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This is a transcript for dialogue with RobCo Auto-Cache 001 system voice.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0042479F 00424802 Error. Dispenser token not detected. Please deposit token into the designated slot. Robotic.
2 004247A1 004247F7 Error. Transaction failed. Please try again. Robotic.
3 004247A2 004247EF Pip-Boy ... detected. Registration ... complete. You may now present Pip-Boy at access point. Robotic.
4 005904B9 Pip-Boy ... detected. Registration ... complete. Countermeasures ... disabled. You may now present Pip-Boy at access point. Robotic.
5 004247A4 00424829 Valid Pip-Boy detected. Access granted. Welcome, prospective RobCo customer! Friendly.
6 004247A5 0042480A Error. Pip-Boy registration required. Robotic.
7 005904B7 Error. Pip-Boy registration required. Please report to main office. Robotic.
8 0055AC90 0055AD60 Unregistered access detected. Deploying counter measures. Robotic.