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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gunners during the None Shall Pass! random encounter.


185REChokepointRJ01_DemandToll{Stern} Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.A
186{Stern} Stop right there. Any civilian passing through here is required to pay a fee of 500 caps.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.A
187{Stern} Civilian, this area is under our protection. We're authorized to charge you a 2000 cap toll before letting you move on.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.A
188Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Neutral} Thank you. Move along.A1a
189Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Stern} That's not going to work on me, sir. Fire at will, men!A2a
190Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Stern} That's not going to work on me, ma'am. Fire at will, men!A3a
191Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Irritated} Nice try, but I just can't let that slide. Prepare to engage, men!A4a
192Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Neutral} Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.A5a
193Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Neutral} That's it, please move along, civilian.A6a
194Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.{Neutral} Everything seems in order. Please be on your way.A7a
195Player Default: Yeah, that's not happening.{SinisterSmile} Guess we're doing this the hard way, then...B1a
196Player Default: Yeah, that's not happening.{Stern} Sorry about this, friend. Orders are orders.B2a
197Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Neutral} Look it's not my place, but I can probably let you go for 1500.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X1a
198Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Stern} 500.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X2a
199Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Stern} 1000. Take it or leave it.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X3a
200Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Question} 400? Can you afford that?Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X4a
201Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Stern} 350. Final offer.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X5a
202Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Irritated} There is no way I can take less than 250.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X6a
203Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Irritated} Listen, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you. I either collect the money or shoot you dead. Which will it be?Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X7a
204Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Irritated} I'm a professional, sir. I don't have time for this.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X8a
205Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Irritated} I'm a professional, ma'am. I don't have time for this.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X9a
206Player Default: How about knocking some caps off the price?{Irritated} We've talked about this. No more negotiations. Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.X10a
207Player Default: What if I don't pay?{SinisterSmile} You want to pay. Trust me.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.Y1a
208Player Default: What if I don't pay?{Very monotone. / SinisterSmile} Bang. You're dead.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.Y2a
209Player Default: What if I don't pay?{SinisterSmile} Then my instructions are to terminate any civilian agitators. That means I kill you.Player Default: Fine, here. Take your money.Y3a
210{Angry} Take her down!A1a
211{Angry} Take him down!A2a
212{Angry} Fire at will, men!A3a
213{Angry} Engaging target!A4a