.int  ; Marc in the Den
{1013}{}{Bulletin Board} # diBulBrd.int  ; Bulletin Board in the Den
{1014}{}{Slaver} # dcVicGrd.int  ; Vic Guard in the Den
{1015}{}{Slaver} # dcSlvGrt.int  ; Slaver Greeter in the Den
{1016}{}{Fred} # dcFred.int  ; Fred in the Den
{1017}{}{Box} # diFliBox.int  ; Flick Box in the Den
{1018}{}{Box} # diMomBox.int  ; Mom Box in the Den
{1019}{}{Box} # diSmiBox.int  ; Smitty Box in the Den
{1020}{}{Car Trunk} # ZICrTrnk.int  ; generic script for Car Trunk
{1021}{}{Security Door} # QIPzlDor.int  ; Door for the puzzle room in the Enclave
{1022}{}{Computer Terminal} # FSPhySta.int  ; Physics computer station in San Fran
{1023}{}{Computer Terminal} # FSBioSta.int  ; Biology computer station in San Fran
{1024}{}{Computer Terminal} # FSCheSta.int  ; Chemistry computer station in San Fran
{1025}{}{Lao Chou} # FCLaoCho.int  ; Merchant in San Fran
{1026}{}{} # FIPaper.int  ; Scrap Papers that combine should only be put on one of the peaces.
{1027}{}{} # CSVent.int  ; Ventilation shaft for Navarro
{1028}{}{Map Script} # EncTrp.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Trap Rooms
{1029}{}{Dead Body} # HtBody.int  ; Script for dead bodies in Broken Hills
{1030}{}{Exposed wires} # QIWires.int  ; Wires on the ground in the trap room
{1031}{}{Box} # diMetBox.int  ; Metzger Box from Slave Crap
{1032}{}{Slave} # dcRunSlv.int  ; Den Slave Run Fleeing Slaves
{1033}{}{Slave} # dcAtkSlv.int  ; Den Slave Run Hostile Slaves
{1034}{}{Slaver} # dcRnSlvr.int  ; Den Slave Run Slavers
{1035}{}{Chip} # FCChip.int  ; Chip in San Fran no splean
{1036}{}{Reactor} # QIReactr.int  ; Reactor in the Enclave
{1037}{}{Reactor Computer} # QIRctrCm.int  ; Reactor Computer in the Enclave
{1038}{}{Cash Tender} # RCCshTnd.int  ; Redding Cash Tender in the Casino
{1039}{}{Cash Box} # RICshBox  ; Cash Box for the Cash Tender
{1040}{}{Wanamingo} # RCWanami.int  ; Wanamingo
{1041}{}{Bar Patron} # dcStory1.int  ; Story Teller 1 in the Den
{1042}{}{Bar Patron} # dcStory2.int  ; Story Teller 2 in the Den
{1043}{}{Jail Door} # RIJalDor.int  ; Jail Door in Redding
{1044}{}{Suze} # FCSuze.int  ; Suze in San Fran
{1045}{}{Captain Ron Meyers} # FCRonMey.int  ; Captain Ron Meyers
{1046}{}{Pen Door} # diPenDor.int  ; Slave Pen Door in the Den
{1047}{}{Wanamingo Mine} # RedWan1.int  ; Map Script for Wanamingo Mine
{1048}{}{Wanamingo Mine Entrance} # RedWane.int  ; Map Script for Wanamingo Mine Entrance
{1049}{}{Frog Morton} # RCFrog.int  ; Frog Morton
{1050}{}{Dave H.} # FCDaveh.int  ; Dave Handy in San Fran
{1051}{}{Door} # diVicDor.int  ; Vic's Room Door in the Den
{1052}{}{Door} # diRomDor.int  ; Metzger's Room Door in the Den
{1053}{}{Puking Charlie} # vccharly.int  ; Puking Charlie in Vault Courtyard
{1054}{}{Painting} # SIPaint.int  ; Revales Vault 13 on examination.
