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This is a transcript for dialogue with Major Ragnarsdottir.

EN02 AssaultronSceneQuest[]

(Whitespring surveillance recordings#Assaultron)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 004E2196 004E21A9 MODUS! Open the fucking door! You're going to kill us all! You just found out a deadly biological agent has been released into the facility and now MODUS is locking the door with you inside.
2 004E2198 004E21A2 MODUS, what are you doing?! Open the god-damned door! You just found out a deadly biological agent has been released into the facility and now MODUS is locking the door with you inside.
3 004E219A 004E21AE What? What the hell was that? You hear a distant explosion under your feet.
4 004E219C 004E21A3 MODUS. Have the rest of these things stand down. The general's placed Eckhart under arrest. It's over. Speaking to the room around you. MODUS is the AI that runs this facility.
5 004E219D 004E21AC That's the last of them. Entrance is clear, general. Talking into a walky-talky. There is no response.

ENB Surveillance Quest 05 ScoutingReport[]

(Whitespring surveillance recordings#2.9.6)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
6 003CB8E1 003CB92A A few good leads, Mr. Secretary. It seems a collection of firemen, policemen, and doctors have started organizing. They're calling themselves "the Responders." Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.
7 We believe there might be some strong candidates among the group for acquisition. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.
8 003CB8DE 003CB94D Most likely not, but Dr. Norris says he's been making progress on his reprogramming regimen. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.
9 003CB8DC 003CB941 No, sir. That's why I think these other two leads are so promising. Grey found a facility. Chinese. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense. Wait a beat before "Chinese." This is a big surprise.
10 003CB8DA 003CB937 No longer active, sir. There were a few stragglers in the facility when our men arrived, but Grey and his team made short work of them. You just gave some surprising news to your boss. He's a bit shocked and you're trying to cover.
11 It looks as though they were trying to build some kind of invasion force. Robotic. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.
12 003CB8D8 003CB924 Already underway. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.
13 003CB8D6 003CB934 Our men made it to West-Tek. It seems they were working on... Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense. You're cut off.
14 003CB8D4 003CB95E They are, sir. But these monsters, I don't know if we can control them. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense. You're cut off.
15 003CB8D2 003CB92B Yes, sir. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense. You're cut off.
16 003CB8D0 003CB953 Yes, sir. It seems the automated voting system can be reprogrammed, as you suggested. You say the word and we can begin the process. Presenting a scouting report to your boss. No nonsense.

ENB Surveillance Quest 14 Rescue[]

(Whitespring surveillance recordings#8.5.2)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
17 003CAFFC 003CB00A Here's the quick version, sir. Eckhart's released the beasts. We're at DEFCON one. under pressure, time is running out
18 We're going to stop him and undo as much as we can before it gets out of hand. under pressure, time is running out
19 003CAFFF 003CB03E Sir, we need you on your feet. We're short on time here. relieved, but under pressure
20 003CB002 003CB02C The label said it's the right stuff... just give it a second! annoyed, under pressure
21 003CAFFD 003CB014 Glad to see your brain's not totally fried, sir. grinning, but under pressure