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Dialogue for Jubilee, a doctor in NCR Downtown.


{100}{}{You see an old, kindly looking fellow.}
{101}{}{It's Doc Jubilee.}
{102}{}{He's an old man with a snow-white beard and a slightly blank stare.}
{103}{}{I'm Doc Jubilee. What's wrong, young man?}
{104}{}{What's wrong, young man?}
{105}{}{Me hurt.}
{106}{}{I need a doctor.}
{107}{}{Can't you just take some pills or something and stop bothering me with this twaddle?}
{108}{}{Hell, you're hardly bleeding.}
{109}{}{I don't know. Don't think I can save it. We may have to cut that leg off.}
{110}{}{You're kidding.}
{112}{}{There you are, sonny.}
{114}{}{Thanks, Doc. Maybe you can help me out with some answers.}
{116}{}{It'll cost you $50.}
{117}{}{Just heal me.}
{118}{}{I'm not staying here.}
{119}{}{You make better.}
{120}{}{Me go now.}
{121}{}{Nope. Never joke. Best I cut that leg off before gangrene sets in.}
{122}{}{No way you're cuting anything off, understand?}
{123}{}{That's it, I'm leaving.}
{124}{}{Well, if it festers, don't blame me.}
{125}{}{I don't run a charity hospital. You'll need to get some cash before I do anything.}
{126}{}{So what can I do for you?}
{128}{}{Vault 13?}
{129}{}{Know where I could find Vault 13?}
{130}{}{I heard somebody saying Mr. Westin's not well. That true? I'm worried something might happen to him. He owes me some money.}
{131}{}{There's this Saltbeef fellow says you stole a map from him. What's the deal?}
{132}{}{I'm looking for a job. Know of any?}
{133}{}{Doc, you wouldn't know anything about a group that's fighting those evil slavers, would you?}
{134}{}{Well you shouldn't worry, son. As long as he doesn't tax his system, he'll probably outlast us all. 'Course that's if he'd ever mind my doctoring or his medicine.}
{135}{}{Well, that's good to know. There's something else I was wondering.}
{136}{}{Thanks, doc.}
{137}{}{That old drunk! The only thing I ever got from him was my "Velvet Elvii" painting - in lieu of cash.}
{138}{}{A Velvet Elvii? Could I see it?}
{139}{}{Not exactly a map, eh? Well, let me pick your brains on some other things.}
{140}{}{Well, I've got to get on.}
{141}{}{I ain't heard that mentioned since old Saltbeef was brought in here. Sunstroke. Burned with fever for three days, all the time ranting how he'd found Vault 13, his mother lode.}
{142}{}{Mother Lode?}
{143}{}{So where is it?}
{144}{}{Where vault?}
{145}{}{Couldn't tell you. Saltbeef always claimed he had a map, but nobody's ever seen it.}
{147}{}{Ask more.}
{148}{}{Well, that's more than what I had before.}
{149}{}{The big one. Saltbeef's an old uranium prospector - more accurately, a drunk. Lives out on the Westin spread these days.}
{150}{}{Another question...}
{151}{}{Thanks for the story.}
#CMH changing per Fergus.. Now you have to pay 1000 or steal the painting off of him.
{152}{}{Well, I was really hoping to get some money for it. I'll let it go for $}
{153}{}{Maybe later, another question...}
{154}{}{Maybe later, I have to go.}
{155}{}{Saltbeef's an old uranium prospector. Lives out on the Westin spread these days.}
{156}{}{Another question...}
{157}{}{Thanks for the story.}
{158}{}{You best go talk to President Tandi. I've heard she's looking for a special type of person.}
{159}{}{Another question...}
{161}{}{I might... There is a group set against slavery and- well, most the other vices, too. You can sometimes find them over at the big shop, working on some automobile.}
{162}{}{Another question...}
{164}{}{Hey, get your hands off that, punk!}
{165}{}{Careful there! Just takes tiny amout to expose yourself.}
{166}{}{Put that back! You could seriously hurt yourself with that stuff.}
{167}{}{Those meds are for Mr. Westin, not you. Put them back.}
{168}{}{Get away from that. Got to be careful, see. Wouldn't want Mr. Westin getting the wrong meds now.}
{169}{}{Watch it! I just measured out Mr. Westin's dose.}
{170}{}{I'm Doc Jubilee. What's wrong, young miss?}
{171}{}{What's wrong, young miss?}
{172}{}{There you are, miss.}
{173}{}{Well you shouldn't worry, miss. As long as he doesn't tax his system, he'll probably outlast us all. 'Course that's if he'd ever mind my doctoring or his medicine.}
{174}{}{Sure. Here's the $}
{175}{}{Thanks, I've been trying to get the money out of Saltbeef, but that bum never had any.}
