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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ronald Laren.


DialogGirdershadeTLGrady Do you know someone named Grady? Disgust 70 Grady? Maybe. Why you asking? 1
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady01 I have a package for you from him. Surprise 100 Holy crap! You have it? 2
Disgust 60 Well hand it over! I've been waiting over a year for that damn thing! 3
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady02 I found him dead. Surprise 90 Holy crap! That son-of-a-bitch took my caps and ran and now he ends up dead? 4
Fear 90 Now I'll never get that package! 5
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady03 I bumped into him a while back is all. (Lie) Anger 90 You did huh? Well, if you ever see that lowlife again, tell him Ronald wants his damn package delivered or bring me back my caps. 6
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady04 Sure, here you go. Happy 50 Hey, thanks a bunch for bringing it to me. You could have been a jerk and sold it to someone else, but you didn't. 7
Neutral 50 Ah hell, let me give you the rest of the caps I was gonna give Grady anyway. 8
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady04Nice Sure, here you go and you don't owe me a single cap. Disgust 90 Well, that's awfully generous of you seeing as I never made a deal with you in the first place. 9
Happy 50 But I guess it's pretty decent of you not to sell it to someone else instead. Thanks, kid. 10
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady04SC I'll sell it to you...for 300 caps. Disgust 90 Fine, fine. Anything to get it! Here's your caps, now hand it over. 11
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady05 Hang on a second. You want it, you need to pay for it. Disgust 80 Shrewd kid, very shrewd. 12
Disgust 50 Okay. Seeing as I was going to pay Grady anyway, here's the caps I owed him. Now, lemme have it. 13
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady06 I'm not giving you anything. Disgust 100 Ohhh... I know how this game's played, kid. 14
Disgust 50 Fine. How about I pay you 200 caps for it? It's the same money I would have paid Grady. 15
DialogGirdershadeTLGrady07 Nope, sorry. I'm holding onto it. Disgust 90 Fine, be an asshole. When you get hungry for caps, you know who to talk to. 16
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Lemme go, beautiful! I'm gonna' get us some Quantum! 17
GREETING Disgust 50 Bringing me some Quantum I hope? 18
GREETING Disgust 50 My offer still stands. Bring me Quantum, and I'll pay you for it. 19
GREETING Disgust 50 Hey, pal. What were you doing in Sierra's place? 20
GREETING Happy 50 So, who might you be and what brings you out to our little paradise? 21
GREETING Disgust 70 Unless you want to hear what I have to say, we have nothing to discuss. 22
GREETING Sad 80 Sorry... need to be alone for a while. 23
GREETING Fear 80 Get away from me! They'll find me next! 24
GREETING Happy 50 Hey there, hot stuff. 25
GREETING Disgust 50 What? 26
MS05FinTLLocalSights Is there anything else interesting to see near Girdershade? Neutral 50 My friend, you are at the ass end of the Capital Wasteland. If it weren't for Sierra I'd be out of here. 27
Neutral 50 One thing I can tell you is stay the hell away from the Dunwich Building to the south. That place is bad mojo. 28
Neutral 50 I dunno what that place is about, but I hear about weird shit going on. 29
MS05FinTLNukaCola I have some more Quantum for you. Disgust 50 Why would I want that piss water? Get it away from me. 30
MS05FinTLSierraDead Sierra is dead. Surprise 90 What? What the hell happened? 31
MS05FinTLSierraDead00 The Nuka-Cola Corporation had her killed! (Lie) Surprise 100 Crap! This has to be about the Nuka-Cola machine I got for her! 32
Fear 100 It had this label on it saying "Warning: If you tamper with this unit you will have to answer to the Nuka-Cola Corporation." 33
Fear 100 Now I bet they're after me! Oh god! I gotta hide. I gotta go! 34
MS05FinTLSierraDead01 Sorry, I don't know. (Lie) Disgust 50 Are you shittin' me? What a waste! Oh man. 35
