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Dialogue for Enrico Savinelli, Caravan driver in the Redding mining camp


{100}{}{You see a man with greasy hair. He's covered in dust.}
{101}{}{You see Savinelli, the guy in charge of the New Reno-to-Redding Caravans.}
{102}{}{You see a short, nervous looking guy with slicked-back hair.}
{103}{}{If you come by here again, it's just possible that you'll have an accident.}
{104}{}{You've been warned. Now get the hell out of here.}
{105}{}{Get them doggies moving!}
{106}{}{Uh, doggies? Okay, whatever. Let's go.}
{107}{}{Hello. I'm Enrico Savinelli. I run the caravan between New Reno and Redding. We can use an extra guard, if you're willing to leave right now.}
{108}{}{Hello. I'm Savinelli. I run the caravan between New Reno and Redding. Always looking for a reliable guard or two. We leave town on the 21st of every month. If you want to go with us, make sure you're here on the 21st.}
{109}{}{What d'ya want?}
{111}{}{You need a guard, huh?}
{112}{}{What do you trade?}
{113}{}{Why are you waiting until the 21st?}
{114}{}{I don't think that's for me. Goodbye.}
{115}{}{They sure picked the wrong caravan to mess with.}
{116}{}{Fuck with my caravan, will they?}
{117}{}{Motherfuckers should know better than to try that with my caravan.}
{118}{}{Well, they're sleeping with the fishes now. Let's move out.}
{119}{}{More of those shit-heels all the time.}
{120}{}{You abandon my caravan, and then come back to beg for work? Get out of here.}
{121}{}{I said get out. Are you deaf as well as yellow?}
{122}{}{I respect thieves...but only good ones. You're nothing but a punk. Get out of here before I have to hurt you.}
{123}{}{A thief? I resemble that remark, you damn ingrate. I'm leaving. Goodbye.}
{200}{}{Bring it on!}
{124}{}{You'll regret crossing me. Goodbye.}
{125}{}{That was one of the worst caravans I've had in years. I'm not making money on it, so guess what? Neither are you. Get out of my sight.}
{126}{}{Yeah? I'd like to see you try that, you cheap bastard. Goodbye.}
{127}{}{Well, sometimes you just get luckier than others. This was one of the unlucky times. Goodbye.}
{128}{}{Fuck. My ass is really in a sling here. We lost so much stuff this run. I knew I shoulda' hired pros. Here's $500 for your time, you worthless sack of shit.}
{129}{}{Well, something is better than nothing, I guess. Goodbye.}
{130}{}{You lousy bastard! Nobody could have done a better job. Goodbye.}
{131}{}{That's the ticket. That run went smooth as shit through a goose. Here's your $1500, pal.}
{132}{}{I don't think I ever want to spend so much time looking at the ass-end of a brahmin again. Goodbye.}
{133}{}{Thanks. See you later. Goodbye.}
{134}{}{That's the way a caravan run should go. Smooth as a baby's silky bottom. Here's your $1500, and I'll even throw in an extra $200 for the smooth service.}
{135}{}{Nice to find someone who appreciates quality when he sees it. See you around, maybe. Goodbye.}
{136}{}{Thanks for the extra change, Savinelli. Goodbye.}
{137}{}{I'm not sure how long it's going to take these damn dirt-grubbers to get my gold shipment together. We'll be ready to go on the 21st, no matter what. Check back with me if you still want a job.}
{138}{}{Hey, I'm putting together a shipment of some delicate stuff. Stuff that takes time. Can't rush quality, ya' know. Should be ready to go on the 21st. Come back then if you still want a job.}
{139}{}{What do you usually transport?}
{140}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{141}{}{Thanks, I'll do that. Goodbye.}
{142}{}{We're usually looking for caravan guards, but I ain't ready to go just yet. I'll be ready to head out on the 21st. Come back then if you want a job.}
{143}{}{When on the 21st?}
{144}{}{What does this caravan transport?}
{145}{}{OK, thanks. Goodbye.}
{146}{}{Hey, pal, you've gotta know when to say no. And *I* do. So NO!}
{147}{}{Oh, okay.}
{148}{}{Well, we pick up mostly, uh, medical supplies - yeah, that's it - in New Reno, and trade it to Redding for gold ore.}
{149}{}{That's interesting. You said you're looking for guards?}
{150}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{151}{}{Oh, okay. Goodbye.}
{153}{}{You came along at a good time. We're ready to go right now. The job pays $1500. Ready to join us?}
{152}{}{You came along at a good time. We're ready to go right now. The job pays $1500, but I'm only paying you for the job since I only need one more guard. Ready to join us?}
{154}{}{Sounds great. I'm ready. Let's go.}
{155}{}{I don't think I want to be a caravan guard. I'll see you around. Goodbye.}
{156}{}{You were an entertaining little monkey, but now I'm tired of you. Get out of here, you dumb-ass.}
{157}{}{Numb-ass? Bye bye.}
{158}{}{Grrr! Me kill!}
