Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Scribes in Lost Hills


{101}{}{Vree's my idol.}
{102}{}{Vree is so pretty.}
{103}{}{Sophia sure is nice.}
{104}{}{Derek is the bee's knees.}
{105}{}{Will the universe continue to expand, or will it eventually collapse back in on itself?}
{106}{}{I love those old books and magazines, but they are so hard to come by.}
{107}{}{Knowledge is power.}
{108}{}{The pen is mightier than the sword.}
{109}{}{Technology must be preserved.}
{110}{}{Science is so much fun.}
{111}{}{I've seen an alien space ship before.}
{112}{}{Did you know that the sun is actually a big nuclear reaction? Similar to what ended the old world, except it's fission, no fusion.}
{113}{}{Did you know that a black hole is actually an opening to another universe? I have it all worked out on paper. Too bad there won't be any more space travel until long after I'm dead.}
{114}{}{Did you know that the hydrogen atom is 99.9843425% empty space?}
{115}{}{Time travel will one day be possible and we might be able to prevent the disaster that ruined our world in the past. But wouldn't that . . . stop us from going back if it was fixed . . . oh, my head hurts.}
