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This is a transcript for dialogue with a settler in the Thirsty Guy random encounter.


1RESceneKMK06Scene{Pleading} Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?Player Default: Of course. Here you go.A
2Player Default: Of course. Here you go.{Grateful} Oh! Thank you... thank you!A1a
3Player Default: Of course. Here you go.{Grateful} It'll do. Thank you.A2a
4Player Default: Of course. Here you go.{Pleading} If you do find some, don't forget about me.A3a
5Player Default: Nope, sorry.{Depressed} I see...B1a
6Player Default: Here. It's not purified, but it's something.{Pleading} Please. Without water, I could die. Anything you have would help me, anything at all.Player Default: Of course. Here you go.X2a
7Player Default: What kind of water did you need?{Pleading} Purified would be wonderful, but anything you have would do.Player Default: Of course. Here you go.Y1a
8-{Grateful} Thank you. I'm just going to rest here a bit more until I get my strength back.

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This is a transcript for dialogue with a settler during the Poisoned Settler random encounter.


1RECampKMK_DN079AScene{Apologetic} Hoo-boy. You may want to keep your distance.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.A
2Player Default: Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.{Apologetic} Oh, I'm not worried about that. It's just, well... I think I ate a bad can of meat.Traveler: Okay, maybe it was three cans. Seemed pretty tasty at first but now...A1a
3Player Default: I'll go where I want.{Apologetic} Hey, feel free to sit down or whatever. But, uh, well... I think I ate a bad can of meat.Traveler: Okay, maybe it was three cans. Seemed pretty tasty at first but now...B1a
4Player Default: I'm just passing through.{Apologetic} Speaking of passing through... I think I ate a bad can of meat.Traveler: Okay, maybe it was three cans. Seemed pretty tasty at first but now...X1a
5Player Default: Why? Are you threatening me?{Apologetic} Nah, nothing like that. It's just... well, I think I ate a bad can of meat.Traveler: Okay, maybe it was three cans. Seemed pretty tasty at first but now...Y1a
6Player Default: Oh, I'm not worried about that. It's just, well... I think I ate a bad can of meat.{Apologetic} Okay, maybe it was three cans. Seemed pretty tasty at first but now...A1a
7{Apologetic} It's got my guts all in a twist, and... well, you can probably smell it from there.A1b
8{Angry} Longneck Lukowski's Canned Meat my ass. "Longneck Lukowski's Canned Poison" more like it.A1c
9{Disgust} Here, have the rest of it. I'm never touching the stuff again as long as I live. Assuming I live through the day.Traveler: And if you happen to see that Lukowski, tell him I hope he dies in a goddamn fire!A1d
10Traveler: And if you happen to see that Lukowski, tell him I hope he dies in a goddamn fire!{groaning in pain from very upset stomach / InPain} Oh... god.... sorry. Probably better if you get going. If it's anything like last time, it's about to get kinda messy...A1a
11Traveler: Here, have the rest of it. I'm never touching the stuff again as long as I live. Assuming I live through the day.{Angry} And if you happen to see that Lukowski, tell him I hope he dies in a goddamn fire!Traveler: Oh... god.... sorry. Probably better if you get going. If it's anything like last time, it's about to get kinda messy...A1a
12-{Apologetic} I'm really sorry about the smell.
13{Apologetic} I'll try not to upchuck again until you leave. But... no promises.
14{Disgust} Hear that? Stomach's just been a'churn since I ate that damned can of meat.
15{Apologetic} Sorry I'm not better company. I hope I'll be better soon.
16{moaning to yourself due to your upset stomach / InPain} Oh god...
17{moaning to yourself due to your upset stomach / InPain} Just... gotta... breathe...
18{gagging belch due to very upset stomach / Disgust}
19{Disgust} What was I thinking, eating that shit?