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This is a transcript for dialogue with Scarlett.


1ConvDiamondCityDugoutVadimScarlettSceneVadim: Hey Scarlett. You want to hear true story of how I won Dugout Inn from previous owner?{Vadim tells a different version of this story every day / Amused} Sure, Vadim. Let's hear today's version.Vadim: The two of us get so drunk one night, he challenges me to fight Yao Guai bare-handed.A1a
2Vadim: The two of us get so drunk one night, he challenges me to fight Yao Guai bare-handed.{not believing him / Amused} Oh really?Vadim: Yes. I stalk the monster for hours, camouflaged only in mud and leaves. Slowly... I wait until he lies down to sleep.A1a
3Vadim: It looked like he died of heart attack, but if you ask me, it was embarrassment that killed the best.{chuckling / Amused} I... there are no words. None. You really expect anyone to believe that story?Vadim: Hey, when you are half-drunk on moonshine, you believe anything.A1a
4ConvDiamondCityDugoutVadimScarlett02YefimScene{Vadim is your boss and the owner of the bar, he's constantly embarrassing himself while drunk / Worried} Vadim. About the other night...Vadim: Oh no. What did I do? I swear, if I said or did anything... ungentlemanly, I apologize...A1a
5Vadim: Oh no. What did I do? I swear, if I said or did anything... ungentlemanly, I apologize...{Worried} No, no... We're fine, Vadim. You passed out after tending bar. Nothing happened.Vadim: Oh thank god. You have no idea how many waitresses we lose that way.A1a
6Vadim: Oh thank god. You have no idea how many waitresses we lose that way.{Worried} I... can imagine. No, look, Vadim. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You were crying... a lot... before we closed up.Vadim: Me? Crying? Unthinkable.A1a
7Vadim: Me? Crying? Unthinkable.{Worried} You kept going on about how much you missed your mother? You and Yefim never talk about your family. Maybe you two should...Vadim: Oh no, we are not getting into that. End of discussion.A1a


8ScarlettGreetScene{general "getting back to business" line} Anyway, I can take your order whenever.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
9{general "getting back to business" line} I should get back to work. Plenty of food and drinks available.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
10{general "getting back to business" line} Anyway, I have to get back to serving drinks.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
11{player recently uncovered the fact that Doc Crocker killed Earl, your old co-worker. "Doc Sun" is pronounced "Doc SUHN" / Surprised} Wow, I can't believe Doc Crocker killed Earl. Glad I only ever had to deal with Doc Sun. Oh, I should get your order.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
12{player walks into the bar for the first time / Friendly} Hi there. You can order drinks and food here or at the bar.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
13{player walks into the bar where you work} Oh, hello again. I can take your order whenever you're ready.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
14{player walks into the bar where you work} Everyone just buys the beer, but we have plenty of other drinks if you're feeling brave.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
15{player walks into the bar where you work} I'll take your order whenever you're ready.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
16{player walks into the bar where you work} If you're hungry, we sell food, but usually people just orders drinks.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
17Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{about to show the menu} Here you are...A1a
18Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{about to show the menu} Everything's cooked or brewed here.A2a
19Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{about to show the menu} Take a look.A3a
20Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{about to show the menu} Hopefully nothing will poison ya.A4a
21Player Default: Not interested.Okay.B1a
22Player Default: Not interested.Let me know if you change your mind.B2a
23Player Default: Not interested.All right.B3a
24Player Default: Not interested.Later, then.B4a
25Player Default: Not interested.Fine fine.B5a
26Player Default: I'll think about it.All right, hon.X1a
27Player Default: I'll think about it.Take your time.X2a
28Player Default: I'll think about it.Later, then.X3a
29Player Default: I'll think about it.Hit the bar if you change your mind.X4a
30Player Default: I'll think about it.Sure. No problem.X5a
31Player Default: Who owns this bar, anyway?{player asks who owns the bar / Friendly} The Bobrov brothers picked this place up a few years ago...Y1a
32{chuckling / Friendly} Vadim Bobrov is the loud one, Yefim Bobrov is the quiet one, and I'm the one that has to listen to them argue with each other all day...Scarlett: The Bobrov brothers picked this place up a few years ago...Y1b
33Player Default: Hear anything around town?{player asks you if anything is new around town} Eh, same old.Scarlett: The Bobrov brothers picked this place up a few years ago...Y2a
34-I got a lot of orders to fill...
35Oh boy, another one that just stands there and stares...
36What was your order again? I think I missed it...
37{off work, hanging out} You gotta work hard in Diamond City. One step at a time.
38{off work, hanging out} Waitressing at the Dugout hasn't done great things for my hearing. Sure can shout, though.
39{off work, hanging out} The great, green jewel is safe. As safe as the Commonwealth can be, at least.


