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This is a transcript for dialogue with Art the synth impostor.


1RESceneLC01_LoopingIntro{Someone has a gun trained on you and is accusing you of being a Synth. / Pleading} Someone please. Help! This thing is going to kill me!Accusor: I said quiet!A2a
2{Someone has a gun trained on you and is accusing you of being a Synth. / Pleading} Please! Please help! I don't want to die!Accusor: I said quiet!A3a
3{Someone has a gun trained on you and is accusing you of being a Synth. / Pleading} You can't do this. Anyone! Please! Help!Accusor: I said quiet!A4a
4{Someone has a gun trained on you and is accusing you of being a Synth. / Pleading} Oh god. It's going to kill me!Accusor: I said quiet!A5a
5RESceneLC01_SceneAccusor: No! He wants me dead. He's never going to stop! I have to kill him.{Pleading} Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.Player Default: Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.A1a
6{Someone is holding a gun to your head. You're losing it. / Pleading} Please! You've got to help me. This guy's a synth and he's going to kill me and replace me and my family... oh god, my kids...Accusor: Don't you dare bring them up! He's the synth and he wants to replace me!A1a
7Accusor: Don't you dare bring them up! He's the synth and he wants to replace me!{Rerecord. Panicked. Someone is holding a gun to your head. Throw some emphasis on "that thing." / Pleading} Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.Player Default: Let's all just calm down. No one has to die.A1a
8Accusor: I- alright. I'm putting the gun away.{Neutral} Oh thank god.Accused: Now I just have to dig two graves.A1a
9Accused: Oh thank god.{Major tone change. You've been pleading and crying. Now it's time to kill. / Stern} Now I just have to dig two graves.A1a
10Accused: Oh thank god.{Major tone change. You've been pleading and crying. Now it's time to kill. / Confident} Now. How about you and I clean up this mess?A2a
11Player Default: Just kill this thing and be done with it.{You're about to be executed. / Pleading} What?! No!Accused: No! You can't! He's going to kill me!A1a
12Accused: What?! No!{Pleading} No! You can't! He's going to kill me!Accused: Oh thank god.A1a
13Accused: No! You can't! He's going to kill me!{Rerecord. Whispered. You've been convinced to share a dark secret, but you're trying not to be heard by someone standing right next to you. / Conspiratorial} You're with the Institute? Look, this guy knows I'm a synth, so just help me take care of him, alright? Otherwise I'm going to be in a lot of trouble.Player Default: Let's all just calm down. No one has to die.Y1a
14Accused: No! You can't! He's going to kill me!{Someone is threatening to execute you. / Pleading} I'm telling you. I'm not a synth. You have to believe me!Player Default: Let's all just calm down. No one has to die.Y2a
15{Rerecord. Pleading for your life. Someone is holding a gun to your head. / Pleading} Wait! Where are you going?A1a
16Accused: No! You can't! He's going to kill me!{The player just agreed to help save your life. / Neutral} Oh thank god.Accusor: Dammit, I'll kill you both!A1a