{1055}{}{Map Script} # SFChina.int  ; San Fran China Map
{1056}{}{Bartender} # VCCouBar.int  ; Vault City Council Area Bartender
{1057}{}{Box} # VIBarBox.int  ; Vault City Slave Sale Inventory Dump
{1058}{}{Auto-Doc} # VIAutDoc.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Auto-Doc
{1059}{}{} # RIMinEnt.int  ; Entrance Back to the Mines
{1060}{}{Mining Tunnel} # RedMTun.int  ; Map Script for Mining Tunnel
{1061}{}{Robot} # KCRob.int  ; Robot on Klamath Canyon
{1062}{}{} # FiGunTbl.int  ; Gun Merchant table in San fran
{1063}{}{Map Script} # KlaMall.int  ; Map Script for Klamath Mall area
{1064}{}{Map Script} # KlaTrap.int  ; Map Script for Klamath Still area
{1065}{}{Lydia} # VCDwnBar.int  ; Vault City Downtown Bartender
{1066}{}{} # RedDTun.int  ; Redding Downtown Tunnels
{1067}{}{Rocketman} # FCRocMan.int  ; Rocket man in San Fran
{1068}{}{AHS-7} # FCOz7.int  ; Oz 7 in San Fran
{1069}{}{Crockett} # FCCrocke.int  ; Crockett in San Fran
{1070}{}{Amanda} # VCAmanda.int  ; Vault City Coutryard Amanda, Joshua's Wife
{1071}{}{Joshua} # VCJoshua.int  ; Vault City Courtyard Joshua, Slave
{1072}{}{Valerie} # VCMainWk.int  ; Valerie, Vic's Daughter and Maintence Worker
{1073}{}{Teaching System} # VITeach.int  ; Vault City Teaching System
{1074}{}{Crate} # diCrate.int  ; Den Crate in Church
{1075}{}{Peeing Guy} # VCUrine.int  ; Peeing Guy in Vault City Council Area
{1076}{}{Curtis} # VCCurtis.int  ; Curtis, Amanda and Joshua's Son
{1077}{}{Marc} # FCMarc.int  ; Marc, Punk in San Fran
{1078}{}{Computer} # FSElComp.int  ; Hubologists computer
{1079}{}{AHS-9} # FCOz9.int  ; Hubologist main dude
{1080}{}{Guard} # FCElGrd.int  ; Hubologist's guards
{1081}{}{Pile of rocks} # VIRocks.int  ; Pile of Rocks w/ Hidden Wrench
{1082}{}{Door} # VIVltDor.int  ; Vault City 2nd floor doors
{1083}{}{Guard} # dcRebGrd.int  ; Den Rebecca Guard
{1084}{}{Guard} # dcRebDor.int  ; Den Rebecca Door Guard
{1085}{}{Door} # diRebDor.int  ; Den Rebecca Door
{1086}{}{Wanted Sign} # ZSWsign.int  ; Generic Wanted Sign
{1087}{}{Dr. Wong} # FCDrWong.int  ; Dr. Wong in San Fran area
{1088}{}{Table} # FIlaotbl.int  ; Lao Cho's stock tables in san Fran
{1089}{}{Door} # WILv1Dor.int  ; Locked Door on Level 1 Entrance # local_vars=8
{1090}{}{Punk} # FCFemPnk.int  ; San Fran Female punk
{1091}{}{Punk} # FCMalPnk.int  ; San Fran Male Punk
{1092}{}{Ryan} # FCRyan.int  ; San Fran Punk Ryan
{1093}{}{Box} # HIBh1Box.int  ; Broken Hills Temp Inventory Box
{1094}{}{} # FCJuavki.int  ; Juan and Vikkin in San Fran Elron Camp
{1095}{}{Manhole} # HIManHol.int  ; Manhole to Basement in Liz's Store
{1096}{}{Map Script} # SFElronb.int  ; Elron Base map Script
{1097}{}{Ladder} # HILadder.int  ; Ladder up to Liz's Store
{1098}{}{Punching Bag} # WIPnchBg.int  ; Punching Bag in the Sierra Depot
{1099}{}{Door} # WIBayDor.int  ; Sierra Base Repair Bay Door
{1100}{}{Alarm} # GSAlarm.int  ; Gecko Reactor alarm
{1101}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp2.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1102}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp3.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1103}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp4.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1104}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp5.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1105}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp6.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1106}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp7.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1107}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp8.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1108}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrp9.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1109}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpA.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1110}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpB.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1111}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpC.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1112}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpD.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1113}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpE.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1114}{}{Floor Plate} # WIPlTrpF.int  ; Plasma Floor Trap Level 2 of Seirra
{1115}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit4a.int  ; Emitter, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1116}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit4b.int  ; Emitter, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1117}{}{Emitter} # WSEmit4c.int  ; Emitter, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1118}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld4a.int  ; Force Field, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1119}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld4b.int  ; Force Field, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1120}{}{Force Field} # WSFeld4c.int  ; Force Field, Level 4 in Sierra Base
{1121}{}{Hubologist} # FCElrInd.int  ; Elron Indoctrinee
{1122}{}{Computer} # FStnkCmp.int  ; Posiden Tanker Computer
{1123}{}{Bunker Door} # WIBnkDor.int  ; Bunker Door for the Sierra Depot
{1124}{}{Gate} # miGate.int  ; Modoc Gate
{1125}{}{Box} # WITrpBx1.int  ; Sierra Base Trapped Box
{1126}{}{Morton Brother} # RCMorBrs.int  ; Morton Brothers, Inc.
