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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sam Nguyen.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0061E07D 0061E09C Hey, my name's Sam. If you're looking for help on your settlement, I'm your guy.
2 0061E18E You here for a tune-up, or just some friendly banter? Friendly
3 0061E18F I used to eat a lot of Fancy Lads Snack Cakes. I thought it's what the celebrities ate. I was a pretty dumb kid. Self-deprecating, so light-hearted when calling himself "dumb"
4 0061E190 I'm used to playing in front of petrified corpses. They're a pretty tough crowd. Friendly
5 0061E191 How's it going boss? Hope you didn't pick up any new scars on the way home. Gotta protect that moneymaker. Friendly
6 0061E192 I'm working on a new song, about an ex-girlfriend. It's part romance, part cautionary tale. Friendly
7 0061E193 You know what I miss? Fresh laundry. Like, if I had a choice between a million caps and a pair of warm socks? Friendly
8 Well, I'd take the caps, but my cold ass feet would hate the decision.
9 0061E194 To survive, you gotta do a lot of weird shit. Friendly
10 This one time, I had to eat an entire closet full of Cram, because all the regular food went bad and there was just nothing else.
11 I'm not sure I ever got that taste out of my mouth. I'm basically more Cram than human at this point.
12 0061E195 I'd like to try fixing a car once. But I guess I'd need to fix the roads first. Friendly
13 Might be easier just to make a sled pulled by molerats.
14 0061E196 I just had an idea. What if we had every door in your camp tied to a piano? Friendly
15 Then you could unlock them all with the uh ahem, right key? You realize the joke is terrible but you're trying to sell it anyway
16 0061E197 I'm a jack of trades with instruments too. Pianos, drums, banjos, I can play pretty much anything. Friendly
17 0061E198 I once met a guy who was starting his own rock band. Had a voice like nails on a chalkboard, but he had the right look. Friendly
18 Sometimes that matters more. Pensive, as he's referring to his own lack of a rock star look
19 0061E199 I can fix just about anything. Well, other than a broken heart. Friendly
20 Unless that heart is in a robot. Then, maybe? Depends on the robot. Pensive, as he's referring to his own lack of a rock star look
21 0061E19A I've thought about it, and maybe I will learn how to fix a hair dryer. Might be useful next time you decide who you want to keep around. Friendly
22 0061E19B Still working on that spaceship, boss. It's uh ... it's coming along. Might be ready for you sometime next millennium. Friendly
23 0061E19C I was thinking about what you said, about how I'm good at adapting. Friendly
24 I may not be great at any one thing, but maybe being flexibile is its own kind of mastery.
25 0061E19D I was thinking about what you said, about how lucky I am to be alive. And you're not wrong. But you're not entirely right. I put in work too. Friendly
26 0061E19E Trying to stay agile here, boss. Mentally and physically, like you said. Got my head on a swivel. Friendly
27 Hey, I just got an idea! Protectrons with swiveling heads! Works for cameras, anyway.
28 0061E07E 0061E12A And I won't forget it. Unless you get eaten by a yao guai or something.
29 At which point, it's probably fair to call the yao guai "master" instead. Rules are rules.
30 0061E081 0061E153 I think so! It's been a while, but you know what they say, it's just like riding a bike.
31 Just ignore the fact that I've never actually ridden one.
32 Metaphorically, I've done it a thousand times.
33 0061E082 0061E09E But you haven't even heard my pitch? Crap, it's the eyebrows, isn't it. Sam has thick brows that make him look a bit angry, but in reality he's a bit of goof. Still, he thinks it's a feature.
34 I've been told they're too intimidating. But I feel like they're important for my branding.
35 0061E083 0061E134 The shed! Bright bulbs go in the shed. Being helpful
36 See? We're already complementing each other and finishing each other's sandwiches and everything!
37 0061E084 0061E175 But do you know what you're not good at? Being at two places at once. Being helpful, not criticizing
38 And that's where I come in. Hopefully.
39 0061E088 0061E13F I don't know what that means, but it sounds like an elephant, and those are great!
40 But yeah, if you don't have a specific job for me, I can just work on repairing stuff at my shop here.
41 Maybe even compose a few tunes while I work.
42 0061E08C 0061E121 Really? Sorry about that. I sometimes tend to talk in circles.
