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Dialogue for Sherry in the Crash House


{100}{}{You see Sherry.}
{101}{}{You see a gang member.}
{103}{}{Who are you and what are you doing here?}
{104}{}{I'm }
{105}{}{. I'm new to this town.}
{106}{}{None of your business, wench!}
{108}{}{Apparently so, since everyone knows that this is the territory of the Skulz. You'd better beat it before someone decides to hurt you.}
{109}{}{Bring it on!}
{110}{}{Sorry, I thought this was the bathroom. Bye.}
{111}{}{The Skulz? Who're they?}
{112}{}{Yeah, I knew that. I'm just hangin' out.}
{113}{}{Take off, you hoser, before one of us decides to tear you up.}
{114}{}{Sheesh, sorry.}
{115}{}{Yeah? Bring it on!}
{116}{}{You sorry thing. You should run along. It's not safe here, especially for someone like you who wouldn't understand.}
{117}{}{That's us! We're the meanest gang in town. Actually, we're the only gang. But nobody messes with us.}
{118}{}{So you pretty much have the run of the town, eh?}
{119}{}{How nice. See ya.}
{120}{}{Oh. Well, you'd better not. I mean, you're not one of the Skulz, and this is our place. So, you should get lost, before Victor gets itchy.}
{121}{}{Actually, I think I'll stay.}
{122}{}{Who's Victor?}
{123}{}{Fine, I'm out of here.}
{124}{}{Fine. It's your funeral.}
{125}{}{Victor's right over there. He's the meanest of us all. He likes torturing iguanas that he catches. I don't really like him, to tell the truth, but he's one of us.}
{126}{}{Well, there's Victor, and Shark, who hangs out at the Skum Pitt. Vinnie, too, and a couple other guys who stop by from time to time.}
{127}{}{Where's the Skum Pitt?}
{128}{}{Oh, the Skum Pitt is a sleazy bar north of here, near Gizmo's casino.}
{129}{}{You bet! Nobody messes with us! Well, except for Killian, but he's cool and all. He's like the sheriff man. We do whatever we want.}
{130}{}{We just hang out, and sometimes we play games at Gizmo's or have some fun over at the Skum Pitt. Sometimes we do odd jobs for Gizmo or for some traveler. Victor likes stalking people, too. Come to think of it, you might want to stay away from him.}
{131}{}{You work for Gizmo? What can you tell me about him?}
{132}{}{So what is it that you guys do?}
{133}{}{Who all is in the gang?}
{134}{}{Why do you hang out with these guys?}
{135}{}{We're like a family! We take care of each other. Well, except for Shark, who's always breaking things. And Victor, who looks at people funny. But Vinnie is cool. And we do stuff together. You know, we're like friends and stuff.}
{136}{}{Oh, it's you again! You know, it's probably not healthy to hang out here if you're not one of the Skulz. And you're not.}
{137}{}{Yeah, well, your Skulz probably couldn't knock over a sleeping Brahmin, much less take on me.}
{138}{}{What have you been up to lately?}
{139}{}{Really? We'll see about that! Victor!}
{140}{}{Not too much, actually. There's not much to do. I mean, Shark has been causing some fights at the Skum Pitt, as usual, but what else is there to do around here?}
{141}{}{Uh, not much, I guess.}
{142}{}{You could always try doing something else. You must have some talents or hobbies.}
{143}{}{Well, I do sort of like to draw. And Vinnie says I'm a pretty good cook. But I mean, hey, we have fun and stuff, you know?}
{144}{}{I guess that's understandable.}
{145}{}{But what will you do when you get older? Where will your life go? How will you make money?}
{146}{}{Um, well, I never gave it much thought. I mean, Vinnie and Victor make some money and Shark occasionally does some bodyguarding for visitors here. I don't know.}
{147}{}{You should probably get out while you still can.}
{148}{}{Hey, lay off! You sound like Vinnie's parents used to. We all support each other, okay? So back off.}
{149}{}{I guess. I never thought about it much.}
{150}{}{Hi! How are you doing? It's been a while.}
{151}{}{I'm all right, thanks.}
{152}{}{I've been better.}
{153}{}{Okay. How about you?}
{154}{}{I'm sorry to hear that! Perhaps you should get a room and sleep it off. Talk to Marcelles. Oh, and here, I can fix you something to eat, if you like.}
{155}{}{That would be swell, thanks.}
{156}{}{No thanks, but I'll see you around.}
{157}{}{Oh, I'm doing much better, thanks! I do some cooking now at the Skum Pitt and the Crash House. It gets kind of tiresome on some nights, but I do like to cook, and I get to meet all sorts of interesting people. And I get paid, too. Thanks for your help.}
{158}{}{There you go. Enjoy. And I'll see you around!}
{159}{}{He's this huge fat guy who runs the Casino. He wants to run Junktown, but Killian keeps him in line. He pays pretty well, though. Occasionally he hires Vinnie or Victor to deal with people for him, if they've been a problem, like one stranger who showed up here a few weeks ago.}
{160}{}{You want me to turn in my friends?!?}
{161}{}{Yes, I need your information.}
{162}{}{Sorry. Forget I asked.}
{163}{}{They have been hurting people, and they will go on hurting people unless they're stopped. You changed your life for the better. Now you have a chance to help improve the lives of others, too.}
{164}{}{Hmm. Well, I mean, they are my friends. But I guess that they shouldn't be allowed to hurt people the way they do. And I guess I trust you since you helped me. All right.}
{165}{}{No, I can't do that! Those are my friends! I may not be a Skul anymore, but I'm not going to turn my back on my old friends.}
{166}{}{I need your help. I need your testimony to put away the Skulz for good.}