{1127}{}{Emitter} # FSEmt1.int  ; Force Field emitter 1 in San Fran
{1128}{}{Emitter} # FSEmt2.int  ; Force Field emitter 2 in San Fran
{1129}{}{Emitter} # FSEmt3.int  ; Force Field emitter 3 in San Fran
{1130}{}{Map Script} # Cave6.int  ; Fake Vault 13 Cave map
{1131}{}{Chet} # VCChet.int  ; Illicit Allocations Officer Chet
{1132}{}{Map Script} # NewRVB.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Map
{1133}{}{Vertibird} # nsVertib.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Vertibird
{1134}{}{Salvatore Guard} # ncHSSal1.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Salvatore 1
{1135}{}{Salvatore Guard} # ncHSSal2.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Salvatroe 2
{1136}{}{Soldiers} # ncHSPow1.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Power Armor 1
{1137}{}{Soldiers} # ncHSPow2.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Power Armor 2
{1138}{}{Crate} # niHSCrat.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Crate
{1139}{}{Mr. Handy} # ncHSHand.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Handy
{1140}{}{Salvatore Guard} # ncHSGSal.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Salvatore Guard
{1141}{}{Spacial Script} # ntHSGrd.int  ; New Reno Helicopter Script Guarding Spacial
{1142}{}{Door} # niEldDor.int  ; New Reno Elderidge Door
{1143}{}{Door} # niSalDor.int  ; New Reno Salvatore Door
{1144}{}{Door} # niMyrDor.int  ; New Reno Myron Door
{1145}{}{} # FcMonst.int  ; Monster in the PMS Tanker
{1146}{}{Map Script} # SFTanker.int  ; San Fran Tanker map
{1147}{}{Slave} # VCSlav2.int  ; Vault City Prisoner Slaves
{1148}{}{Vault Citizen} # VCBarCit.int  ; Vault City Bar Patron
{1149}{}{Door} # niBasDor.int  ; New Reno Locking Doors
{1150}{}{Boxer} # ncFightr.int  ; New Reno Boxer Actually Fighting
{1151}{}{Vault Door} # RIVltDor.int  ; Locked Vault Door in Redding
{1152}{}{Xarn} # CcXarn.int  ; Xarn in Navarro
{1153}{}{Raul} # CcRaul.int  ; Raul in Navarro
{1154}{}{Quincy} # CcQuincy.int  ; Quincy in Navarro
{1155}{}{Quartermaster} # CcQmstr.int  ; Quartermaster in Navarro
{1156}{}{Guard} # CcMedGrd.int  ; Med Lab Guard in Navarro
{1157}{}{Cybernetic Dog} # CcK9.int  ; K9 in Navarro
{1158}{}{Doctor} # CcDoctor.int  ; Dr Shreber in Navarro
{1159}{}{Technician} # CcATech.int  ; Air Tech in Navarro
{1160}{}{Technician} # CcACon.int  ; Air Control in Navarro
{1161}{}{Guard} # CcDrGrd.int  ; Door Guard in Navarro
{1162}{}{Guard} # Ccggbak.int  ; Gate Guard Backup in Navarro
{1163}{}{Guard} # CcGrdca.int  ; Guard (combat armor) in Navarro
{1164}{}{Guard} # CcGrdpa.int  ; Guard (power armor) in Navarro
{1165}{}{Technician} # CcTech1.int  ; Com Tech1 in Navarro
{1166}{}{Technician} # CcTech2.int  ; Com Tech2 in Navarro
{1167}{}{Technician} # CcComp1.int  ; Computer Tech1 in Navarro
{1168}{}{Technician} # CcComp2.int  ; Computer Tech2 in Navarro
{1169}{}{Cave In} # HICaveIn.int  ; Broken Hills Caved-In mine
{1170}{}{Enclave Patroler} # QCEPSqad.int  ; Enclave EP Squad (joins player in fighting
{1171}{}{Blast Door} # QIEndDor.int  ; Doors at the End Fight Area
{1172}{}{Map Script} # EncDet.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Detention Center