43 But you know what that makes me? A revolutionary! Get it? Because I talk in uh ... yeah, never mind.
44 0061E08D 0061E148 I'd love to just sit back and compose music. And I've heard it's best to do what you love.
45 Well, provided what you love isn't cracking your knuckles.
46 Something about that sound just ... (shudder).
47 0061E092 0061E09B And I've got two of them! Helping hands, helping feet, helping ... ears.
48 For, uh, you know, when you need a good listener! I've got everything you need.
49 0061E093 0061E099 I'm a jack of all trades. And I know what you're thinking, that also means I'm a master of none. Trying to convince the Player but also fearful/nervous he'll get shot down.
50 But what do you want a master for, anyway?
51 A person like that probably has a huge ego and spends all day letting everyone know about it.
52 Whereas me, I'm not just low maintenance. I am no maintenance. You won't even know I'm here. Friendly
53 0061E094 0061E098 Point is, I can help fix things, play things, and even tell a bad joke. You already know that much! Friendly
54 0061E095 0061E09A I'm Sam. And I kind of just walked in?
55 Although I guess "wandered in aimlessly while sweating buckets" is a more accurate answer.
56 0061E097 0061E09D And you can't go wrong with being merry. At least merry with an "e".
57 Getting married is another story. You kind of go wrong half the time. Statistically speaking.
58 0061E09F 0061E14A Any other places catch your eye?
59 0061E0A0 0061E123 Anyways, I appreciate the story. Next time I play a song, I'm going to think twice about who's listening.
60 0061E0A1 0061E146 That's what I like about you. You're always diving in headfirst, like a bull in a china shop.
61 And that means a lot of broken shit you're gonna need me to fix.
62 0061E0A3 0061E11F Ha, to be fair, that thing is probably really, really old.
63 Who knows how many gripes, and lawns, it's collected over the years.
64 0061E0A5 0061E13E You're right. To be honest, these days I don't play for an audience.
65 But I don't think the Sons of Dane were either. Out here, sound travels.
66 0061E0A7 0061E166 Damn, must have been one hell of a party. Or parties, plural. Or maybe it was just one party that never ended.
67 To be fair, I think that'd drive me nuts too.
68 0061E0A9 0061E133 Either way, there's one thing about it I don't get.
69 Why play music? Why did that draw it out?
70 0061E0AA 0061E151 Yeah, you're pretty good in a fight.
71 Now if it was an argument? My money's on the Nightstalker.
72 0061E152 Yeah, you're pretty good in a fight.
73 Doesn't matter if it's a nightstalker or an argument, my money's on you to win.
74 0061E0AC 0061E145 Still, you conquered your fears and kicked its ass. Which is pretty cool.
75 That's one thing you can't do with a heckler. They're a paying customer after all.
76 0061E0AE 0061E1C4 Well, the funny thing is, it's usually before I start playing.
77 After? It kind of blows their mind that good music can come out of this body.
78 So it's pretty fun to shut people up that way.
79 0061E0B0 0061E13C Wait, do we mean physically or emotionally? I've put on a few pounds, so I guess both.
80 But hey, I'm taking it in stride, aren't I?
81 You know what they say, Nightstalkers and deathclaws may break your bones, but hecklers can never hurt you.
82 0061E0B2 0061E15E Wait, they can talk? I thought creatures like that just growled.
83 Now I feel really bad for you. Hopefully you kicked its ass though.
84 0061E0B4 0061E131 Nice! Photos are always a fun complement to a story.
85 Not that you can't paint a picture with words, but it's nice sometimes to let an actual picture do the work.
86 0061E0B6 0061E14F Oh, it wasn't that interesting of a story. It was a dead floater someone else killed.
87 Whoever killed it didn't have use for the crystal, or the pus. I did.
88 0061E0B8 0061E128 Well, that's what cameras are for right?
89 You take a picture, and it serves as a backup memory. Isn't technology great?
90 0061E0BA 0061E185 A lot of history in that place, from what I've heard. When you got to fight the power, it helps to have guns.
91 0061E186 Oh, I've been there. Personally, I'd rather go to the waffle house on the other end of the building.