Disgust 50 If I find out who did that to her, they're dead. She was mine... no one was supposed to touch her but me! 36
MS05FinTLSierraDead02 I killed her. Got a problem with that, tough guy? Surprise 100 What?? You're crazy! How could you just go and kill her like that?! 37
Anger 90 That's it... you're dead meat! Say hello to the Kneecapper! 38
MS05FinTLSierraDead03 You sound like you were in love with her. Surprise 50 Love? What are you talking about. 39
Anger 50 All I know is things are sure gonna be awfully quiet around here with her gone. 40
Sad 100 Ah well. I guess I'll go clean up the mess and take care of things around here. 41
MS05FinTLSierraDead04 Yeah, it's a shame. She was beautiful. Happy 50 Wasn't she? 42
Sad 50 All I know is things are sure gonna be awfully quiet around here with her gone. 43
Sad 80 Ah well. I guess I'll go clean up the mess and take care of things around here. 44
Neutral 50 Ahem... Anyway, that's all in the past now. 45
MS05FinTLSierraDead05 Well, you found me. Now try and kill me, tough guy. Surprise 100 You!? You killed her!? 46
Anger 100 That's it... you're dead meat! Say hello to the Kneecapper! 47
MS05RonaldCT01 What's it to you? Neutral 50 Because I'm making sure that no one messes with her. She's my girl, you know. 48
What's it to you? Happy 50 Hey hey. No need to be that way, beautiful. 49
Happy 50 It's cool anyway, Sierra and I are already hooked up. 50
Neutral 50 I just don't want any other chicks messing with her head. You know what I mean? 51
MS05RonaldCT02 I was checking out Sierra's Nuka-Cola Collection. Disgust 50 That better be all you were checking out. I don't like guys messing with my woman. 52
I was checking out Sierra's Nuka-Cola Collection. Neutral 50 That's all huh? Better be. 53
Disgust 50 Because I warn you, I don't like anyone messing around with my woman. 54
MS05RonaldCT03 Screw you, buddy! What are you, her husband? Disgust 50 Nope. I'm not the marrying type. 55
Neutral 50 Look, I'm just trying to make sure no one messes with her. You'd do the same to protect your woman too. 56
None of your damn business. Neutral 50 Wow. Okay, I get the message. Take it easy. 57
Neutral 50 Look, I'm just trying to make sure no one messes up my chances with her. 58
MS05RonaldCT04 She never said anything about you two being together. Neutral 50 Well, that's likely because it's none of anyone's business but ours. 59
Happy 50 She's one hot lady though, am I right? 60
She never said anything about you two being together. Neutral 50 Well, that's likely because it's none of anyone's business but ours. 61
Happy 50 But hey she's a fine looking lady. I mean, you're no slouch either, but a man has his standards you know? 62
MS05RonaldCT05 I'm not messing with anything. Disgust 50 Good. I aim to keep it that way. 63
Happy 50 She's a fine woman. I'd love to get closer to her if you know what I mean. 64
MS05RonaldCT05a Hey, she's my girl! Take a number! Disgust 50 I think you'd better calm down and think long and hard about that. 65
Anger 50 Girdershade is my town, you can't just walk in here and tell me you're taking Sierra. 66
Disgust 50 I'm gonna' be the first one to tap into her goods, not you! 67
Maybe I like messing around. Happy 50 Whoa, that's kind of kinky, I like it! I wouldn't mind watching that. 68
Neutral 50 Sorry baby, you'll just have to take a number. I'm gonna' be the first one to tap into Sierra's goods, not you. 69
MS05RonaldCT06 What are you driving at? Happy 50 Wow, you are as naive as you look. 70
Neutral 50 How do I put it? I'd love to do the horizontal bop with her... you know, plow her bean field. Come on, kid. 71
MS05RonaldCT07 I don't have time for this nonsense. Disgust 50 All right, suit yourself. 72
Neutral 50 I was going to make you an offer that could earn you some caps, but if you don't have the time to listen... 73
MS05RonaldCT07a What the hell is wrong with you? You're sick... Happy 50 Born and raised that way and damn proud of it. 74
Disgust 50 Look. I have an offer to give you. You can either stand there and be a pain in the ass, or you can listen to what I have to say. 75
MS05RonaldCT08 Nope, I still don't get it. Neutral 50 New to this stuff, eh kid? 76
