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This is a transcript for dialogue with Rachel.


1DoctorGreetScene{Friendly, doctor speaking to patient / Friendly} You're that wanderer from the Commonwealth. I'm Rachel. I assist Dr. Forsythe with his medical duties. Are you sick or injured?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
2{Asking a question / Question} Yes? Do you need assistance? Are you sick or injured?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
3{Asking a question / Question} Need Stimpaks? Or I can just heal you.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
4{Asking a question / Question} Feeling all right? I can always take a look.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
5{Asking a question / Question} Anything I can do for you? Medically speaking, of course.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
6{Asking a question / Question} In need of medical assistance?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
7{Asking a question / Question} Anything the matter? I've always got time for an examination.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
8Not many doctors around these days. Should let me take a look at you.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
9If you need fixing up, let's get a look at you.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
10I can patch you up if you need it. For a small fee, of course.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
11Player Default: Not interested.Very well.B1a
12Player Default: Not interested.Fine.B2a
13Player Default: Not interested.All right. Excuse me.B3a
14Player Default: Not interested.Let me know if that changes.B4a
15Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Now, go over your symptoms for me. One at a time.A5a
16Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Tell me your symptoms.A6a
17Player Default: Patch me up, doc.What's feeling off today? What can you tell me?A7a
18Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Go over your symptoms with me.A8a
19Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Great. Let's take a look.X1a
20Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Here's what I have.X2a
21Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{Matter of fact / Neutral} It's not much, but hopefully I have what you need.X3a
22Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Having medical supplies is always a good idea.X4a
23Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{Matter of fact / Neutral} I imagine one can never have too many medical supplies in the Commonwealth.X5a
24Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.I suppose I could spare some Stimpaks.X10a
25Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.All right, but go easy on the Chems.X11a
26Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.Let's see what I can spare...X12a
27{Matter of fact / Neutral} No. The people of this Vault are surprisingly healthy.Y1a
28{Matter of fact / Neutral} If that's all, I have work to do.Y1b
29Got nothing, sorry. Just trying to practice medicine.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y18a
30Nothing that would interest you. Now, let's talk about you and your health.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y19a
31Been out of the loop. Lot of sick and injured taking up my time. Now, if you need treatment, let me know.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y20a
32DoctorMedicineScene02_Exam{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Glad to hear it. Anything else?A2a
33{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Hope it stays that way. Anything else?A3a
34{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Anything else?A4a
35{medical examination / Puzzled} Huh, you look fine, but... oh wait... yep, that's gonna need to be set back in place. Let's get started.A6a
36{medical examination} Eh, I've seen worse. Better stitch you up before infection sets in, though.A7a
37{medical examination} Scrapes and bruises, but it's probably a good idea to get them fixed up.A8a
38{examining a patient / Thinking} Severe lacerations, puncture wounds, muscle spasms in the eyes from high levels of stress... Yeah, let's patch you up.A12a
39{medical examination / Thinking} Hmm... gonna need to brace those fractures, apply some cream for the burns, a few sets of stitches. Better get to it...A13a
40{medical examination / Surprised} Oh wow, that's a lot of blood. We'll need to operate right away.A14a
41{Apologetic} Well, I'd patch you up, but I have costs to cover, and you're short on caps. What else is bothering you?A18a
42{Apologetic} You're hurt, all right, but you're also dead broke. Sorry. Anything else?A19a
43{Apologetic} I'd like to help you, but I got costs to cover, and you're low on caps. Was there anything else?A20a
44All right. Don't ruin my hard work by dying out there.B5a
45Take better care of yourself in the future, okay?B6a
46Off you go, then.B7a
47{played asked for help, then changed his mind} On your way, then.B11a
48{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Fine. Come back later.B12a
49{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Very well, then.B13a
50{examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal} Good. Keep an eye on it, though. What else?X1a
51{seeing signs of radiation sickness} Blood pooling in the gums. Signs of anemia. Yeah. We better clean you up.X3a
52{seeing signs of radiation sickness} All right. Let's flush your system.X4a
53{seeing signs of radiation sickness} We'll clean you up, don't worry.X5a
54{Apologetic} You don't have enough caps for the fee. Sorry. Anything else?X8a
55{Apologetic} We can clean you up, but you don't have enough money to cover the costs. Anything else?X9a
56{Apologetic} You're definitely sick, but you don't have enough money to cover my fee. Sorry. Was there something else?X10a
57Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems} Glad to hear it. Anything else?Y1a
58Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} You're strung out all right. I got something that can clean you up.Y7a
59Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Yeah, you got it bad. Let's flush your system. It's gonna burn like crazy, afterwards, all right?Y8a
60Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Let's clean you up. Not gonna be pleasant...Y9a
61Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I'm sorry. Cleaning up addiction costs money, and you're short on caps. Was there anything else?Y11a
62Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I can help, but not for free. You'll need to come back when you have the caps. You need anything else?Y12a
63Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} We can help you when you have enough money. Addiction isn't cheap to cure. Anything else?Y13a
64DoctorMedicineScene03_AllDoneDone. Now, was there anything else bothering you?A2a
65And that's that. Anything else bothering you?A3a
66All done. Any other complaints?A4a


67-Does your silence mean agreement? Or something else?
68This feels like one of those social awkward moments.


70-{matter of fact / Surprised} You're that wanderer from the Commonwealth.
71{Neutral} I am Rachel. I assist Dr. Forsythe with his medical duties.
72{Rote question she asks of everyone that comes in / Question} Are you sick or injured?
73{rote question she asks of everyone that comes in / Question} Yes? Do you need assistance? Are you sick or injured?
74{Matter of fact / Neutral} Yes. I have an adequate supply of Addictol.
75{Matter of fact / Neutral} However, if the patient doesn't want to quit, he or she will just go back to using.
76{Inquiring as a doctor / Question} Do you need treatment for addiction?


