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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jules.


1RECampLC01_CaptorsDead{You just watched two of your friends, who were threatening to execute you, be killed. / Disbelief} Jesus. They're dead...Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.A
2{You just watched two of your friends, who were threatening to execute you, be killed. / Disbelief} Jesus. You killed them...Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.A
3{You just watched two of your friends, who were threatening to execute you, be killed. / Disbelief} I can't believe they're dead...Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.A
4Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.{You just lost two of your friends. / Sad} It's alright. I-I just wish they could've seen reason.A1a
5{Somber. You just lost two of your friends. / Sad} Here. I want you to have this. For saving my life. Now... I just need to get out of here.A1b
6Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.{You just lost two of your friends. / Sad} Yeah, yeah. I just, I wish it didn't have to turn out that way. Though I guess they would've done worse if you hadn't shown.A2a
7{Somber. You just lost two of your friends. / Sad} Here. I want you to have this. For saving my life. Now... I just need to get out of here.A2b
8Player Default: And now it's your turn.{You're stunned. / Surprised} Wait, what?B1a
9Player Default: Rescues don't come cheap. Pay up.{You reluctantly just paid someone who saved your life but killed two of your friends. / Neutral} Oh, I-uh. I guess that seems fair. Here. It's all I've got. Thanks again, I guess. I... I just need to get out of here.X1a
10Player Default: What happened here?{You just lost two friends. / Sad} It's like they said. I took up with them, trying to make my way to the Bunker Hill. They were the nicest folks I'd met outside the Institute, so...Y1a
11{You just lost two friends. / Sad} So I told them the truth. Last time I ever make that mistake again...Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.Y1b
12Player Default: What happened here?{You just lost two friends. / Sad} I... I'd been traveling with those two... I thought we were friends. Guess I was wrong. Can we just leave it at that?Player Default: I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.Y2a
13RECampLC01_JulesDuringCombat{There's a gunfight going on around you. / Afraid} Oh god.A2a
14{There's a gunfight going on around you. / Afraid} Please, please don't let me die.A3a
15{There's a gunfight going on around you. / Afraid} This is insane!A4a
16{There's a gunfight going on around you. / Afraid} It doesn't have to be like this!A5a
17RECampLC01_LoopingIntro{Begging for your life. / Pleading} Guys, please. You don't have to do this. You know me.A2a
18{Begging for your life. / Pleading} I just need get to Bunker Hill. After that, you'll never see me again. I promise.A3a
19{Begging for your life. / Pleading} Please. We can work this out.A4a
20{Begging for your life. / Pleading} Let me go. I swear, you'll never see me again.A5a
21RECampLC01_MainSceneJules: I'm not with the Institute. I ran away! I just need to get to Bunker Hill. Then I swear, I will never bother you again.{Begging for someone to try and free you from execution. / Pleading} Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!Player Default: You need to let him go. Think about it. If he meant to hurt you, wouldn't he have done it already?A1a
22Fred: Don't come any closer, friend. This doesn't concern you.{Pleading for your life. / Pleading} Please. Help! They're going to kill me!Fred: Shut up!A1a
23Fred: But then today he finally let slip that he's an Institute errand boy! The whole fucking time.{You're in the process of pleading for your life. / Angry} Because I thought you were my friends!Fred: I'd never be friends with a damn synth.A1a
24Fred: I'd never be friends with a damn synth.{Pleading} You already were friends with a synth! Now, please. Just, just let me go!Fred: You think I'm stupid? You're just gonna run off and get your Institute buddies to come put us down. That ain't happening, pal.A1a
25Player Default: Says you.{Begging for your life. / Pleading} Please! Don't go!Fred: That's enough!A1a
26Fred: You think I'm stupid? You're just gonna run off and get your Institute buddies to come put us down. That ain't happening, pal.{Pleading} I'm not with the Institute. I ran away! I just need to get to Bunker Hill. Then I swear, I will never bother you again.Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!A1a
27Fred: But if I ever see you again, I'm putting one right between your eyes.{You're overcome with emotion. You're going to live. / Grateful} Oh my god. Oh thank you. Thank you.Fred: Just get the hell out of here.A1a
28Player Default: You need to let him go. Think about it. If he meant to hurt you, wouldn't he have done it already?{You're trying to convince a former friend to not execute you. / Pleading} I would never do that! You're my friends.Angie: They got a point, Fred. He's had all the chances in the world to harm us... maybe, maybe we should just let him go.A1a
29Fred: Just get the hell out of here.{Someone just gave the order to execute you. / Disbelief} What?! No!A1a
30{Begging for your life. / Pleading} Wait! You can't go!A1a
31RECampLC01_ReleaseJules{A gunfight just ended. / Afraid} Oh god. Is it over?A1a
32Jules: Oh god. Is it over?{You're tied up after the end of a gun fight. / Pleading} Would you untie me, please?A2a
33Jules: Oh god. Is it over?{You're tied up after the end of a gun fight. / Pleading} Mind giving me a hand?A3a
34Jules: Oh god. Is it over?{You're tied up after the end of a gun fight. / Pleading} Please. Please help me.A4a
35Jules: Oh god. Is it over?{You're tied up after the end of a gun fight. / Pleading} Could really use a hand about now.A5a
36-{You're talking to someone who just saved your life. / Happy} Thanks again. Here. I want you to have this.
37{You're talking to someone who just saved your life. / Happy} Thank you. Thank you so much.
38{You're talking to someone who just saved your life. / Happy} You saved my life.
39{You're talking to someone who just saved your life. / Neutral} Bunker Hill. I just have to make it to Bunker Hill.
40{Two of your friends were killed because they tried to execute you. / Somber} We traveled together for weeks. Got along fine... until this.
41{Two of your friends were killed because they tried to execute you. / Somber} Those two were the only friends I had...