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Fallout Wiki

Meow... meow... I am a cat. And I have special powers that only cats have. What are you?

Sandy is a resident of Vault 13, along with her mother, Ariel in 2241.


Sandy wears a yellow dress with flowers on it.[1] Her father was killed by a band of raiders, but before she could be killed, she was saved by a pack of deathclaws.[2][3] The deathclaws brought her and her mother to Vault 13 where she has remained under the watchful (and often controlling, as Sandy seems to imply) eye of her mother.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

Sandy states that she enjoys getting piggyback rides from Valdis, one of the deathclaw guards. She also likes to pretend that she is a cat, and the Chosen One can humorously join in by pretending to be a dog if their Intelligence is less than four.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Kid outfit


Sandy appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. Ocsandy.msg, line 102
  2. Ariel: "My husband and I were travelling with a caravan on its way to the New California Republic. We wanted to start a new life for ourselves and our daughter, Sandy. Unfortunately, the caravan was attacked by raiders one night. They were incredibly brutal. They killed everyone: men, women, and children. Rand, my husband, died trying to defend Sandy and me. We were to die next when a miracle occurred."
    (Ariel's dialogue
  3. Ariel: "I was holding Sandy behind me, trying to keep her from the monster that had shot Rand. He stood next to my husband's body and laughed at me as he aimed his gun at my head. Suddenly, this huge claw came out of the darkness, grabbed him from behind and... well, thank goodness that Sandy didn't see what happened next. Anyway, the raiders were being wiped out by this group of deathclaws. The one that saved Sandy and me stood near us and talked to me. He kept reassuring me that I was safe, and that he was sorry that he couldn't have gotten there sooner to help us. Afterwards, the deathclaws brought us here."
    (Ariel's dialogue