92 Because if I have the choice between a "House of Scares" and a "House of Waffles," I'm choosing the waffles, every time.
93 Even if they haven't served any in ages.
94 0061E187 Oh yeah? That's kind of weird thing to put on your bucket list, if you ask me.
95 But that might be the artist in me talking. We don't usually write songs about monuments to capitalism.
96 0061E188 In the Savage Divide, right? Oh man, when I heard about it, I thought the house was like, a giant pumpkin.
97 Nope, turns out it's an ordinary house. A lot of pumpkins around it though.
98 0061E189 Oh yeah, wilderness hikes are always a good way to relax.
99 I'd like to rent a cabin one day, and finish a whole record. Sigh, someday. Wistful, imagining it in his head.
100 0061E18A Ha, no bigger trap for tourists and teenagers than a Pre-War shopping center.
101 Why visit a historic landmark when you can browse the Men's Wear section at Big Steve's Sporting Goods?
102 No, I'm kidding. I love malls. It's like a junkyard, with more organization.
103 0061E18B Castles are always fun. In another life, maybe I'd be a bard.
104 0061E0BE 0061E127 Oh my god, I heard about that! That was you?
105 Man, that's crazy. I've dealt with some rowdy crowds playing on the road, but never on purpose.
106 On the other hand, a Nightstalker isn't going to hit you where it hurts. Emotionally.
107 I almost feel like I can handle a physical pounding easier.
108 0061E0C0 0061E142 Oh shit, I love that camera! Funny story, I once made a night vision lens out of crystal I got from a Floater Freezer's pus sac.
109 I didn't have much use for the pus though.
110 Anyways, that took a weird detour. What pictures did you take with that camera? Anything interesting?
111 0061E0C2 0061E183 Yeah, I like to think I've got the mental part down. The physical? I'm working on it.
112 Although endurance is probably more helpful when you're fixing pipes and not, dodging bullets.
113 0061E0C4 0061E138 Well, then I guess I'm just lucky. But better lucky than dead, right?
114 I think that's how the saying goes. If not, that's what it should be, anyway.
115 0061E0C6 0061E15A I've gotten this far, haven't I? Being a fix-it guy wasn't my first choice, but I feel like I'm good at it.
116 And you can tell I'm not bullshitting you because I'm still alive and breathing.
117 0061E0C8 0061E12E Well, if my job depends on it, I can give it a shot. Necessity is the mother of invention, right?
118 Don't know who said it, but I'm guessing their boss had slightly lower goals in mind.
119 0061E0CA 0061E14B I don't know boss, maybe fix your vanity instead? Not being mean, just giving the player a hard time
120 That or smash every mirror you find. Works for me, anyway.
121 0061E0CC 0061E124 But I guess that was the old world. From now on, we get to make our own rules.
122 Ha, it's funny, Ma always said the world would end before I got my first real gig. Turns out she was right.
123 0061E0CD 0061E140 I was talking about the way I look.
124 If you look at the posters, it almost seems like music isn't meant for people with my complexion.
125 0061E0CF 0061E17F Maybe. I like to think music is something that unites people.
126 And maybe in this world, it doesn't matter what I look like. Just how I play. feeling hopeful
127 0061E0D1 0061E135 Yeah. I've never heard of an Asian rock star. Not anyone with a chart topper, anyway.
128 0061E0D3 0061E157 That's not what I mean at all. Buddy Holly isn't exactly your classic heartthrob. Irritated at being insulted and the fact the player didn't understand the point
129 I was talking more about the things you can't change. shifts to a more somber tone
130 0061E0D5 0061E12B Ha, provided I can still play it. It's a bit like playing a video game.
131 Kids are always going to be better at that stuff than adults.
132 Personally, I think you'd be much better off giving me a guitar and letting me rock out like a proper grownup.
133 0061E0D7 0061E147 Hey, I've loved people too! Just not as much as my thumbiano. being very defensive
134 That thing would never cheat on me. says as a joke, but he's also alluding to the fact an ex cheated on him while the thumbiano would NEVER
135 0061E0D9 0061E120 That's a healthy attitude to have. In fact, you've got a good diet of healthy thoughts.
