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Radio Tower Takeover is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story Introduction[]

Radio Tower 3SM-U81 is a relay tower location in the Northern Central area of The Commonwealth. A local warband, which is fighting for control of the area, soon realizes the strategic importance of the radio tower, and decide to move in and take over. However, the Brotherhood of Steel is stationed there, and as they see the enemy forces closing in, they broadcast a desperate call for assistance.



  • Battlefield size: 3 feet x 3 feet (90 cm x 90 cm) table.
  • Terrain: Player's choice.

Place a piece of tall scenery right at the center of the battlefield, representing Radio Tower 3SM-U81. This should be no bigger than Yellow in height or width. Then, alternate with your opponent to place any desired scenery pieces. The Defender’s forces deploy first, within Yellow of the tower. They are also allowed to place a turret. The Defender can choose not to deploy up to half their Caps in units. The Attacker’s forces then deploy within Red of any edge of the battlefield.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: 6 Rounds.


The player who has the most units in base contact with the Tower at the end of Round 6 wins the game.

Additional rules[]

  • The Attackers (Survivors) start with 20% extra Caps when building their forces.
  • The Defender can choose not to deploy up to half of their Caps in units.
  • If the Defenders (The Brotherhood of Steel) control the Tower for three consecutive turns, they can call on reinforcements equal to double the Caps they left out during initial deployment. ‘Control’ is here defined as having base contact without enemy base contact to the tower.

Victory conditions[]

Side Victory Condition Reward
Defender Major The enemy controls the Tower by Round 6. The defenders win 250 caps.
Defender Minor Same number of units are in contact with the Tower, yet the enemy has more points in total. The defenders win 150 caps.
Attacker Major You control the Tower by Round 6. The attackers win 250 caps.
Attacker Minor Same number of units are in contact with the Tower, yet your side has more points in total. The attackers win 150 caps.

External links[]