{1173}{}{Map Script} # EncDock.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Dock
{1174}{}{Map Script} # EncGd.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Guard Barracks
{1175}{}{Map Script} # EncPres.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Presidential Area
{1176}{}{Map Script} # EncRetr.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Reactor Area
{1177}{}{Map Script} # EncFite.int  ; Map Script for Enclave Fight Area
{1178}{}{Security Robot} # QCSecBot.int  ; Enclave Security Robot
{1179}{}{Poor Box} # niTulBox.int  ; New Reno Poor Box
{1180}{}{Body} # hiDead.int  ; Dead body in Broken Hills Tunnels
{1181}{}{Box} # HiJacBox.int  ; Broken Hills Jacob inventory box
{1182}{}{Box} # HiDocBox.int  ; Broken Hills Doc Holliday Inventory box
{1183}{}{Box} # HiOutBox.int  ; Broken Hills Outfitter inventory box
{1184}{}{Caravan Guard} # RCCvnGrd.int  ; Generic Caravan Guard
{1185}{}{Caravan Driver} # RCCvnDrv.int  ; Generic Caravan Driver
{1186}{}{Ring Announcer} # ncAnounc.int  ; New Reno Boxing Anouncer
{1187}{}{Ring Girl} # ncRngGrl.int  ; New Reno Ring Grrrl
{1188}{}{Boxer} # ncPrzFtr.int  ; New Reno Prize Fighter
{1189}{}{Door} # VIVltDr2.int  ; Vault Doors in Vault 8
{1190}{}{Cheat Character} # ncCheat.int  ; New Reno Cheat Character
{1191}{}{Holodisk} # WIGNNDsk.int  ; Sierra Base GNN Transscript
{1192}{}{Holodisk} # WIMisDsk.int  ; Sierra Base Mission Statement Disk
{1193}{}{Holodisk} # FIElrDsk.int  ; Hubologist Holodisk
{1194}{}{Note} # HINote.int  ; Script for Francis/Zaius Note
{1195}{}{Dogmeat} # ECDogMet.int  ; Dog Meat from Special random encounter
{1196}{}{Cat's Paw Magazine #5} # niCatPw5.int  ; New Reno Cat's Paw magazine 5
{1197}{}{Raiders Map} # niRaiMap.int  ; New Reno Raiders Map in Bishop's Safe
{1198}{}{Pariah Dog} # ECPariah.int  ; Pariah Dog in Low Luck encounter
{1199}{}{Klaxon} # QIKlaxon.int  ; Klaxon Lights for Enclave when under alert
{1200}{}{Mine} # IIMine.int  ; Mines in Raiders Cave
{1201}{}{Pit} # IIPit.int  ; Pits in the Raiders Cave
{1202}{}{Tanker Merchant} # FCTnkGmr.int  ; Tanker Gun Merchant San Fran
{1203}{}{Tanker Bartender} # FCTnkBar.int  ; Tanker Bar Tender
{1204}{}{Tanker Merchant} # FCTnkMer.int  ; Tanker Merchant
{1205}{}{} # FITGunTb.int  ; Tanker Gun Mer's table
{1206}{}{} # FITMerTb.int  ; Tanker Merchant's Table
{1207}{}{Emitter} # FSPemtr1.int  ; Palace Emitter 1
{1208}{}{Emitter} # FSPemtr2.int  ; Palace Emitter 2
{1209}{}{Emitter} # FSPemtr3.int  ; Palace Emitter 3
{1210}{}{Emitter} # FSEmpEmt.int  ; Emporor Computer's Force Field
{1211}{}{Fallout 2 Hintbook} # niF2Hint.int  ; New Reno Fallout 2 Hintbook
{1212}{}{} # csTouch.int  ; Script to signal if dude touches container objects (in Navarro)
{1213}{}{} # csArea.int  ; Script to signal if dude enters an area (in Navarro)
{1214}{}{Guard} # RCAscGrd.int  ; Generic Guard for Ascorti's Bar
{1215}{}{Prospector} # ECLdPros.int  ; Random Encounter Lead Prospector
{1216}{}{Bootleggers} # ECLdBoot.int  ; Random Encounter Lead Bootlegger
{1217}{}{} # csOpen.int  ; Script to signal if dude uses door w/o permision (in Navarro)
{1218}{}{Dan} # hcDan.int  ; Dan, Spouse of murdered conspirator.