136 You're like the balanced breakfast of wastelanders. Me, I'm more of a Sugar Bombs guy, but to each their own.
137 0061E0DB 0061E13D Exactly. Never look back. Especially when there's a twenty foot deathclaw behind you.
138 If you're gonna eat me, fine. But I'd rather not see any teeth.
139 0061E0DD 0061E15F Well, if you can stay a child at heart in this world? More power to you. Doubtful it's even possible to stay a child
140 It's not so easy though these days, at least for me. Mirrors don't help. 2nd sentence he's making a joke, a mirror shows he's an adult after all
141 0061E0DF 0061E132 Still, while it's fun to think about and reminisce, at the end of the day you grow up, and move on.
142 0061E0E0 0061E150 Well, the mousetrap was just for the wood, and you sort of flick the pins to make the sound.
143 It's not a very good sound, mind you. But it was my first love.
144 0061E0E2 0061E129 Hey, not everything can be a stradivarius. Defensive
145 And the thumbiano has a special place in my heart. It was my first love, after all. nostalgic
146 0061E0E4 0061E143 Oh no, I know I poke fun at myself, but I don't think I'd want to deliberately humiliate myself.
147 Besides, I like to think I've gotten pretty good at playing actual instruments. I'd much rather play those instead.
148 The thumbiano was my first love, but a childish one. You grow up, and you move on.
149 0061E0E6 0061E18C Yup, I took a mousetrap and some bobby pins, and made myself a makeshift piano.
150 I called it the "thumbiano," because you played the pins with your thumbs, and thump the wood like a drum.
151 And I could play it like nobody's business, until it cracked and fell apart, from all the thumping.
152 0061E0EA 0061E15C Well, when you're a junkyard kid, pretty much any piece of scrap can make music.
153 And if you've got nothing else, you can always just blow into a bottle.
154 But my first? It was a little hand instrument.
155 0061E0EC 0061E130 Not that it matters now, but I've always had this dream of becoming a rock star.
156 And maybe in some alternate universe, where the world didn't turn to shit, that dream might've had a chance.
157 But I've seen the posters and well ... there aren't a lot of people who look like me. Not a lot of Asian rock stars
158 0061E0EE 0061E14D My ma and I used to move around a lot. We never had a place we called home.
159 I remember I was about ten years old when I met this other kid at a junkyard.
160 He offered to teach me how to fix up old radios, and we'd sell them for fifty caps a piece.
161 So the first one I get working, I turn the dial, and out comes this song about West Virginia. Best song I ever heard.
162 And ever since then I've always wanted to visit. I mean yeah, I get that it's just a song. But you never know.
163 Maybe it's got a point, and this place, right here, is where I belong.
164 0061E0F0 0061E126 Honestly, I'm mostly self-taught. I've always learned better by doing instead of reading.
165 Plus I've found there's no better teacher than necessity. So I learned how to fix a furnace, because I didn't want to freeze to death.
166 And I Iearned how to make a generator, because no power means no furnace.
167 But that means a lot of my knowledge is really specific.
168 If you ask me to do something like, fix a hair dryer, you might as well be asking me to build a spaceship.
169 0061E0F2 0061E141 But I don't know, why don't we try it out, and see if it takes? It might not.
170 0061E0F3 0061E182 Great! You've got an adventurous personality, boss. That's good.
171 0061E0F5 0061E137 Well, bullshit is actually spoken in a higher octave.
172 So if I start singing in soprano, you know I'm just fucking with you.
173 0061E0F7 0061E159 Well, sometimes there isn't much difference between science and magic.
174 Like when you blow into a cartridge, or kick a generator, and it just starts working?
175 You wouldn't think it'd help, but it does.
176 0061E0F9 0061E12D I wouldn't say it's healing so much as it is getting your body to play the right chord.
177 You're not broken, just slightly off key.
178 0061E0FB 0061E149 Gotcha. Is there anything else?
179 0061E0FD 0061E122 Funny you ask. I've always been good at tuning things. Doesn't matter if it's a piano, an engine, or even a person.
180 Only thing I can't tune is a fish. Get it, because you can't tuna...ah forget it. Bad joke.
181 What I'm trying to say is, I know a few tricks to get your mind centered.
182 But the effects can be pretty random.
183 0061E0FF 0061E176 Hm..looks like you're just fine to me. All tuned up and ready to rock.
