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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dan McGrew.

{100}{}{You see a short, barrel-chested man with a full, dark, beard. He's covered in rock-dust.}
{101}{}{You see Dangerous Dan McGrew, the owner of the Morningstar Mine.}
{102}{}{You see a heavily muscled man with a scar on his face. He looks tough and confident.}
{103}{}{If you had a brain, I think it'd just up and die of loneliness.}
{104}{}{I'll be damned. I guess evolution can go in reverse.}
{105}{}{You ain't got all your dogs on one leash, do you?}
{106}{}{I don't have time for you. I reckon you're just a few peas short of a casserole.}
{107}{}{Just a couple of clowns short of a circus aren't you?}
{108}{}{Hello there. My name's Dangerous Dan McGrew. I run the Morningstar Mine here. What can I do for you?}
{109}{}{What do you need from me?}
{110}{}{What do you mine here?}
{111}{}{Have you ever heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{112}{}{Why do they call you *Dangerous* Dan McGrew?}
{113}{}{What's going on here in town lately?}
{114}{}{I was just moving through. Goodbye.}
{115}{}{We mine gold. Everybody wants it, too. Send it all the way to Vault City, New Reno, and even down to the NCR. You might say that Redding has something for everybody - that's what keeps us independent.}
{116}{}{Nice to be so well liked. Let me ask you about something else.}
{117}{}{I'd think that someone would try to control Redding.}
{118}{}{Thanks for the information. Goodbye.}
{119}{}{What makes you think they haven't? Everybody would like to have Redding under their belt. My guess is that someone will get us pretty soon. About the only thing we can do is choose our master, if we want to survive.}
{120}{}{What do you mean?}
{121}{}{I guess that makes sense. Well, good-luck and goodbye.}
{122}{}{I mean that we're going to be put under someone's thumb. Only a fool thinks otherwise. Our choice is to pick the lightest thumb.}
{123}{}{Which you've done, of course.}
{124}{}{Happy thumb hunting, then. Goodbye.}
{125}{}{You bet I have. If we don't ally ourselves with one of the families in New Reno, you can just kiss Redding goodbye. At least any type of Redding that I'd want to live in.}
{126}{}{What do you mean?}
{127}{}{I see. Well, goodbye.}
{128}{}{If the NCR takes over, Redding's going to be put under the thumb, hard. They aren't real big on personal freedom. They're going to turn Redding into another splotch on the New California Republic map. The Redding I know will be gone forever.}
{129}{}{Hmm, what about Vault City, then?}
{130}{}{Interesting. Goodbye.}
{131}{}{Vault City? (he laughs) Those bigots would turn Redding into a slave-labor camp. They don't see anyone who's not one of their precious Citizens as being worth a warm bucket of spit. Spending my life bowing and scraping to those bigots isn't my idea of any kind of life.}
{132}{}{How's New Reno any different?}
{133}{}{Thanks for clueing me in to what's going on here. Goodbye.}
{134}{}{New Reno's strong enough to protect Redding from the other two. Since New Reno's divvied up amongst different gang-families, it's divided enough to give us our best chance for autonomy. In New Reno, they don't care how we run things - as long as they get their gold.}
{135}{}{That doesn't sound so great, either.}
{136}{}{Bummer. Later.}
{137}{}{This ain't a perfect world, chum. Sometimes you've got to make the best of a bad situation. Just turns out that bad people may be best bet for Redding. Not everyone sees it that way, though.}
{138}{}{So what do you think is going to happen?}
{139}{}{Opinions are like assholes, Dan - everyone's got 'em and they all stink. Goodbye.}
{140}{}{Not everyone sees it your way, huh? I can't imagine that. Goodbye, Dan.}
{141}{}{Don't know for sure, but things are heating up. Whatever city has the strongest backers here in Redding is gonna get the whole pie. I'm just doing my damnedest to make sure it's New Reno that wins. The way I see it, that's Redding's only chance.}
{142}{}{How can you help New Reno to take over?}
{143}{}{Somebody wins, somebody loses. Bye, Dan.}
{144}{}{Best thing to do is just to make my mine prosper and make sure my miners know who's paying the bills. The fact that they get all their happy-sauce from New Reno makes the place a lot more popular, too.}
{145}{}{Happy sauce?}
