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This is a transcript for dialogue with random encounter Mister Gutsy.


1RETravel04SceneHalt! This area is under martial law by order of Provisional Governor Graham!MisterGutsy: Chinese infiltrators are known to be operating in this area.A
2Suspect refuses to confirm identity. Commencing apprehension with deadly force.A1a
3RobotMrGutsy: Halt! This area is under martial law by order of Provisional Governor Graham!Chinese infiltrators are known to be operating in this area.A1a
4Please provide proof of your identity. Be advised that I am authorized to use deadly force if you fail to comply.Player Default: The Great War's been over for 200 years.A1b
5Player Default: The Great War's been over for 200 years.That is exactly what Chinese spies always say. Deadly force commencing!A1a
6Player Default: Go fuck yourself, you crazy robot.Analyzing... American colloquialism confirmed. Probability of use by Chinese infiltrator... zero-point-three percent.B1a
7Thank you. Report any suspected Communists to the proper authorities immediately. Have a nice day.B1b
8Player Default: I'm clearly not an infiltrator.Seventy-three percent of confirmed Chinese infiltrators denied being infiltrators prior to being apprehended with deadly force.X1a
9Identity check - failed. Commencing apprehension with deadly force.X1b
10Player Default: Don't you realize that the Great War is over?No stand-down order has been received. Martial law remains in effect.Y2a
11You are required to confirm your identity or deadly force will be used.Player Default: The Great War's been over for 200 years.Y2b
12-Report suspected Communist infiltrators to the proper authorities.
13Move along. This area is under martial law.
14Return to your home. Help is on the way.