184 0061E178 Yeah, you look a little off center. It's probably all that weight you're carrying.
185 It actually reminds me of a song I wrote about trusting your friends to take on your burdens.
186 Because remember, you don't have to do it alone.
187 I mean for one, I'm here! And so is uh...that rock over there. See? One big happy family.
188 0061E179 Hm, I think you got a bad wind going through you.
189 And the best way to change a person's wind is with a little TLC.
190 Also, a harmonica. Really, just think about the blues and it'll make you feel less so.
191 0061E17A Well, I thought of a song to help you feel more composed, but I'm still in the middle of well, composing it.
192 But I'm going to hum it in my mind and that's totally going to fix you right up.
193 0061E17B Hm...your karma feels a little off.
194 I'll write up a song about redemption that should tune you right up.
195 0061E17C Sure thing, let's get your mind on key.
196 0061E17D Of course, coming right up.
197 0061E17E Right on, let's get you tuned.
198 0061E101 0061E161 Hope you like junk as much as I like collecting it.
199 0061E162 Let's trade.
200 0061E163 Take a look.
201 0061E164 I was a pack rat in another life. I'm a pack brahmin in this one.
202 0061E165 Check it out.
203 0061E103 0061E144 But yeah, I know what I can't do, and I know what I can.
204 I guess my point is, we should stick with the latter.
205 0061E104 0061E19F Wow, are you like some kind of modern day gladiator?
206 Unless you're a time traveler. Then you'd just be a plain old gladiator.
207 Although I guess that'd be the second most impressive thing about you?
208 0061E106 0061E13B I don't know, in a commode? Look, I was just making a joke. Amused
209 I was not prepared for you to take this to its literal conclusion.
210 Next time, I'll remember to bring an outline.
211 0061E108 0061E15D Me too. It's a lot harder figuring out people, and there's more moving parts, but it's worth it to try.
212 0061E10A 0061E139 Looks can be deceiving. Although it my case, there is no deception.
213 What you see is what you get. I'd make a good target, but not a good shot.
214 0061E10C 0061E15B Well, I can fix your weapons. I'm pretty good at that. Shooting them, not so much.
215 0061E10E 0061E12F Okay, boss.
216 0061E110 0061E14C Sure, I hear you get up to a lot of adventures out there. Anything you'd like to share? Ever so slightly flirty
217 0061E112 0061E125 All right, what do you want to know? Joking... sorta
218 0061E114 0061E180 Ah, finally, it's Sam's time to shine. What do you need boss? Bit of a chuckle.
219 I can sell you some gear, give you a tune-up, or we can just shoot the shit.
220 Not literally though. I mean, I don't even have a gun, and I don't think you'll let me borrow yours.
221 0061E181 Sure thing, how can I help? Bit of a chuckle.
222 0061E116 0061E154 No worries, boss. Player asks to go back to other questions
223 0061E155 Okay, boss. Player says no more questions
224 0061E156 Sounds good. Player asks to go back to other questions
225 0061E168 What do you need boss?
226 0061E169 Need some junk? I've got plenty.
227 0061E16B Hey boss.
228 0061E16C Morning.
229 0061E16D Rise and shine.
230 0061E16E Afternoon.
231 0061E16F Evening.
232 0061E172 I can give you a tune-up if you need it.
233 0061E117 0061E1A1 Guitar sword, or guitar gun? Really can't go wrong with either.
234 0061E1A2 I've always said music is food for the soul. Can't eat it though, so make sure to get some actual food too.
235 0061E1A3 So about the Brotherhood ... is it steel, as in metal, or steal, as in taking shit? From what I've heard, seems like a little of both.
236 0061E1A4 The one good thing about looking different, is that you're recognizable. Unless the wrong people are looking for you. Then it's not so good.
237 0061E1A5 Fixing a person is kind of like fixing a machine, only with a little more soul. Point is, I'm basically half a doctor already.
238 0061E1A6 I might try gardening. Can't typecast yourself into one job. Never know when some better, handsomer, more skilled mechanic comes strolling along.
239 0061E1A7 Need to keep my head down and plow through this work. There's always something that needs tuning up.
