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This is a transcript for dialogue with Scavenger trader.


Chem Dealer

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00562BA6 00562BA8 If you need your fix, I'm the guy.
2 0056F734 Screw off. Your gettin' in the way of potential customers.
3 00577BD9 I got your fix right here.
4 00577BDB You here to rob me again?
5 00577BDC Please leave me be. I'm tryin' to make a living.
6 0056385F 0056386E What I got is better. You ever hear about that Mothman? You think people are actually seeing that shit?
7 00563861 0056386D Well then let's make a deal.
8 00563863 00563870 Ok, ok. I'm just trying to make a living out here.
9 00563865 0056386C You won't get better deals than me.
10 00563867 0056386F If you're feelin' a little down, I'll help you back up.