{1219}{}{Shitty Comedian} # ncComedi.int  ; New Reno Comedian
{1220}{}{Trashcan Singer} # ncBand.int  ; New Reno Trashcan Band
{1221}{}{Map Script} # ARDead.int  ; Destroyed Arroyo Bridge map script
{1222}{}{} # csGate.int  ; Script to signal if dude uses gate w/o permision (in Navarro)
{1223}{}{Grave} # niWilGrv.int  ; New Reno Coffin Willie's Grave
{1224}{}{Coffin Willie} # ncWillie.int  ; New Reno Coffin Willie
{1225}{}{Keyless entry computer} # FSFobTer.int  ; Fob Terminal
{1226}{}{Keyless entry Door} # FSFobDor.int  ; Fob Door
{1227}{}{Computer} # ccNComp.int  ; Navarro Computer
{1228}{}{Kohl} # vcKohl.int  ; Vault City Info Officer Kohl
{1229}{}{Child} # ECChild.int  ; Random Encounter Children
{1230}{}{Cook} # ccCook.int  ; Navarro Cook
{1231}{}{Turret} # ccTurret.int  ; Navarro Turret
{1232}{}{Brian} # hcBrian.int  ; Brian, the Power Technician
{1233}{}{Generator} # hiPower.int  ; Power Generator for Broken Hills
{1234}{}{Console} # hiConsole.int  ; Power Station Console in Broken Hills
{1235}{}{Giant Ant} # hcAnt1.int  ; Standard Broken Hills Ant
{1236}{}{Giant Ant} # hcAnt2.int  ; Broken Hills Ant - Missing Person Quest
{1237}{}{Door} # csXDoor.int  ; Another lousy door script -signals xarn to leave
{1238}{}{} # htSecret.int  ; Spatial for secret area of Broken Hills Mine
{1239}{}{Box} # niEthBox.int  ; New Reno Ethyl Wright Shop Box
{1240}{}{Eric} # hcEric.int  ; Eric the Smelly Boy, Broken Hills
{1241}{}{} # htFlies.int  ; Spatial Flies script for Broken Hills
{1242}{}{Box} # viRanBox.int  ; Randal's Stock Box in Vault City
{1243}{}{Giant Scorpion} # iiScorp.int  ; Raiders Scorpions 2X poison
{1244}{}{Jane} # RCJane.int  ; Redding Jackpot Jane
{1245}{}{} # VTAloMrk.int  ; Spatial Script for Allocation Computer VCity
{1246}{}{Map Script} # Cave7.int  ; Fake Vault 13 map
{1247}{}{Dermal Pip Boy} # niDermal.int  ; New Reno Dermal Pip Boy
{1248}{}{Pooch} # ncEldDog.int  ; New Reno Eldridge Dogs
{1249}{}{Rattray} # RCRatray.int  ; Rattray, Doc Johnson's assistant
{1250}{}{Spouse} # HCHusWif.int  ; Mutant Husband/Wife Broken Hills
{1251}{}{LoPan Guard} # FCLoGrd.int  ; LoPan Guard in San Fran
{1252}{}{Map Script} # Navarro.int  ; Map script for Navarro
{1253}{}{Door} # VIVltDr3.int  ; Vault Door in Vault 8 - Martin
{1254}{}{Cybernetic Dog} # CcFak9.int  ; Fake K-9 Scenery obj
{1255}{}{Luke} # FCNLuke.int  ; Luke in NCR
{1256}{}{Joshua} # FCDJosh.int  ; Joshua BOS in the Den
{1257}{}{Gate} # iiLockDr.int  ; Gates in Raiders area
{1258}{}{Matt} # FCFmatt.int  ; Matt in San Fran BOS
{1259}{}{Door} # FSBroDor.int  ; Brotherhood Door
{1260}{}{Guard} # hcGrd2.int  ; Bank Guard 2 in Broken Hills
{1261}{}{Door} # QIGeckDr.int  ; Door Requiring the player to use the geck
{1262}{}{Computer} # FSFace.int  ; Ace Computer system in San Fran
{1263}{}{Terminal} # QITurTrm.int  ; Generic Enclave Turret Terminal
{1264}{}{Turret} # QCTurret.int  ; Enclave Turrets
{1265}{}{Chuck Stodgers} # hcChuck.int  ; Chuck Stodgers, Broken Hills
{1266}{}{} # htChuck.int  ; Spatial Script for waking up Chuck
{1267}{}{Terminal} # viTerm.int  ; Vault City Vault Terminal
{1268}{}{Gang Thug} # RCMotGng.int  ; Frog Morton's gang
