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This is a transcript for dialogue with Raider hunter.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
44 0054EB2E 00555E40 I've been following this trail for a while now. Did Rocksy send you to help?
48 00556EED You can help if you want. Just don't get in my way.
49 00556EEE This scumbag left a trail that even a child could follow.
100 [Strength 12+] Why are you wasting your time on this errand? You should prove yourself by going to Foundation and creating chaos. 00555E39 Heh. I like how you think, psycho. Yeah... screw this. Foundation's about to get rocked.
101 I bet you can follow that loser's trail without my help, but take this just in case. Now beat it, freak.
102 [Attack] I don't need you getting in my way. 00555E38 You piece of shit.
103 0055AB6F Walk away and I'll get Rocksy to throw something extra in for you. I won't tell her you're a murderous psycho, either. Okay?
104 [Charisma 8+] Why not go back to Crater and let me handle this one? You deserve a break. 00555E35 You know what? I do deserve a break. I've been doing this shit day in and day out for way too long.
105 Look, you can follow that trundler's path without any help from me. Here, this will help. Now get out of my face, I'm on vacation.
106 Rocksy sent me. I want your help killing this loser. 00555E31 Geez. Look at yourself. Have you ever even done this before?
107 Take some chems or eat something so you don't fall over. Then just follow my lead.
108 0055AB74 Look. I like your enthusiasm. Reminds me of myself when I was a young punk. Full of lousy dreams and idiotic ambition.
109 *sigh* Here, take this. Maybe it'll help. But I don't need a partner here, got it? Now scram, punk.
118 [Attack] Nah. I bet you have something good in your pockets though. 0055AB69 No, I'm broke! Damn it! This job sucks!
119 [Lie/Charisma 8-] I already killed the scumbag, so Rocksy said you owe me your cut. 0055AB6C Hahaha. Fuck off.
120 0055AB6D Shit. Fair enough. Good job, I guess. Next time I'm going to have to run faster, huh?
121 [Strength 8+] Ever think about running into Foundation and causing chaos? 0055AB6E Shit. Only every damn day.
122 Hell. You could just... take care of this asshole by yourself, I bet. Here, take this - I've got other shit to do today.
123 [Charisma 8+] Would you mind letting me deal with this dirt bag alone? 0055AB6A Hmm, sure. I had some things to do around Crater anyway. I'll tell Rocksy to toss you my share of the reward as well.
124 [Lie/Charisma 4+] I already killed the traitor. Rocksy said you can take the day off after you give me your cut. 0055AB70 Oh. Fine. Tell Rocksy I'll be back for the next one, then.
125 0055AB71 Get real, freak, and get out of my face before I bite your nose off.
126 Okay, but Rocksy better give me something worth my time. 0055AB75 She will, as long as you don't kill me. Got it? Now fuck off!
127 [ATTACK] I'll just grab whatever you're carrying once you're dead. 0055AB6B Joke's on you! I pack light! Loser!
128 Rocksy sent me. Can you help me kill this traitor? 0055AB79 No. I work alone. Less complicated. If you get to this moron first, you do what you need to do. I'll do the same.
129 But, you know what? Here. Take this. No hard feelings, ok? You'll be fine.
130 0055AB7A Why? You don't think you can do it alone? Look. You're part of the gang. You gotta pull your weight like any of us.
131 Here, take this stuff. I don't need it, I've done this all before. Now, follow the trail and destroy the dirtbag.