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Dialogue for Elise, commander of the NCR Rangers in NCR Downtown


{100}{}{You see a pretty young woman dressed in combat clothes.}
{101}{}{It's Elise.}
{102}{}{She's got a no-nonsense air about her, like she's used to giving orders and having folks obey them.}
{103}{}{What do you want?}
{104}{}{You again?}
{105}{}{Karl sent me.}
{106}{}{Doc Jubilee said I should talk to you.}
{107}{}{Who are you?}
{109}{}{I'm looking for an outfit. One that hates slavery. Calls itself the New California Rangers.}
{110}{}{Can you fix my car?}
{111}{}{Uh - I thought this place was deserted.}
{112}{}{Did he now? What did he tell you?}
{113}{}{Not much. That you were good folks and I might want to hook up with you.}
{114}{}{Said you'd paid good money.}
{115}{}{I'm Elise. That's Gond. We're members of a 'group' that's trying to do right for folks.}
{116}{}{You don't look like a charity or a church.}
{117}{}{Sounds interesting. Right in what way?}
{118}{}{I just want to get my car fixed.}
{119}{}{Just get yourself out of here. Saloon's back on main street.}
{120}{}{Hates slavery, huh. Interesting. What would you do if you found this outfit?}
{121}{}{I'd ask to join them.}
{122}{}{I'd kick their butts.}
{124}{}{None of your business. Now get out.}
{125}{}{We've gotten out of the car business. Closed permanently. Goodbye.}
{126}{}{It's not. Goodbye.}
{127}{}{All right, so tell me. What's your opinion of slavers?}
{128}{}{Hate 'em. Disgusting, vile scum of the earth.}
{129}{}{If they leave me alone, I leave them alone.}
{130}{}{Some of my best friends are slavers.}
{131}{}{Money all you care about?}
{132}{}{Of course not. I believe in truth, justice and fighting for the oppressed,}
{133}{}{It's a start - until somebody names a better cause to fight for.}
{134}{}{What else is there?}
{135}{}{Don't bullshit me. I can see what kind of person you are. Goodbye.}
{136}{}{If you don't know, then I'm wasting my time. Goodbye.}
{137}{}{No, we are not a religious organization. Mind if I ask you a question?}
{138}{}{No, go ahead.}
{139}{}{Not so fast. You've got to pass a test to join the Rangers.}
{140}{}{Fine. Just tell me.}
{141}{}{Test? What is this - school?}
{142}{}{There's a slaver just outside town. Maybe you've seen his place. Free the slaves there and then come back and talk to us.}
{143}{}{I can do that.}
{144}{}{No way. I'm don't want to make any trouble here.}
{145}{}{Well, it's your lucky day.}
{146}{}{That's the kind of attitude that allows the atrocity of slavery to exist in the first place. I'm sorry, but there is no place for you in our organization.}
{148}{}{So, changed your mind? Ready to prove your worth?}
{150}{}{What was it you wanted done?}
{151}{}{Shouldn't you be doing something? Don't come back here until the job's done.}
{152}{}{I've heard the news already. You freed the slaves. Good work! So, you ready to become a Ranger?}
{155}{}{I hear you're the one who freed all the slaves outside the city gates. That was a fine thing you did and I just want to shake your hand.}
{157}{}{Simple. We believe slavery is wrong and we'll do what we must to fight it. In NCR, we got a lot of friends in high places. Thanks to them we've already banned slavery down south, but now we're hoping to spread the word north.}
{158}{}{The Rangers sound like a group I'd be proud to join. Sign me up.}
{159}{}{Interesting... I'll have to think about what you've said.}
{160}{}{Do you swear to fight slavery whenever the opportunity arises and to help your fellow Rangers whenever they're in need?}
{163}{}{Congratulations, you're now a Ranger.}
{164}{}{Well-met, fellow Ranger. Afraid there's not much for you to do around here at this time. Most our people are already out on patrol. I'll spread the word that you're one of us now. I wouldn't want you getting shot by one of us.}
{165}{}{Well, we're always looking for good people to further our cause. If you change your mind, look me up. Are you sure you won't take the opportunity to join now?}
{166}{}{I'm sure.}
{167}{}{Well, now that you mention it, I think I would like to be a Ranger.}
{168}{}{I see. Well, I represent a group called the New California Rangers. Someone with views such as yours could qualify for membership. You interested?}
{169}{}{Great! Sign me up.}
{170}{}{Sounds interesting. What can you tell me about the Rangers?}
{171}{}{I see. Well thanks for stopping by but I can't see that we have anything more to say to each other. If you change your mind, come back and see me.}
{173}{}{That being the case, I have to ask you to get out of my sight. Now!}
{175}{}{A slaver! Get out of here before I remove that tattoo of yours with a bullet!}
{177}{}{Try it!}
{178}{}{We've got agents and sympathizers in some of the towns up north. We're spreading the word and hitting slavers wherever we can.}
{179}{}{Hello again. Have you changed your mind about joining us?}
{180}{}{Never mind.}
{181}{}{That doesn't belong to you. Now leave or I will get violent.}
{182}{}{I don't know what you did to Gond, but you're going to pay!}
