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This is a transcript for dialogue with Roy Lopez.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 That's a check, mate! 00642348 Ah, right, very clever. But my collection is complete once again and I must thank you for your aid. Please accept this for your trouble. He's heard this type of joke a million times but is trying to be polite and friendly
2 I found your missing chess piece. 00642345 At last! My set is complete once again. Please accept this small gift as a token of my thanks. Genuine gratitude and friendliness
3 I haven't found your missing chess piece yet. 00642347 Well then, carry on! Leave no chair, rug, or vase unturned. Friendly and encouraging.
4 00642300 0064231A Ah, hello friend. May I ask a small favor, if it is not too much trouble? Gentle, respectful.
5 00642346 How goes the search, my friend? Have you found my missing chess piece?
6 0064DE90 Thank you again for the help, my friend.
7 00642302 00642336 Now where could it have wandered off to? Muttering to self, a bit absent-mindedly.
8 00642337 Who has touched my board? Does nobody have any respect for the game? Frustration and disappointment that people don't love chess as much as he does.
9 00642338 Every piece has its place and yet the pieces are not in their places! Frustrated. He is normally very organized but someone has messed up his collection
10 00642339 I cannot play chess without all of the pieces! Where are the pieces? Confused and annoyed that he can't find his chess piece
11 And who might you be? 0064231C The name is Roy Lopez, recent refugee and chess aficionado. It is a pleasure. Polite introduction
12 What can I help you with? 00642323 I am missing one of the pieces from my Robot Chess set. Polite, leading into asking for help.
13 I'm too busy right now, unfortunately. 0064231F Truly unfortunate, but I understand. You will find me here if you change your mind. Polite, but disappointed
14 0064230A 0064232F It seems I've misplaced a pawn! Perhaps you think a mere pawn is unimportant but I assure you, every piece matters. It must be returned!
15 00642330 One of my knights has seemingly gone on tour. Perhaps you could track him down for me?
16 00642331 Either he's somehow wandered off on his own or somebody has snatched my bishop! I must get him back.
17 00642332 I took my eyes off the board for only a moment and someone has pilfered my rook! Well they can't have gone far. Could you help find it?
18 00642333 My queen has been taken! Not captured, mind you. I mean someone has literally taken my queen and I need your help getting her back.
19 00642334 The king has gone missing! I can't very well play a game of chess without the king. Please, you must find his royal highness!
20 You want me to go through all that trouble just for a game? 00642321 Not just any game. Chess! The game of kings! Passion. He truly loves chess
21 Where do you suggest I look for this missing chess piece? 0064231B Let me see if I can recall where I saw it last. Trying to remember, lost in thought
22 0064230F 00642325 The last time I saw it was when I had the board set up in the Rec Room. The small room where they keep the board games.
23 00642326 I tried to teach one of the Responders hanging out at the bar how to play but I believe they were more interested in their beer than my instruction. Hiding a bit of disappointment that people don't take chess seriously.
24 00642327 Perhaps it went missing somewhere in the Soup Kitchen when the chef chased me out shouting "These tables are for food, not for games!"
25 00642328 I was recently canvassing the lobby in hopes of procuring a game. I suppose that may be where the piece was lost.
26 00642329 I tried to start a game with one of the wounded in the clinic but the nurse chased me out. Perhaps that's where you'll find the missing piece?
27 0064232A I often attempt to set up a game in the common room. I suspect that is where the piece went missing.
28 0064232B The last place I saw it was on the third floor, upstairs in the west wing.
29 0064232C I suspect the piece may have gone missing somewhere in the Responder's HQ when I was trying to convince them of the tactical benefits chess provides.
30 0064232D I was recently on the main floor in the west wing. Perhaps you should search there first.
31 0064232E It's possible the piece found its way to the west wing, downstairs on on the first floor.
32 I'm on the hunt! 0064231E Remember, it is a Robot Chess set so the piece will look like a miniature robot. I will remain here to ensure no further harm comes to my collection.
33 00642318 0064231D I am a simple man with grand ambitions of teaching the other residents here the great game of chess. But alas, my efforts keep being thwarted. Polite introduction, but also somewhat sad. He genuinely wants to teach others to play chess but so far he's been largely ignored
34 00642319 00642324 I've been collecting all the pieces so I can play but every time I think I've completed my set another piece goes missing.
35 Can you remind me where you last saw the chess piece? 00643EDE I'm fairly certain I last saw it in the Rec Room.
36 00643EDF If I recall correctly I lost it in the hotel bar.
37 00643EE0 I'm quite sure I misplaced it in the kitchen area.
38 00643EE1 Try your luck in the hotel lobby. I'm quite certain that's where I last saw it.
39 00643EE2 I believe the piece may turn up somewhere in the clinic.
40 00643EE3 Have a look in the common room. There's a very good chance that's where the piece disappeared.
41 00643EE4 I'm positive the piece has gone missing in the Responders H.Q..
42 00643EE5 I believe I last saw it in the west wing, on the first floor.
43 00643EE6 It's quite likely somewhere in the west wing on the second floor.
44 00643EE7 Give the third floor of the west wing a good search.
45 Sorry, not interested. 00647819 Unfortunate, but I understand. You will find me here if you change your mind.
46 No promises, but I'll let you know if I find it. 0064781C Thank you, friend. Stay alert. The piece looks like a miniature robot and may be difficult to spot.
47 Why do you like chess so much? 0065108A My father taught me the game of chess when I was just a boy. "Roy," he said to me, "this world is a chaotic place, but one can always find peace in chess." Telling a story from his past, thinking fondly back to when he was a child
48 Sadly, he was torn apart by raider attack dogs not long after, but his lessons remained with me. Despite life's hardships, I find solace in the game. His fond memory suddenly takes a dark twist. Spoken in a somber way but with a bit of "such is life" sort of acceptance of the situation