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This is a transcript for dialogue with Charlie during the Daddy and Daughter random encounter.


47RECamprj02Scene01{Sad} Dad, I really miss momClint: I know, kiddo. I miss her, tooA2a
48{Happy} Daddy! Do you like my dress?Clint: I know, kiddo. I miss her, tooA3a
49{Confident} I think we should get a dog. A big furry one that could scare off bandits but would sleep next to me and keep me warm!Clint: I know, kiddo. I miss her, tooA4a
50{Friendly} Dad, can we leave a light on tonight? I like sleeping with a light onClint: I know, kiddo. I miss her, tooA5a
51{Confident} If I see any more radroaches, I'm going to stomp them flat!Clint: I know, kiddo. I miss her, tooA6a