Neutral 50 Well, let's just say that she has something I want to get a hold of. That's where you enter the picture. 77
MS05RonaldCT09 That's disgusting! Disgust 50 What are you, some kind of choir boy? Bah, maybe you're just not old enough to understand yet. 78
Neutral 50 Needless to say, she's got what I want. That's where you come into the picture. 79
That's disgusting! Disgust 50 What are you, a nun? Bah, maybe you're just not old enough to understand yet. 80
Neutral 50 Needless to say, she's got what I want. That's where you come into the picture. 81
MS05RonaldCT10 Can't say I blame you. Happy 50 Now you're speaking my language. 82
Neutral 50 Well, only problem is she won't give it up for me. That's where you come into the picture. 83
MS05RonaldQuestOffer01 Oh, really? Sounds interesting. Go on... Neutral 50 I know she's asked you to find her some Nuka-Cola Quantum. Heck, she asks everyone that wanders through here. 84
Happy 50 What I'm proposing is you still look for the drinks, but instead of bringing it to her, you bring it to me. 85
Neutral 50 She'll be so impressed that I got all the Nuka-Cola for her, she'll melt in my arms like butter. 86
Neutral 50 I pay you the same she was going to pay, and everyone's happy. 87
MS05RonaldQuestOffer02 Just what is it you need me to do? Neutral 50 I know she's asked you to find her some Nuka-Cola Quantum. Heck, she asks everyone that wanders through here. 88
Happy 50 What I'm proposing is you still look for the drinks, but instead of bringing it to her, you bring it to me. 89
Neutral 50 She'll be so impressed that I got all the Nuka-Cola for her, she'll melt in my arms like butter. 90
Neutral 50 I pay you the same she was going to pay, and everyone's happy. 91
MS05RonaldQuestOffer03 Look, I've got things to do. I'm not interested. Disgust 50 Fine. Oh, and I wouldn't bother running back to Sierra and warning her about our little chat. She won't even understand what you're talking about. 92
Neutral 50 She may be a looker, but she's a bit vacant in the smarts department. 93
MS05RonaldSubQuestAccepted Yeah, sure. I'm always for making more caps. Happy 50 Thought you might. Good. I'll see you soon then. 94
MS05RonaldSubQuestBlackWidow Tell you what, handsome. Find me some Quantum and we'll make it a threesome. Surprise 50 Holy shit! Are you for real? Hell yeah! 95
Happy 50 I'm off to find you some Quantum then and I know right where to go. 96
MS05RonaldSubQuestDelayed Sorry, I'm not interested in your offer. Happy 50 Well, look... don't answer me now, just keep it in mind. If you find some and you've had a change of heart, I'll still buy 'em. 97
Disgust 70 Oh, and I wouldn't bother running back to Sierra and warning her. She won't even understand what you're talking about. 98
Neutral 50 She may be a hottie, but she's a bit vacant in the smarts department. 99
MS05RonaldSubQuestSC How about you pay me double for each Quantum bottle. Disgust 50 You devious bastard. I didn't figure you were that clever. 100
Disgust 50 All right, all right. Double it is. Just bring me those bottles, if I have to listen to Sierra ramble on any longer, I think I'll blow my brains out! 101
Neutral 50 So, you gonna' do it or what? 102
MS05TLLocalSights Is there anything else interesting to see near Girdershade? Neutral 50 My friend, you are at the ass end of the Capital Wasteland. If it weren't for Sierra I'd be out of here. 103
Neutral 50 One thing I can tell you is stay the hell away from the Dunwich Building to the south. That place is bad mojo. 104
Neutral 50 I dunno what that place is about, but I hear about weird shit going on. 105
MS05TLMoreAboutPlant What do you know about the Nuka-Cola Bottling Facility? Neutral 50 Well, Sierra may be as nutty as a fruitcake, but she's right. 106
Neutral 50 That bottling plant is the place you want to go. Only thing is, the place is crawling with security and creatures. 107
Neutral 50 If it was easy, I'd have done it myself by now. 108
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda What do you know about Nuka-Cola Quantum? Disgust 50 That stuff is some of the nastiest shit I've ever had. 109