77-{anxious / Worried} We must find that cure.


78V81_03_Rachel{Matter of fact / Neutral} Welcome to the medical center, traveler. I'm Rachel. Dr. Forsythe's assistant here. Is there something I can help you with?Player Default: Bobby DeLuca is on his way here to treat his addiction.A
79{Matter of fact / Neutral} You're back. And your friend?Player Default: Bobby DeLuca is on his way here to treat his addiction.A
80{Matter of fact / Neutral} Good to see you again. Something I can help with today?Player Default: Bobby DeLuca is on his way here to treat his addiction.A
81Player Default: Bobby DeLuca is on his way here to treat his addiction.{Curious / Question} You persuaded him to quit?A1a
82{Matter of fact / Neutral} Good.Rachel: I'll be ready for him when he arrives.A1b
83Player Default: Nothing. Never mind.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Alright then.Rachel: I'll be ready for him when he arrives.B1a
84Player Default: I've got a new patient for you. He's on his way to get treated for addiction.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Good.Rachel: I'll be ready for him when he arrives.X1a
85Player Default: You've got time for a patient?{Matter of fact / Neutral} Always. We've never been too busy to see someone.Rachel: I'll be ready for him when he arrives.Y1a
86Player Default: Good.{Matter of fact / Neutral} I'll be ready for him when he arrives.A1a
87{Matter of fact / Neutral} Addiction is difficult to overcome without the necessary support.A1b
88{Matter of fact / Neutral} He's lucky to have a friend like you.A1c
89V81_03_Rachel_AddictolPlayer Default: I have a friend who is addicted to chems.{Matter of fact / Neutral} I have Addictol to treat any chem addiction, should your "friend" need it.Player Default: It's for Bobby DeLuca.A1a
90Player Default: I'm looking for some Jet.{Matter of fact / Neutral} I'm sorry. We don't supply chems of that nature to patients.Player Default: It's for Bobby DeLuca.B1a
91Player Default: Never mind. It's nothing.{Matter of fact / Neutral} The medical center is always open should you need assistance.Player Default: It's for Bobby DeLuca.X1a
92Player Default: Do you have chems to treat addiction?{Matter of fact / Neutral} Yes, I have an adequate supply of Addictol.Y1a
93{Matter of fact / Neutral} However, if the patient doesn't want to quit, he or she will just go back to using.Player Default: It's for Bobby DeLuca.Y1b
94Player Default: It's for Bobby DeLuca.{Undertones of relief and then worry. / Neutral} I'm relieved to hear you say so. After the incident, I've seen his symptoms progress rapidly.A1a
95{Matter of fact / Neutral} If you can bring him here, I'll administer the drug.A1b
96Player Default: I'm just looking for some Jet.{Matter of fact / Neutral} We don't supply chems of that nature.B1a
97{Matter of fact / Neutral} Using Jet to treat its own symptoms only encourages the addiction and may lead to overdose.B1b
98Player Default: I'm fine. It really is for a friend.{Matter of fact / Neutral} Bring your friend by the medical center, then, and I will administer the treatment.X1a
99Player Default: What's Addictol? How does it work?{Matter of fact / Neutral} Addictol works both physically and psychologically to remove both the symptoms and the need. It's very effective.Y1a
100{Matter of fact / Neutral} Bring your friend here, and I can administer the treatment.Y1b
101{Inquiring as a doctor. / Question} Is everything alright? Do you need medical assistance?Player Default: I have a friend who is addicted to chems.A
102V81_03_RachelAndBobby_End{Friendly} Bobby? I'm glad you came.Bobby: I want to get clean.A1a
103Bobby: Okay, I'm ready.{Neutral} Thank you for bringing him.A1a
104{Neutral} I'll take it from here.A1b
105{Neutral} If you ever need anything, come see me.A1c
106Bobby: I want to get clean.{Friendly} I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me.Bobby: Is it going to hurt?A1a
107Bobby: Is it going to hurt?{Friendly} You may feel uneasy for a few hours while the Addictol takes effect. But then you'll feel better than you ever have before.Bobby: Thanks for being honest.A1a


108Forsythe_Rachel_01Forsythe: Did you clean the autoclave?{some she has said every day for years / Tired} Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I clean it every day.Forsythe: And all of my packs are wrapped?A1a
109Forsythe: And all of my packs are wrapped?{something she says every day for years. / Tired} Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I make sure all the packs are sterilized and wrapped every day.Forsythe: I suppose that will do for now.A1a
110Forsythe: I suppose that will do for now.{muttered, with eye roll / Irritated} I look forward to having this same conversation tomorrow.Forsythe: What was that?A1a
111Forsythe: What was that?{reassuring him / Amused} Nothing, Dr. Forsythe.A1a
112Forsythe_Rachel_02{Matter of fact. / Neutral} I've cultured the latest samples. The results are in your logbook.Forsythe: And?A1a
113Forsythe: And?{Matter of fact. / Neutral} Inconclusive. Better than our last trial, but not as good as last week's trial.Forsythe: Not very promising. Even the serum from last week's trial was of limited value.A1a
114Forsythe: Not very promising. Even the serum from last week's trial was of limited value.{Matter of fact. / Neutral} We might have better luck with the next sample.Forsythe: You have the patience of a saint, Rachel.A1a