{146}{}{Everybody needs a little sunshine in their lives from time to time. Goodbye, Dan.}
{147}{}{Booze, drugs, all sorts of chemical recreation. You name it and New Reno supplies it. It's just about the only thing that some of my miners work for. Be hell to pay if something ever happened to that.}
{148}{}{How's your Jet supply lately?}
{149}{}{I bet. Let me ask you about something else.}
{150}{}{Thanks for the information. I'll see you around, Dan. Goodbye.}
{151}{}{Right now we don't get hardly enough Jet in town to keep everyone happy. I sure hope those next few caravans get through all right.}
{152}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{153}{}{I better be rambling, Dan. Goodbye.}
{154}{}{Everyone's just about rolling in Jet lately. Seems as though most fellers just can't get enough of it. Makes for happy workers, though, so I can't complain. Lined up two deep in front of Doc Johnson's, they are. If there was much more, though, I'd start to worry.}
{155}{}{Who's Doc Johnson?}
{156}{}{Intersting. Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{157}{}{I better be moseying, Dan. Goodbye.}
{158}{}{Damn; there's just too much Jet in this town. We're drowning in the stuff. Nobody wants to work; they just want to get high. I can't make my ore quotas with half my damn miners flying high on Jet. Goddamn that Doc Johnson.}
{159}{}{Who's Doc Johnson?}
{160}{}{Sounds like a problem. Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{161}{}{I better be travelling, Dan. Goodbye.}
{162}{}{Most of the miners that were real Jet Jockeys have crashed hard. That last batch that Doc Johnson sold must have been real bad, somehow.}
{163}{}{Who's Doc Johnson?}
{164}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{165}{}{I better be hiking on, Dan. Goodbye.}
{166}{}{I don't know what happened, but most of the Jet Jocks got real sick on that last batch - and now they can't go near Jet without getting sick. Doc Johnson's looking into it, I heard.}
{167}{}{Who's Doc Johnson?}
{168}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{169}{}{I better be Trekking, Dan. Goodbye.}
{170}{}{Cause I'm nothing but the biggest, toughest, mine-crawling, gullywumpin', snake-eatin' buck in these here parts. *Dangerous* Dan McGrew; that's me, all right.}
{171}{}{I see; let me ask you something else, Dangerous Dan.}
{172}{}{You don't look so damn tough to me.}
{173}{}{Sounds like you're quite a guy. Well, I don't want to take anymore of your valuable time, Mr. Dangerous. Goodbye.}
{174}{}{Them's fightin' words in these here parts. You ready to back that up?}
{175}{}{Yes, I am. You've opened your big yap once too many times. Draw…pilgrim.}
{176}{}{I could if I thought you'd give me enough satisfaction to pay for the ammo it'd take to kill you.}
{177}{}{I could, if I wanted too. But I'm too busy to mess with you right now.}
{178}{}{Yeah, that's what I thought. (pause) You're yellow.}
{179}{}{I'll show you yellow...when I cut out your spleen. I'm a-callin' you out.}
{180}{}{We'll just see about that, someday. Goodbye for now.}
{181}{}{A Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Never heard of something like that. I tend to find my Eden in Lou's sweet arms.}
{182}{}{Isn't Lou a guy's name?}
{183}{}{I see. Let me ask you something else, then.}
{184}{}{The search continues. Goodbye.}
{185}{}{It is when it isn't short for Louisa, like my Lou's is. She runs the Malamute Saloon here in town. Hey, just what are you getting at, anyway?}
{186}{}{Uh...nothing, Dan. Nothing. Let me ask you about something else.}
{187}{}{Nothing. Just figuring out something, that's all. Goodbye, sweet-pea.}
{188}{}{My mistake. Well, I better be rambling along. Goodbye.}
{189}{}{Well, one thing's for sure: I could sure use a new Control Chip for my Excavator machine.}
{190}{}{A new Excavator Chip? What's that?}
{191}{}{Let me ask you about something else, Dan.}
{192}{}{I see. Well, I'll let you know If I find one. Goodbye.}
{193}{}{Funny you of all people should ask that. There's all kinds of things going on here in town lately.}
{194}{}{Like I said, you should know if anything's going on here in town if anyone does.}
{195}{}{Do you mean the Excavator Chip for the mining machine?}
{196}{}{Do you mean that whole thing about the cut-up whore?}
{197}{}{Do you mean the bar brawl that I settled?}
{198}{}{I'm just naturally active, I guess. Let me ask you something else.}
