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This is a transcript for dialogue with chems vendor during the Drug Dealer random encounter.


47RECampKMK03Scene{groggily / Puzzled} Woah... is it morning already?Trader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.A
48{groggily / Puzzled} What is it?Trader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.A
49{groggily / Irritated} Go away. It's the middle of the night... oh hi...Trader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.A
50{Friendly} Hey man... you need some chems?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
51{Friendly} Hey there, sister. You looking for chems?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
52{Friendly} What's happening? You looking to buy?Trader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.A
53{Friendly} Hey, all right. You again. Awesome. You need chems?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
54FemaleEvenToned: Woah... is it morning already?{Friendly} I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A1a
55FemaleEvenToned: Woah... is it morning already?{Friendly} Hey, it's cool. I'm always open, know what I mean? If you're in need of chems, you've come to the right place.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A2a
56FemaleEvenToned: Woah... is it morning already?{Friendly} I've got chems for sale if that's what you're looking for.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A3a
57FemaleEvenToned: Woah... is it morning already?{Friendly} That's cool, that's cool. I'm always open, even when I'm closed, if you see what I mean. You looking for chems, right?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A4a
58Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Friendly} All right. Check it out.A1a
59Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Friendly} Let me know if you see anything you like.A2a
60Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Apologetic} This is all I've got at the moment.A3a
61Player Default: I don't need any chems right now, thanks.{Friendly} That's cool.B1a
62Player Default: I don't need any chems right now, thanks.{Friendly} Sure, whatever.B2a
63Player Default: I don't need any chems right now, thanks.{Friendly} Oh, okay. Cool.B3a
64Player Default: You sell chems?{Friendly} I'll hook up a friend in need, don't worry. Not for free of course. I don't know you that well.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y2a
65Player Default: You sell chems?{Puzzled} I already said I did. Didn't I?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y7a