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This is a transcript for dialogue with Red Rocket Protectron.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003C0654 003CD0BD Engaging customer discipline subroutines.
2 003CD0BE Cooperation is encouraged for customer safety.
3 003CD0BF Law abiding customers, do not be alarmed. Red Rocket Mega Stop is a family friendly business.
4 003CD0C0 Mailing list privileges have been revoked.
5 003CD0C1 Compensation for damages will be expected.
6 003CD0C2 Continued resistance will result in a customer ban.
7 003C0656 00084C36 Hostile customers will be reported.
8 00084C3C Customer is no longer eligible for discounts.
9 00084C41 Warning. Core functions damaged.
10 0008FAE2 Attention. Maintenance required.
11 003C0658 0017B60E Hostile customers will be reported.
12 0017B60F Customer is no longer eligible for discounts.
13 0017B613 Dissatisfaction is unacceptable. Comment cards are available in the lobby.
14 003C0659 0017B603 Welcome to the Red Rocket Mega Stop! Your one stop mega shop for all your traveling needs.
15 0017B604 Red Rocket is the name you trust for nuclear-powered engine coolant.
16 0017B605 All Red Rocket slushies are buy one get one free. Try our new Nuka-Cola flavor today.
17 0017B606 Sit back and relax at our Red Rocket Restaurant. Open 24 hours for your convenience.
18 0017B607 Restore your car's shine in our professional car wash. A guaranteed clean at just the right price.
19 003C065A 0008FAE5 Welcome to the Red Rocket Mega Stop. How may I assist you today?
20 0017B5FE Public restrooms may be found to the right of the building.
21 0017B5FF Please report any suspicious activity. Safety starts with you.
22 0017B600 Tourist pamphlets may be found at the cashier counter. Some discounts may be available.
23 0017B601 Would you like gasoline, diesel, or coolant?
24 003CD02B 003CD02E Customer appears to be dissatisfied.
25 003CD02F Loitering is a crime.
26 003CD030 Clean up requested.
27 003CD0A6 003CD0CC Attention customers. Use of deadly force has been authorized. Please clear the area.
28 003CD0CD Cooperation is vital to customer survival.
29 003CD0CE Hostile customer detected. Disciplinary actions will be taken.
30 003CD0A7 003CD0DA Hostile actions registered. Potential dissatisfied customer.
31 003CD0DB Approach and speak. Customer complaints will be heard.
32 003CD0DC Violence is unnecessary. Comment cards have been provided to register complaints.
33 003CD0A8 003CD0B5 Hostile customer has left the premises. Initiating company-wide ban.
34 003CD0B6 Reinstating customer service subroutines.
35 003CD0B7 Red Rocket Mega Stop safety levels nominal.
36 003CD0A9 003CD0D3 Hostile customer located. Commencing disciplinary action.
37 003CD0D4 Resistance is frowned upon.
38 003CD0D5 Hostile actions must be punished.
39 003CD0AA 003CD0DD Customers are encouraged to remain calm during fugitive pursuit.
40 003CD0DE Concessions are available for customers waiting for order to be restored.
41 003CD0DF Continuing search for hostile customer.
42 003CD0AB 003CD0B9 Family friendly environment has been restored.
43 003CD0BA Attention customers and employees. Red Rocket Mega Stop services may now resume.
44 003CD0BB Safety levels nominal. Duty complete.
45 003CD0AC 003CD0C8 Negative reviews are unacceptable. Pursuing hostile customer.
46 003CD0C9 Dissatisfied customers must be questioned. Initiating search.
47 003CD0CA Threats to our family friendly environment must be eliminated.
48 003CD0AD 003CD0D0 Area appears normal.
49 003CD0D1 Disruptions no longer detected.
50 003CD0D2 Satisfaction levels have been restored.
51 003CD0AE 003CD0B1 Dissatisfied customer has been identified.
52 003CD0B2 Commencing customer disciplinary subroutines.
53 003CD0B3 Prepare for disciplinary action.
54 003CD0AF 003CD0C5 Scanning.
55 003CD0C6 Family friendly environment is currently at risk.
56 003CD0C7 Possible dissatisfied customer in the area.
57 003CD0B0 003CD0C3 Service abilities impaired.