{1269}{}{Cheater} # ccCheat.int  ; Cheat character in Navarro
{1270}{}{} # FSTnkrdr.int  ; Tanker Doors in San Fran
{1271}{}{Peasant} # OCPeaon.int  ; NCR peaons
{1272}{}{The Lavender Flower} # diRebBok.int  ; Den Becky's Book
{1273}{}{Radscorpion} # hcScorp.int  ; Broken Hills Scorpion
{1274}{}{Professor} # hcProf.int  ; Broken Hills Professor
{1275}{}{Box} # hiPrfBx1.int  ; Professor's Box in Broken Hills
{1276}{}{Box} # hiPrfBx2.int  ; Professor's Box in Broken Hills
{1277}{}{Seymour} # hcSeymore.int  ; Seymour the talking Plant/Broken Hills
{1278}{}{John Sullivan} # hcSulvan.int  ; John Sullivan - Broken Hills
{1279}{}{Lumpy} # hcLumpy.int  ; Lumpy the car accident victim - Broken Hills
{1280}{}{} # BISpyHol.int  ; Spy Holodisk for NCR
{1281}{}{} # SIHisHol.int  ; NCR History Holodisk
{1282}{}{} # SIWesHol.int  ; Westin Holodisk
{1283}{}{Guard} # SCBGrd.int  ; Buster's Guard
{1284}{}{} # SIElnObj.int  ; Elise Notify Object
{1285}{}{} # SIGcaObj.int  ; NCR Guard Captain notify obj
{1286}{}{Typhon} # hcTyphon.int  ; Typhon, Son of Set - Broken Hills
{1287}{}{Bodyguard} # ECBdyGrd.int  ; BodyGuard in Vignette
{1288}{}{Map Script} # GamMovie.int  ; Game Movie map
{1289}{}{Locker} # ziLocker.int  ; Generic Locker Script
{1290}{}{Well} # hiWell.int  ; Broken Hills Well
{1291}{}{Micky} # hcMicky.int  ; Mickey the Dwarf - Broken Hills
{1292}{}{Turret} # WCTurret.int  ; Turret for Sierra Depot
{1293}{}{Old Ghoul} # hcOldGhl.int  ; Ghouls in Old-Folks Home - Broken Hills
{1294}{}{Henchman} # hcHench.int  ; Broken Hills Outfitter Henchmen
{1295}{}{Elmo} # hcElmo.int  ; Elmo - Broken Hills
{1296}{}{Toilet} # niToilet.int  ; Toilet - Contains Grenades - New Reno
{1297}{}{Cross} # niCross.int  ; Cross - Golgotha - Buried Cash
{1298}{}{Plow} # viPlow1.int  ; Plow - Vault City
{1299}{}{Plow} # viPlow2.int  ; Plow - Vault City
{1300}{}{Scorpion} # kcScorpa.int  ; Attacking scorpion in klamath
{1301}{}{Generator} # kcGnratr.int  ; Generator player repairs in toxic caves
{1302}{}{Door} # kcLvatr.int  ; Elevator door in toxic caves
{1303}{}{Door} # SIVDor.int  ; Vortis Slave Door
{1304}{}{Medical Pip Boy} # niMedica.int  ; New Reno "Doctor Skill" Upgrade
{1305}{}{Locker} # niPrstLk.int  ; New Reno Prostitute"Locker"
{1306}{}{Locker} # niBigJLk.int  ; New Reno Big Jesus "Locker"
{1307}{}{Locker} # niMor1Lk.int  ; New Reno Mordino No Lock/No Ignore "Locker"
{1308}{}{Locker} # niBoxrLk.int  ; New Reno Boxer "Locker"
{1309}{}{Locker} # niBis1Lk.int  ; New Reno Bishop Family OK "Locker"
{1310}{}{Locker} # niPornLk.int  ; New Reno Porn Actress "Locker"
{1311}{}{Locker} # niBtchLk.int  ; New Reno Bitch "Locker"
{1312}{}{Locker} # niBis2Lk.int  ; New Reno Bishop Family NO IGNORE "Locker"
{1313}{}{Locker} # niEldrLk.int  ; New Reno Eldridge "Locker"
{1314}{}{Locker} # niWrT1Lk.int  ; New Reno Wright Teen NO IGNORE "Locker"
{1315}{}{Locker} # niOWriLk.int  ; New Reno Orville Wright "Locker"
{1316}{}{Locker} # niWrT2Lk.int  ; New Reno Wright Teen FAMILY IGNORE "Locker"
{1317}{}{Locker} # niMor1Lk.int  ; New Reno Mordino FAMILY IGNORE "Locker"
{1318}{}{Locker} # niMyGdLk.int  ; New Reno Myron Guard "Locker"