{199}{}{I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't have time to find out right now. Goodbye.}
{200}{}{Yeah, I mean the Excavator Chip that you sold to Marge LeBarge over at the Kokoweef Mine. That was a real mistake...not just for me, but for Redding.}
{201}{}{What do you mean by that?}
{202}{}{Those are the breaks, pal. Let me ask you about something else going on in town.}
{203}{}{Shit happens. See you around, maybe.}
{204}{}{I can't believe that you let that bastard Hakeswill go free. My miners seem happy about it, but I'm not sure I am.}
{205}{}{It was a tough call, and I made it the best I could. Let me ask you about something else going on in town.}
{206}{}{Uh, I wasn't sure he was guilty. But let me ask you about something else.}
{207}{}{I don't really care what you think. Goodbye.}
{208}{}{You did the right thing by putting that bastard Hakeswill in jail. He bullied and intimidated my miners, but they still didn't want to see him killed out of hand. It'll be better to see him hung all legal and proper.}
{209}{}{It was a tough call, and I made it the best I could. Let me ask you about something else going on in town.}
{210}{}{Justice must be served. Let me ask you about something else.}
{211}{}{Things don't always happen the way you'd like them to. Goodbye.}
{212}{}{Thanks to your killing that idiot Hakeswill, my miners are ready to go on a rampage.}
{213}{}{It was a tough call, and I made it the best I could. Let me ask you about something else going on in town.}
{214}{}{That bastard needed a good killing. Let's talk about something else.}
{215}{}{I'm glad that I was there to do what needed to be done to that worm. Goodbye.}
{216}{}{You know what's going on with that Excavator Chip. I want it, and I bet you're smart enough to realize that Marge LeBarge wants it, too. But it'd be best all the way around if you sell it to me.}
{217}{}{How much is it worth to you?}
{218}{}{Why's it better for me to sell it to you than her?}
{219}{}{I'll think about it. Let me ask you about something else going on in town.}
{220}{}{We'll just have to see about that. Goodbye.}
{221}{}{I just want to thank you for selling the chip to the right party.}
{222}{}{Not a problem. Let me ask you about other stuff going on in town.}
{223}{}{You got it. That thousand bucks did most of your convincing for you. Let me ask you something.}
{224}{}{No problem. Bye for now.}
{225}{}{Thanks for breaking up that bar fight without having to lock anyone up. The miners need to let off steam now and then, but they don't mean nothing by it.}
{226}{}{I could see that. Let me ask you about something else going on here in town.}
{227}{}{Someone needed to break it up was all. Let me ask you about something else.}
{228}{}{Not a problem. Goodbye.}
{229}{}{I sure wish you hadn't put my miners behind bars like that. They were just letting off some steam.}
{230}{}{They started the fight; I had to end it. Let me ask you about something else going on here in town.}
{231}{}{They needed some time to cool off. You can get them in a few days. Let me ask you about something else.}
{232}{}{I think I need to let off some steam myself. Goodbye.}
{233}{}{Thanks for putting those Kokoweef thugs away for picking a fight with my lads. Those Kokoweefers need to be put away for good.}
{234}{}{I don't know about that. They were just letting off steam. Let me ask you about something else going on here in town.}
{235}{}{I think that's a bit too extreme. Just let 'em cool off for a few days. Let me ask you about something else.}
{236}{}{Just keep an eye on your own miners too from now on. Goodbye.}
{237}{}{Didja have to lock up every damn miner in town? Who the hell's gonna work my mine?}
{238}{}{You should have thought about that before you let them get out of hand. Let me ask you about something else going on here in town.}
{239}{}{They went too far this time. Maybe it's best that all of you should have some time to think things over. Let me ask you about something else.}
{240}{}{Good question. Maybe I should see about going into the mining business for myself. Goodbye.}
{241}{}{You let that tin badge go to your head. You had no call to be killing anyone over a damn bar fight.}
{242}{}{Things got a little out of hand. Let me ask you about something else going on here in town.}
{243}{}{Shit happens. Now let me ask you about something else.}
