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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sara Matthews.

BS01 Dialogue SaraMatthews[]

# Dialogue Topic Form ID Player Prompt Response Text Script Notes
1 005E659B 005E65A9 I've gotta go. Cool beans.
2 005E659C 005E65CD What do you like about living in the Retreat? Living in a treehouse makes me feel like some sort of fantasy character. I'm happy to have found a place where I can be who I want to be.
3 I do like to visit Crater from time to time, though. RaRa and Gail are the best.
4 005E659D 005E65BF Why are you wearing a vampire costume? Can't you tell that I'm the vampire queen of the universe? Wear what you want and be whoever you want to be, regardless of what other people think.
5 005E659E 005E65A3 What do you think about the Brotherhood? Brotherhood of Steel? I mean, Steel is cool and all, but kinda lame, right?
6 Should have been like... Brotherhood of Terror... Brotherhood of the Night...
7 Like a Dark Brotherhood or something.
8 005E659F 005E65BB Miscellaneous Hellos Have you checked out Classical Radio yet?
9 005E65BC You better behave around here, I'm no pushover.
10 005E65BD Make sure to take care of yourself above all else.
11 005E65BE Don't let anyone else tell you who to be.
12 005E65A0 005E65C8 Miscellaneous Idles II wonder if anyone needs help with anything.
13 005E65C9 I should take a look around and make sure there aren't holes anywhere.
14 005E65CA Pretty sturdy here... Ah, this spot needs patching up.
15 005E65CB I saw a mutant hound the other day, but it didn't stand a chance against me.
16 005E65CC I need to find some more plushies to add to my collection.
17 005E65A1 005E65DA Miscellaneous Greetings Do you need anything?
18 005E65DB You want to stop by for a chat?
19 005E65DC How's it going?
20 005E65DD It's nice to see you again.
21 005EA3C7 Hey there, the name's Sara Matthews. Whatcha need?