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This is a transcript for dialogue with human Art.


1RESceneLC01_AccusedDeadAccusor: Christ.{You're pretty torn up about having to kill someone. / Grateful} I, I need to get out of here.A1a
2{You just killed someone who tried to kill you. / Somber} Christ.Accusor: I, I need to get out of here.A1a
3RESceneLC01_LoopingIntro{Furious. / Angry} I said quiet!A1a
4{You've got a gun trained on someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} Shut your mouth or I swear I'll shut it for you.A2a
5{You've got a gun trained on someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} Quiet synth! You're not talking your way out of this.A3a
6{You've got a gun trained on someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} I said keep your mouth shut.A4a
7{You've got a gun trained on someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} No more from you. You're not replacing me.A5a
8RESceneLC01_SceneAccusor: Dammit, I'll kill you both!{You're holding a guy to the head of someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} No! He wants me dead. He's never going to stop! I have to kill him.Accused: Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.A1a
9Player Default: Why don't you just tell me how this happened?{Angry} How this... fine. I was on my way to Bunker Hill. I round a bend and I see this guy. Me. Gun drawn. Ready to fire. After that, it's, it's a blur.Y1a
10{Holding a gun to the head of someone who tried to kill you. / Angry} We scuffled for a while but I won. Now I don't know what else I can say to convince you. He's the synth. Now are you going to get out of my way?Player Default: Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.Y1b
11Accused: Please! You've got to help me. This guy's a synth and he's going to kill me and replace me and my family... oh god, my kids...{You're holding a gun to the head of a man who tried to kill you. / Angry} Don't you dare bring them up! He's the synth and he wants to replace me!Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.A1a
12Player Default: Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.{You were just convinced to stop point a gun at someone you think is trying to kill you. / Worried} I- alright. I'm putting the gun away.Accused: Oh thank god.A1a
13Player Default: Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.{You've got a gun trained on someone you think is trying to kill you. / Worried} No. No, he'll kill us both!Player Default: Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.A2a
14Accused: Oh thank god.{Someone you trusted just turned on you. / Disbelief} Dammit, I'll kill you both!Accusor: No! He wants me dead. He's never going to stop! I have to kill him.A1a
15RESceneLC01_ShootAccused{You just executed someone who was trying to kill you. / Neutral} It's done.Accusor: I, I need to get out of here.A1a
16{You just executed someone who was trying to kill you. / Neutral} Oh god...Accusor: I, I need to get out of here.A2a
17-{You just executed a man who was genetically engineered to look just like you. / Disbelief} Christ. That thing was wearing my face.
18{You just executed a man who was genetically engineered to look just like you. / Disbelief} Why the hell would the Institute want to replace me?
19{You just executed a man who was genetically engineered to look just like you. / Disbelief} The Institute. They're monsters...
20{You just had to kill someone who had your face. / Somber} I can't believe I did it...
21{You just had to kill someone who had your face. / Somber} That thing was wearing my face...
22{You just had to kill someone who had your face. / Somber} Look, I-I'm not that interested in chatting right now.
23{You just had to kill someone who had your face. / Somber} Please. I just want to be alone.