Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This page is a quick script reference for Fallout. The game is script-driven, but due to its age and era, it does not have human-legible scripts. The goal is to help users parse these scripts and understand that roll_vs_skill(dude_obj, 14, 0) means a roll against Speech with no modifiers applied.

In Fallout 2, these were consolidated into DEFINE.H.


Attributes are checked directly.

  • get_critter_stat(OBJ, # below)
0 = Strength
1 = Perception
2 = Endurance
3 = Charisma
4 = Intelligence
5 = Agility
6 = Luck


Skills can be checked with fixed requirements or as randomized rolls.

  • (has_skill(OBJ, #below)
  • (is_success(do_check(OBJ, SKILL, MOD))
  • (is_success(roll_vs_skill(OBJ, SKILL, MOD%)))
0 = Small Guns
1 = Big Guns
2 = Energy Weapons
3 = Unarmed
4 = Melee Weapons
5 = Throwing
6 = First aid
7 = Doctor
8 = Sneak
9 = Lockpick
10 = Steal
11 = Traps
12 = Science
13 = Repair
14 = Speech
15 = Barter
16 = Gambling
17 = Outdoorsman


Perks are simply checked for, with an optional level.

  • (has_trait(0, OBJ, #below)
0          Awareness
1          Bonus HtH Attacks
2          Bonus HtH Damage
3          Bonus Move
4          Bonus Ranged Damage
5          Bonus Rate of Fire
6          Earlier Sequence
7          Faster Healing
8          More Criticals
9          Night Vision
10          Presence
11          Rad Resistance
12          Toughness
13          Strong Back
14          Sharpshooter
15          Silent Running
16          Survivalist
17          Master Trader
18          Educated
19          Healer
20          Fortune Finder
21          Better Criticals
22          Empathy
23          Slayer
24          Sniper
25          Silent Death
26          Action Boy
27          Mental Block
28          Lifegiver
29          Dodger
30          Snakeater
31          Mr. Fixit
32          Medic
33          Master Thief
34          Speaker
35          Heave Ho!
36          Friendly Foe
37          Pickpocket
38          Ghost
39          Cult of Personality
40          Scrounger
41          Explorer
42          Flower Child
43          Pathfinder
44          Animal Friend
45          Scout
46          Mysterious Stranger
47          Ranger
48          Quick Pockets
49          Smooth Talker
50          Swift Learner
51          Tag!
52          Mutate!
53          Nuka-Cola Addiction
54          Buffout Addiction
55          Mentats Addiction
56          Psycho Addiction
57          Radaway Addiction
58          Weapon Long Range (item perk)
59          Weapon Accurate (item perk)
60          Weapon Penetrate  (item perk)
61          Weapon Knockback  (item perk)
62          Powered Armor   (item perk)
63           Combat Armor  (item perk)


Traits are simply checked for.

  • (has_trait(2, OBJ, #below)
0          Fast Metabolism
1          Bruiser
2          Small Frame
3          One Hander
4          Finesse
5          Kamikaze
6          Heavy Handed
7          Fast Shot
8          Bloody Mess
9          Jinxed
10          Good Natured
11          Chem Reliant
12          Chem Resistant
13          Night Person
14          Skilled
15          Gifted


Multiple injuries can be caused by adding the values together (eg. to cripple both legs, injure target using a value of 12.

Crippled LEFT LEG          critter_injure(OBJ, 4);
Crippled RIGHT LEG          critter_injure(OBJ, 8);
Crippled LEFT ARM          critter_injure(OBJ, 16);
Crippled RIGHT ARM          critter_injure(OBJ, 32);
Blindness (-5 Perception)          critter_injure(OBJ, 64);

Script actions[]

These are various actions that can occur in scripts and are defined at the start of each script.

2          spatial_p_proc
3          description_p_proc
4          pickup_p_proc
6          use_p_proc
7          use_obj_on_p_proc
8          use_skill_on_p_proc
11          talk_p_proc
12          critter_p_proc
13          combat_p_proc
14          damage_p_proc
15          map_enter_p_proc    [map_init]
16          map_exit_p_proc     [remove_party]
18          destroy_p_proc
21          look_at_p_proc
22          timed_event_p_proc
23          map_update_p_proc

