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This is a transcript for dialogue with Rufus Rubins.


1DialogueGoodneighborRufusBuddyArrivalClair: Rufus, what the heck is this thing?{Happy} It's that brewing machine I was telling you about.DrinkingBuddy: I am here to provide entertainment and ice cold libations.A1a
2DialogueGoodneighborRufusDeliveryPlayerVoiceFemale01: Hey, I found a robot called the Drinkin' Buddy that was supposed to be delivered here.{Surprised} You're kidding! That's the brewing machine I was telling you about. Why don't you let me buy it off you?Rufus: 100 caps, plus beer.A1a
3PlayerVoiceFemale01: Hey, I found a robot called the Drinkin' Buddy that was supposed to be delivered here.{Surprised} Are you serious? I've been lookin' for it for a while now. Didn't realize it was a robot though. Let me take it off your hands.Rufus: 100 caps, plus beer.A2a
4DialogueGoodneighborRufusIntro{Friendly} Gotta admit, Magnolia's got a hellova voice. You're new 'round Goodneighbor if I'm not mistaken. What do ya think of the place?Player Default: Seems like my kind of place.A
5{Friendly} Hey there. You're new 'round Goodneighbor if I'm not mistaken. What do ya think?Player Default: Seems like my kind of place.A
6Player Default: Seems like my kind of place.{Happy} Bit of a rough town, but beats cowering behind the walls of Diamond City, that's for damn sure.Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.A1a
7Player Default: Seems like a dump to me.{Amused} Well, there's a few shiesty folks around, but Goodneighbor a chance and she might surprise ya.Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.B1a
8Player Default: It's changed a lot since the last time I was here.{Surprised} Been here before? Well, Goodneighbor's definitely come up in the past few years. Mostly since Hancock took over.Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.X1a
9Player Default: Why do you ask?{Apologetic} Just tryin' to get a feel for ya. Ain't exactly the safest neighborhood, so I like to know who's gonna cause trouble and who's gonna end it.Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.Y1a
10Player Default: Bit of a rough town, but beats cowering behind the walls of Diamond City, that's for damn sure.Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.Rufus: If I'm not here drinking this swill Charlie calls beer, I'm usually over at the Hotel Rexford.A1a
11Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.If I'm not here drinking this swill Charlie calls beer, I'm usually over at the Hotel Rexford.Player Default: I'll take a look.A1a
12Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.I'm usually here or drinking that swill Charlie's slingin' at The Third Rail.Player Default: I'll take a look.A2a
13Rufus: Name's Rufus. I do repairs around here. Keep the robots running, sell a bit of scrap, that sort of thing.I'm usually fixin' stuff over at the Hotel Rexford or drinking that swill down at The Third Rail.Player Default: I'll take a look.A3a
14DialogueGoodneighborRufusJobOffer{With a bit of a joking tone. He's friends with Whitechapel Charlie (a robot) but the beer really is bad / Sarcastic} Dunno if you've had the beer down at The Third Rail, but I swear Charlie must've found it in a sewer with how bad it tastes.Rufus: Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.A1a
15{With a bit of a joking tone, he's friends with Whitechapel Charlie (a robot) but the beer really is bad / Sarcastic} Dunno if you've had a beer here yet, but I swear Charlie must've found it in a sewer with how bad it tastes.Whitechapel Charlie: Oi! I heard that! Don't make me break yer knees, lad.A2a
16Whitechapel Charlie: Oi! I heard that! Don't make me break yer knees, lad. "{Charlie is a robot that has no legs and hovers with thrusters. Emphasis on ""you"". Said with a smirk for the player's benefit. / Sarcastic} Yeah? And what would you know about knees?"A1a
17{Coming back around to your point / Friendly} Anyway...Rufus: Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.A1b
18Rufus: Anyway...{Conspiratorial} Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.A1a
19{Conspiratorial} Thing is, it was never delivered, what with the bombs and all. Done some askin' around and I think it might still be intact.A1b
20{Happy} Which is where you come in.Player Default: I think I already found it. It's called the Drinkin' Buddy.A1c
21Rufus: Anyway...Think you can get ahold of that brewing machine for me?Player Default: I think I already found it. It's called the Drinkin' Buddy.A3a
22Rufus: Anyway...So, you gonna take the job?Player Default: I think I already found it. It's called the Drinkin' Buddy.A4a
24Player Default: Not interested.Suit yourself. I'll be around if you change your mind.Rufus: Great. So the brewing machine is in the basement of an old bar call the Shamrock Taphouse.B1a