40001_MS07aScarlettScene{player asks about Earl Sterling. He worked with you at the bar, but vanished a while back / Thinking} Oh yeah, Earl. *sigh* I mean, I know I shouldn't speak ill of the missing, but that guy needed to get out more.Y1a
41{Thinking} You'd think a bartender would be... smooth, you know? Charming? Not Earl. He tried so hard, too. Way too hard.Y1b
42{Thinking} The real sad thing? He thought it was his looks. Kept talking about getting a new face over at the Mega Surgery. Wouldn't have helped.Y1c
43{player asks about Earl Sterling, your old co-worker. you don't want to get involved / Nervous} Don't get me involved in any of that. Look, Vadim may have cared about Earl, but he was just the bartender to me. That's all I know.Y2a


44MS14ScarlettStage50Scene{Player walks up to you / Question} I'm on a break right now...Player Default: Actually, I'd like to talk to you about Travis, if you have a moment.A
45Player Default: Yeah, absolutely. You should really pay him a visit.You think?Scarlett: I mean, I've definitely noticed him. Maybe... No, I couldn't just go over there.A1a
46Player Default: Not exactly, but it wouldn't hurt to check on him and see how he's doing.Oh. You really think so?Scarlett: I mean, I've definitely noticed him. Maybe... No, I couldn't just go over there.B1a
47Player Default: Maybe... Why don't you go ask him?Oh, I don't know.Scarlett: I mean, I've definitely noticed him. Maybe... No, I couldn't just go over there.X1a
48Player Default: Would you like it if he had mentioned you?{Nervous} Well, yeah, I guess I would.Scarlett: I mean, I've definitely noticed him. Maybe... No, I couldn't just go over there.Y1a
49Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.Okay, I will. I'll go see him now. Thanks.A1a
50Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.{Apologetic} No, I just don't think I could do that.Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.A2a
51Player Default: Look, either you can go visit Travis, or you can go visit the doctor. Your choice.{Disgust} Are you some kind of psycho? God, fine, I'll go!B1a
52Player Default: Look, either you can go visit Travis, or you can go visit the doctor. Your choice.{Disgust} What the hell? What is wrong with you?Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.B2a
53Player Default: There's 20 caps in it for you if you do go pay him a visit.{Sarcastic} Very funny. Okay, fine. I'll go talk to him.X1a
54Player Default: There's 20 caps in it for you if you do go pay him a visit.{disgusted / Disgust} What kind of girl do you think I am?Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.X2a
55Player Default: What are you so nervous about? What's the worst that could happen?{Nervous} Believe me, I can think of some pretty horrible things.Y1a
56{Apologetic} Look, I'm just not ready for that.Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.Y1b
57Player Default: Actually, I'd like to talk to you about Travis, if you have a moment.{player asks you about Travis Miles, you and Travis are attracted to each other, but nothing has happened yet because Travis is so shy / Nervous} T...Travis? Really?Scarlett: Did he... Did he mention me?A1a
58Player Default: I don't want anything.{Question} Okay... is there something else, then?Scarlett: Did he... Did he mention me?B1a
59Player Default: Sorry to have bothered you.{Puzzled} Oh, no problem.Scarlett: Did he... Did he mention me?X1a
60Player Default: T...Travis? Really?{player asks you about Travis Miles, you and Travis are attracted to each other, but nothing has happened yet because Travis is so shy / Question} Did he... Did he mention me?A1a
61{Nervous} I heard about the fight. Travis was... Well, he was very brave.Player Default: Yeah, absolutely. You should really pay him a visit.A1b
62Player Default: You think?{Apologetic} I mean, I've definitely noticed him. Maybe... No, I couldn't just go over there.Player Default: Look, Travis is a nice guy. I can tell that you like him, and I think he likes you. Just go talk to him.A1a
63MS14TravisScarlettStage60SceneTravis: Scarlett? Scarlett! Uhh... hi. Hi there. Hey.{Friendly} Hi, Travis.Travis: What are you, uhh... I mean... you're here... uhh, why, exactly?A1a
64Travis: What are you, uhh... I mean... you're here... uhh, why, exactly?{sweet but firm / Flirting} Oh, I just... Well, I thought maybe we could talk. You know... alone.Travis: Right, yeah! Sure! O-okay!A1a