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Fallout Wiki
FO3 RobCo facility mainframe

RobCo facility terminal entries are a series of terminal entries in Fallout 3. They can be found on the terminal in the mainframe chamber on the third floor offices and cafeteria of the RobCo facility.

RobCo Production Mainframe[]

Note: This mainframe is located in the Offices, upstairs. Accessing the Average locked mainframe with the RobCo processor widget activates the turrets, and releases the Protectrons from their pod, who will be hostile.


Welcome to the RobCo Facilities Robot Master Terminal!
How may I assist you this fine day?

Orientation Guide[]


Congratulations on your transferal to the position of ROBOT PROTOCOL OPERATOR! Your trusted co-workers will be the standard Protectron models stationed throughout the facility.

"Basic Operation" covers the day-to-day functionality of your co-workers, as described in detail in your training manual.

"Pest Extermination" encourages your co-workers to track and sanitize any roaches, rodents, or other undesired pests on the premises.

"Total Liquidation" removes your co-workers' humanoid safety protocols, and is for use only in the unlikely event of criminal intrusion or communist attack.

"Robot Shutdown" allows you to temporarily retire your co-workers for their regular maintenance, or in the case of accidental Liquidation commands.

We trust you'll find the work simple, rewarding, and extremely safe! Enjoy!


> Welcome!

Basic Operation[]


> ERROR: Facility Power Supply Insufficient

Initiate Pest Extermination[]

Note: Accessing this command initiates the turrets and Protectrons which will stay hostile to just the creatures, or all, depending on first activating the "Cease Total Liquidation" command below or not.


> Initiating Sequence Alpha-Two-Roach

Cease Pest Extermination[]

Note: Accessing this command ceases hostility from turrets and Protectrons to all. It does not work, however.


> Ceasing Sequence Alpha-Two-Roach

Initiate Total Liquidation[]

Note: Accessing this command initiates turrets and Protectrons for hostility to all.


> Initiating Sequence Commie-Attack

Cease Total Liquidation[]

Note: Accessing this command ceases hostility from turrets and protectrons to all, just leaving the critters to be attacked.


> Ceasing Sequence Commie-Attack

Initiate Stress Testing[]

Note: Accessing this command causes the protectrons and turrets to attack each other. By activating "Cease Total Liquidation," they will not be hostile to the player.


> Initiating Sequence Omega-4-Breakdown

Cease Stress Testing[]

Note: Accessing this command causes the turrets and Protectrons to no longer attack each other, just the critters (and possibly the Lone Wanderer).


> Ceasing Sequence Omega-4-Breakdown