25Player Default: What's the catch?The usual. Place it's in isn't empty. Might have to shoot your way in.Rufus: Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.Y1a
26Player Default: What's the catch?{Impressed} Usually, it is. But apparently this machine has been miniaturized so that shouldn't be a problem.Rufus: Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.Y2a
27Player Default:{Happy} Great. So the brewing machine is in the basement of an old bar call the Shamrock Taphouse.A1a
28{Thinking} When you leave town make your way around east till you hit Atlantic Ave. Bar's got a big green sign. Bring it back to me when you're done.A1b
29DialogueGoodneighborRufusMainHey.Rufus: You find that brewing machine yet? Or just here lookin' for scrap?A
30How's it goin?Rufus: You find that brewing machine yet? Or just here lookin' for scrap?A
31Good to see you again.Rufus: You find that brewing machine yet? Or just here lookin' for scrap?A
32Player Default: I'll take a look.Let me show you what I've got.A1a
33Player Default: I'll take a look.Let me know if you want to trade.A2a
34Player Default: I'll take a look.Sure thing.A3a
35Player Default: Not right now.Sure. See ya around.B1a
36Player Default: You still interested in buying the Drinkin' Buddy?{Surprised} Yeah, if you're willing to sell...Rufus: 100 caps, plus beer.Y1a
37Player Default: You still interested in buying the Drinkin' Buddy?{Confident} Some sort of brewing machine at the Shamrock Taphouse. Not sure what it looks like.Player Default: I'll take a look.Y2a
38Player Default: You still interested in buying the Drinkin' Buddy?Yeah, if you're willing.Rufus: Found this holotape while doing repairs at the Rexford. Delivery notice for a brewing machine, prewar.Y3a
39MaleEvenToned: Hey.You find that brewing machine yet? Or just here lookin' for scrap?Player Default: I'll take a look.A1a
40MaleEvenToned: Hey.Lookin' for parts? I also might have a job for ya if you're interested.Player Default: I'll take a look.A2a
41MaleEvenToned: Hey.Is the Drinkin' Buddy on it's way yet? Or did you need some scrap?Player Default: I'll take a look.A3a
42MaleEvenToned: Hey.You lookin' for scrap? Or did you change your mind about selling me the Drinkin' Buddy?Player Default: I'll take a look.A5a
43MaleEvenToned: Hey.Lookin' for parts? I've still got that job if you're interested.Player Default: I'll take a look.A7a
44MaleEvenToned: Hey.Got some good scrap, or did you change your mind about that job?Player Default: I'll take a look.A8a
45MaleEvenToned: Hey.Lookin' for some scrap?Player Default: I'll take a look.A10a
46MaleEvenToned: Hey.Need parts to build something?Player Default: I'll take a look.A11a
47MaleEvenToned: Hey.Whether it's duct tape or desk lamps, there's a good chance I've got what you're looking for.Player Default: I'll take a look.A12a
48DialogueGoodneighborRufusOfferToBuyPlayer Default: A robot like this is bound to have some good parts if nothing else.Of course. How about 200 caps, and some of the beer?Rufus: So, do we have a deal?X1a
49Player Default: A robot like this is bound to have some good parts if nothing else.Wasn't planning on stiffing you. 100 caps and a cut of the beer.Rufus: So, do we have a deal?X2a
50Player Default: A robot like this is bound to have some good parts if nothing else.Fair point. 300 caps. Plus beer.X3a
51Player Default: A robot like this is bound to have some good parts if nothing else.You drive a hard bargain. 400 caps, plus beer, but that's all I can do.Rufus: So, do we have a deal?X4a
52Player Default: A robot like this is bound to have some good parts if nothing else.{Apologetic} I don't blame you for tryin' but that's the best I can do.Rufus: So, do we have a deal?X5a
53{Friendly} So, do we have a deal?Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.A1a
54Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.{Grateful} Great! Bring it on in and I'll get your caps.A1a
55Player Default: No way, I'm keeping it.{Depressed} Doesn't that just figure. Well, let me know if you change your mind.B1a
56DialogueGoodneighborRufusPriceBridge100 caps, plus beer.Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.A1a
57200 caps, plus beer.Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.A2a
58300 caps, plus beer.Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.A3a
59400 caps, plus beer.Player Default: Sure, we've got a deal.A4a
60DialogueGoodneighborRufusToldDestroyedPlayerVoiceFemale01: Hey Rufus, sorry to tell you this, but the Drinkin' Buddy was destroyed.{Sad} Really? Well that's a disappointment. Thanks for letting me know at least.A1a
61-Hey, thanks for your help. Buddy here is even better than I was hoping for!A
62Here's your money.A
63{Conspiratorial} Hold up, I want to hear this song.A
64{Neutral} Wait till this song is over.A