{1319}{}{Locker} # niMor2Lk.int  ; New Reno Mordino NO IGNORE "Locker"
{1320}{}{Locker} # niMyrnLk.int  ; New Reno Myron "Locker"
{1321}{}{Locker} # niChp1Lk.int  ; New Reno Chop Shop Boy LOCKED "Locker"
{1322}{}{Locker} # niChp2Lk.int  ; New Reno Chop Shop Boy NO-LOCK "Locker"
{1323}{}{Locker} # niTryLk.int  ; New Reno Tray "Locker"
{1324}{}{Locker} # niMor3Lk.int  ; New Reno Mordino locker, no warning
{1325}{}{Map Script} # rndtoxic.int  ; Random Toxic Map
{1326}{}{You can't see me} # ecirrad.int  ; critter that irradates
{1327}{}{Tin Woodsman} # ecTinWod.int  ; Tin Woodsman
{1328}{}{Map Script} # rndTinWd.int  ; Tin Woodsman Map Script
{1329}{}{Stone Formation} # ecGrdFrv.int  ; Guardian of Forever
{1330}{}{} # rndForvr.int  ; Guardian of Forever Rnd Enct Map Script
{1331}{}{Terminal} # ecGrdTrm.int  ; Guardian of Forever Water Chip Terminal
{1332}{}{Locker} # niEld2Lk.int  ; New Reno Eldridge "Locker" HARD LOCK
{1333}{}{} # SiRagobj.int  ; Uhh box that Rondo cares
{1334}{}{Map Script} # SFCHINA2.int  ; China 2 map
{1335}{}{Security Bot} # WCDedBot.int  ; Fighting Bot that does nothing
{1336}{}{Security Bot} # KCWupass.int  ; Klamath Guard Robot under Toxic Caves
{1337}{}{Locker} # viHarWch.int  ; VCty - Harry Watch Script
{1338}{}{Locker} # viEdWch.int  ; VCty - Ed Watch Script
{1339}{}{Locker} # viAndWch.int  ; VCty - Doc Andrew Watch Script
{1340}{}{Locker} # viLynWch.int  ; VCty - Lynette Watch Script
{1341}{}{Locker} # viGrgWch.int  ; VCty - Gregory Watch Script
{1342}{}{Locker} # viCGWch1.int  ; VCty - Prison Door Watch Script
{1343}{}{Locker} # viCGWch2.int  ; VCty - Greeting Watch Script
{1344}{}{Locker} # viRNWch1.int  ; VCty - Randal1 Watch Script
{1345}{}{Locker} # viRNWch2.int  ; VCty - Randal2 Watch Script
{1346}{}{Locker} # viStkWch.int  ; VCty - Stark Watch Script
{1347}{}{Locker} # viBarWch.int  ; VCty - Barkus Watch Script
{1348}{}{Locker} # viVLWch1.int  ; VCty - Valerie1 Watch Script
{1349}{}{Locker} # viVLWch2.int  ; VCty - Valerie2 Watch Script
{1350}{}{Locker} # viWalWch.int  ; VCty - Wallace Watch Script
{1351}{}{Locker} # viSkvWch.int  ; VCty - Greeting Watch Script
{1352}{}{Locker} # viInWch1.int  ; VCty - InGrd Watch Script
{1353}{}{Locker} # viInWch2.int  ; VCty - InGrd Watch Script
{1354}{}{Locker} # viInWch3.int  ; VCty - InGrd Watch Script
{1355}{}{Locker} # viFamWch.int  ; VCty - GenFam Watch Script
{1356}{}{Locker} # viCsWch1.int  ; VCty - Cassidy Watch Script
{1357}{}{Dock Squatter} # FCDocSqa.int  ; San Fran - Doc Squatter
{1358}{}{Dock Kid} # FCDocKid.int  ; San Fran - Doc Kids
{1359}{}{Map Script} # RndWhale.int  ; Random Whale Script
{1360}{}{Percy Crump} # gcPercy.int  ; Percy Crump, Gecko Merchant
{1361}{}{Box} # giPerBox.int  ; Percy's Stock Box
{1362}{}{Box} # giJnkBox.int  ; Gecko Junkyard Temp Inventory Box
{1363}{}{Door} # niWriDor.int  ; New Reno Wright Room Door
{1364}{}{The Great Ananias} # dcAnan.int  ; The Great Ananias, Mummy Master
{1365}{}{Map Script} # RndUVilg.int  ; Unwashed Villager map
{1366}{}{Unwashed Villager} # ECWash.int  ; Unwashed Villagers... Ug You figure out where they go.
