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This is a transcript for dialogue with Curfew Mister Gutsy.


1REChokepoint02_MrGutsyAnnouncementMrGutsy: Return to your homes and await further instructions.{Loudly, making a public announcement. / Neutral} Thank you for your cooperation.A1a
2MrGutsy: A mandatory curfew is in effect.{Loudly, making a public announcement. / Neutral} Repeat, a mandatory curfew is in effect.MrGutsy: Return to your homes and await further instructions.A1a
3MrGutsy: Repeat, a mandatory curfew is in effect.{Loudly, making a public announcement. / Neutral} Return to your homes and await further instructions.MrGutsy: Thank you for your cooperation.A1a
4MrGutsy: Attention! Attention, all citizens!{Loudly, making a public announcement. / Neutral} A mandatory curfew is in effect.MrGutsy: Repeat, a mandatory curfew is in effect.A1a
5{Loudly, making a public announcement. / Neutral} Attention! Attention, all citizens!MrGutsy: A mandatory curfew is in effect.A1a
6REChokepoint02_MrGutsyForcegreet{Sternly / Stern} Halt!MrGutsy: Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect. Return to your home immediately.A
7MrGutsy: Under the terms of the Martial Law Act, Section 12.J, those refusing to comply with a curfew order are to be pacified.{Sternly / Stern} Repeat, will you comply?Player Default: All right, I'm going.A1a
8Player Default: Irrelevant.{Sternly / Stern} Under the terms of the Martial Law Act, Section 12.J, those refusing to comply with a curfew order are to be pacified.MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?A1a
9Player Default: This is pointless. The war is over.{Sternly / Stern} Irrelevant.MrGutsy: Under the terms of the Martial Law Act, Section 12.J, those refusing to comply with a curfew order are to be pacified.X1a
10Player Default: A... curfew?{Sternly / Stern} By order of Provisional Governor Graham, a state of martial law has been declared.MrGutsy: Under the terms of the Martial Law Act, Section 12.J, those refusing to comply with a curfew order are to be pacified.Y1a
11RobotMrGutsy: Halt!{Sternly / Stern} Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect. Return to your home immediately.Player Default: All right, I'm going.A1a
12Player Default: All right, I'm going.{Sternly / Stern} Cooperation acknowledged. Thank you.A1a
13Player Default: No!{Angry / Angry} Target has refused to comply.B1a
14Player Default: Let me through. I'm on important military business!{Considering, stern. / Stern} Analyzing vocal patterns. Confidence interval... 60%. Affirmative. You may pass.X1a
15Player Default: Let me through. I'm on important military business!{Considering, stern. / Stern} Analyzing vocal patterns. Confidence interval... 2.74%. Negative. Return to your home immediately.MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?X2a
16Player Default: 'Will you comply?'{About to say "Error", but abruptly cut off. / Puzzled} Loop detected. Error. Err-Y1a
17Player Default: 'Will you comply?'{Coldly / Irritated} Civic malfeasance detected.Y2a
18REChokepoint02_MrGutsyPacify{Coldly, leads to combat. / Angry} Commencing pacification.A1a
19REChokepoint02_MrGutsyPrePacify{Coldly, leads to combat. / Angry} Curfew violation detected.A1a
20-{Sternly / Stern} Move along, civilian.
21{Sternly / Stern} You're clear, soldier. On your way.