240 0061E1A8 I once made a guitar out of a cardboard box and some rubber bands. Takes a little work to get the sound right, but it's doable.
241 0061E1A9 I'm thinking of making an instrument out of old beer bottles. Might be hard to keep the water levels consistent though, especially if we're drunk.
242 0061E1AA There's a mothman... I wonder if there's a mothwoman? Or is that just the light he's drawn to? Makes for a good love song either way.
243 0061E1AB I wonder if I could wire up some desk fans to help with terminal cooling, have them spin faster when the thing is doing more work...
244 0061E1AC Wet socks are bad. A wet sock with a hole in it though? Just end me now.
245 0061E1AD Man, I love junk. I think it's because we've all been thrown away at one point. Ooh, that's a good song lyric, now that I think about it.
246 0061E1AE I'm all about channeling my inner pack brahmin. Although is a brahmin singing technically a duet? Brahmins have two heads, so if they sang, yeah, probably a duet
247 0061E1AF There's a use for just about any kind of junk. Gotta pick it all up, even if it doesn't seem obvious what it's good for.
248 0061E1B0 Wrists are locking up again. I really need a hobby that doesn't use my hands.
249 0061E1B1 Working on machines, working on songs ... Man, even my callouses have callouses.
250 0061E1B2 Need to swap the flair on my workbench. It's good to change up the energy every now and then.
251 0061E1B3 Shouldn't have taken those chems. I just needed the energy. I mean, it's literally called "Psycho," it can't be good for you.
252 0061E1B4 Whenever I've got a brain blocker, I take some mentats. When I've got a mood blocker, I drink some whiskey. Both help with the music.
253 0061E1B5 I don't know if you need chems to make good music. I'd like to think the art's purer than that. So it's best not to go to that well too often.
254 0061E1B6 It's a good thing I taught myself to sew. Comes in handy when clothes are always getting ripped.
255 0061E1B7 Patched up my clothes, and resoled my shoes. Although I guess that's the same thing. What are shoes after all, except clothes for feet?
256 0061E1B8 I need to write more happy songs. Not every tune needs to be about broken things, or how to fix them.
257 0061E1B9 ... but you can't tune a fish ... haha, classic. Thinking of the punchline to a classic joke.
258 0061E1BA What day is it today? I have no idea anymore. But I guess for me, every day is Tunesday. Just gotta pick one. Not a typo, "Tunesday" as in tunes
259 0061E1BB (humming) Song 1
260 0061E1BC (humming) Song 2
261 0061E1BD (humming) Song 3
262 0061E1BE (humming) Song 4
263 0061E118 0061E16A How are our defenses holding up? I can take a look if you want.
264 0061E170 I love the rain. Goes great with a guitar.
265 0061E171 Sunny weather is good for kicking back, listening to music, and drinking some lemonade. It's porch music, really.
266 0061E173 That weapon looks like it's off key. Some time at the workbench will get it singing. No way to condition if player item broken
267 0061E174 Your gear looks like it has the hiccups. You can pray it holds up, but don't hold your breath. No way to condition for this
268 0061E119 0061E12C Ha, I'll try. Sure, we got off on the wrong foot, but once I figure out which foot that is, all I got to do is use the other one.
269 Process of elimination, baby.
270 0061E11B 0061E158 Thank you! This will give me the chance to help a lot of people. I really appreciate it.
271 0061E11D 0061E136 Yes! Not often I get a job on the first try.
272 They say third time's the charm, but in my experience, it's usually the fiftieth.
273 But this should help tilt the average.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
41 005A21AB 0059D476 Pull my finger, kid. Wait. Too late. Said to a strange player who is visiting the Scavenger/Forager's camp. May be said often.
59 0061E1C0 Oh wow, visitors. Hope you like the place. And if you don't, we can fix that! Other players visiting your camp
60 0061E1C1 If you do break something, let me know. I'll try and make it less fragile. Can't do the same for my ego though! Other players visiting your camp
61 0061E1C2 Strangers, oh boy. If a pool of water starts collecting under your feet, don't worry, that's just my sweat. Other players visiting your camp
62 0061E1C3 Visitors, huh. I wonder if we have enough for a full band. Not that uh... you can form a band with just anybody. That'd be weird. Other players visiting your camp