{1367}{}{Spammer} # ECSpammr.int  ; Spammer in Unwashed Encounter
{1368}{}{Map} # eiSanMap.int  ; Military Base San Francisco Map
{1369}{}{Map Script} # RndShutl.int  ; Random Shuttle Map
{1370}{}{Map Script} # rndParih.int  ; Random Pariah Map Script
{1371}{}{Map Script} # rndBHead.int  ; Random Big Head map
{1372}{}{Map Script} # rndcafe.int  ; Random Cafe Map
{1373}{}{Nuka-Cola Machine} # ZINuke.int  ; Nuka-Cola Machine
{1374}{}{Dock} # sfdock.int  ; map script for San Fran Dock
{1375}{}{Door} # ciCrisDr.int  ; Chris's Door
{1376}{}{Land Mine} # rtlndmin.int  ; Redding Land Mines
{1377}{}{Land Mine} # wtlndmin.int  ; Sierra Depot Land Mines
{1378}{}{Your Ex} # ncExSpou.int  ; New Reno Ex-Spouse script
{1379}{}{Mel} # ECMel.int  ; Mel that Dogmeat Creates.
{1380}{}{Vent} # ciVent.int  ; Vent into Navarro
{1381}{}{Kevin} # ccKevin.int  ; Kevin in Navarro
{1382}{}{Alarm} # csAlarm.int  ; Navarro base on alert lights
{1383}{}{Locker} # ciQunWch.int  ; Quincy Locker watch script
{1384}{}{Locker} # ciRulWch.int  ; Raul Locker Watch Script
{1385}{}{Locker} # ciCmdWch.int  ; Commanded Locker Watch Script
{1386}{}{} # SSSign.int  ; NCR Statue
{1387}{}{} # ctFob.int  ; Fob EXP Spatial Script
{1388}{}{} # ctPlans.int  ; Vertibird EXP Spatial Script
{1389}{}{} # ctK9Part.int  ; K9 Part EXP Spatial Script
{1390}{}{} # csArea2.int  ; Script to signal if dude enters an area
{1391}{}{} # csOpen2.int  ; Script to signal if dude uses door w/o permision (in Navarro)
{1392}{}{} # ctSound.int  ; Soundproof Room Spatial Script
{1393}{}{} # csOpen3.int  ; Script to signal if dude uses door w/o permis
{1394}{}{Bootlegger} # ECTlkMon.int  ; Talking Moonshiners
{1395}{}{} # ziWeakLk.int  ; Generic Weak Lock Watch Script
{1396}{}{} # ziMedmLk.int  ; Generic Medium Lock Watch Script
{1397}{}{Carny Kid} # dcCarnKd.int  ; Carny Kid - The Den
{1398}{}{} # ciDocWch.int  ; Raul Locker Watch Script
{1399}{}{} # ziHardLk.int  ; Generic Hard Lock Watch Script
{1400}{}{Mine} # CIMine.int  ; Mines in Raiders Cave
{1401}{}{Locker} # niBisHLk.int  ; New Reno Bishop Hard Locker
{1402}{}{Door} # niBisHDr.int  ; New Reno Bishop Hard Locked Door
{1403}{}{} # ntRicRom.int  ; New Reno Richard Wright Room Spacial