Disgust 50 Imagine drinking a Nuka-Cola, then downing a fistful of sugar and punching yourself in the head. That pretty much sums it up. 110
Disgust 50 Sierra shared one with me a long time ago. After I drank it, my piss glowed for a week! 111
MS05TLNukaCola Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Neutral 50 Sorry, don't want anymore. Thirty was all I needed... and now Sierra's mine. 112
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Neutral 50 Well, this should be enough to fill that stupid machine of hers. Thanks for all your help, but our transaction is done. 113
Neutral 50 I'll take any extras off your hands for now, but then I'm done with these disgusting drinks. They taste horrible! 114
Happy 50 Now to put the moves on my lady. Come and watch an expert at work. 115
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Disgust 50 Won't be long before I'm ready to spring my surprise on Sierra. She's gonna give it up for me for certain for this. Heck, she'd better! 116
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 I'm glad you're seeing things my way. Nice job. 117
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 More, huh? Good. This will make Sierra very happy. 118
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Neutral 50 Keep the bottles coming, I'll keep the caps flowing. 119
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 No, I don't think so. Take what you can get. 120
SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 80 What? Gimme a break. 121
Disgust 90 You know what I think? I think you killed her. That means we've got a problem. 122
Disgust 100 I think it's time to introduce you to a close friend of mine. I call him the Kneecapper. Say hello. 123
SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 100 No way, that's more than I was gonna pay Grady. Forget it! 124
Disgust 70 All I'm offering is 200 caps. That's it. Take it or leave it. 125


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Sure thing, honey. 126
I have to go now. Happy 50 Hey if this thing with Sierra doesn't work out... 127
I have to go now. Happy 50 Baby, I hate it when you leave, but I love watching you go. 128
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Just remember, only one that's gonna' lay a finger on her is me. Got it? 129
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Good, then stop gawking and get me some Quantum. 130
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Just watch your ass around Sierra. She's mine. 131
I have to go now. Happy 50 Whatever floats your boat, sweetcheeks. 132
I have to go now. Happy 50 Sure thing, honey. 133
I have to go now. Happy 50 Baby, I hate it when you leave, but I love watching you go. 134
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 135
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Fine, I don't care. 136
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Whatever. 137
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Sorry, darling. I'm on a mission of mercy... for me! 138
HELLO Happy 50 When I look at you, I see two reasons that make me happy to be a man. 139
HELLO Happy 50 Swing that thing, honey! 140
HELLO Happy 50 Whoa baby. Slow down a second. {Wolf Whistle before you say line.} 141
HELLO Neutral 50 Got something you wanna' say? 142
HELLO Disgust 50 You find the soda, I pay up. Life couldn't be simpler. 143
HELLO Disgust 50 What the heck do you want? 144
HELLO Disgust 50 What are you looking at? 145
HELLO Disgust 50 Got something on your mind? Spill it. 146
HELLO Disgust 50 Yeah, what? 147
MS05RonaldConv MS05RonaldConv Neutral 50 Yep. I'll be seeing you, soon I hope. 148
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 He he. That's ok, Sierra. Play hard to get. I love it! 149
MS05RonaldConv Neutral 50 That's ok, baby. We have plenty of time. You know where to find me when you want some of this. 150
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 Nothing. So, you wanna' celebrate? 151
MS05RonaldConv Anger 30 Yeah, I'll fill your machine all right. Hehe. 152
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 Hi there, sweet cheeks. I got something for you. 153