{244}{}{They should have known better than to start a fight with me as Sheriff. Goodbye.}
{245}{}{Selling the chip to Marge makes her backers look better. The NCR backs Marge, and if they take over here in Redding, we're in trouble. Much better to back me and my pals in New Reno.}
{246}{}{Trouble? What do you mean?}
{247}{}{I don't have time for a political lesson. Goodbye.}
{248}{}{Everyone wants what Redding's got. Some folks are going to be nicer about how they get it out of us, though. Let me explain the situation.}
{249}{}{Go ahead.}
{250}{}{I've heard enough of your explanation all ready. Goodbye.}
{251}{}{I'll pay you $1,000 for that Excavator Chip.}
{252}{}{That sounds good to me. Where do I find it?}
{253}{}{Sounds good to me. Here's your chip.}
{254}{}{I think I'll hold on to it for now. Goodbye.}
{255}{}{If I find one, I'll let you know. Goodbye.}
{256}{}{It's in the Great Wanamingo Mine just west of town. Down inside the mine there's a great big mining machine. You can't hardly miss it. The chip's in that machine. You just need to yank it out and bring it to me.}
{257}{}{Let me ask you about some other stuff going on in town.}
{258}{}{If you need it so bad, how come you haven't gone to get it yourself?}
{259}{}{Will do. Goodbye for now.}
{260}{}{I've got a big pre-war Excavator all ready to run, but it's got a problem. No brains.}
{261}{}{I'd like to say that it's got plenty of company in this town, but instead I'll say: What do you mean?}
{262}{}{I'm not exactly picky, but I don't like the sound of looking for *more brains*. Goodbye.}
{263}{}{Its control chip burnt out, and it's not like I can order a new one. But I know where one is. Be willing to pay $1,000 for it, too.}
{264}{}{Where is it?}
{265}{}{If you need it so bad, how come you haven't gone to get it yourself?}
{266}{}{I'm packed to the gills with quests all ready. Sorry, pal. Goodbye.}
{267}{}{Plenty of reasons, most of 'em hungry and nasty. Wanamingo mine's just chock-full of hungry Wanamingos.}
{268}{}{What the hell is a Wanna-mingle?}
{269}{}{Oh, I see. Well, that explains it then. I'll think about it. Goodbye.}
{270}{}{It's just the orneriest, nastiest, most vicious critter I think I've ever seen. It's got teeth four inches long. Oh, I mean four-teen inches long. But I think you can handle it.}
{271}{}{Yeah, right. I'll think about it. Goodbye.}
{272}{}{That sounds scary. I don't think that's a job for me. My knees are knocking.}
{273}{}{You do that. $1,000 isn't chump-change, pal.}
{274}{}{Let me ask you about some other stuff going on in town.}
{275}{}{I'll think it over. I can always use some extra cash.}
{276}{}{I guess I was wrong when I thought you had what it takes. Get out of here; you're waistin' my time.}
{277}{}{Ye', yes, sir. I'm leaving now, sir.}
{278}{}{We all make mistakes, bub. Goodbye.}
{279}{}{Heck...if I were you, I'd buy the deed to the place, clear it out, and sell it back to Mayor Ascorti. He's the deed-holder now.}
{280}{}{Take care of yourself. I really need that chip.}
{281}{}{Let me ask you about some other stuff going on in town.}
{282}{}{Thanks for the tip. Goodbye.}
{283}{}{"Painless" Doc Johnson is our town quack. Oh, I suppose he knows something about doctoring, but I don't guess he knows too much. He's on the west side of Downtown. Anyhow, he usually sells all the medicine and drugs that we get here in town.}
{284}{}{He sells all of it?}
{285}{}{I'll see you later, Dan. Goodbye.}
{286}{}{Yeah, well, when we get Jet in it's often sent in bulk, and so he fills the ampules. Folks trust him to do it. Makes a big show about it being all clean and all. Simple remedies for simple minds, I say.}
{287}{}{Ahh. Let me ask you about something else, then.}
{288}{}{Thanks for the information, Dan. Goodbye.}
{289}{}{Mister, you ain't getting but two things from me. Jack and shit, and Jack's left town. Now get out of my sight.}
{290}{}{Little Missy, you ain't getting but two things from me. Jack and shit, and Jack's left town. Now get out of my sight.}
{291}{}{Ah, come on. I'm sorry. Just tell me what I need to know.}
{292}{}{You want some of me? Come get some.}
{293}{}{I'm leaving, and happy to do it. Goodbye.}
{294}{}{You should have thought about that before you made things get out of hand. Fuck you, and get out of my office.}
{295}{}{You sure talk tough.}
{296}{}{I'm leaving. Don't get all lathered up over it. Goodbye.}
{297}{}{Nobody says that to Dan McGrew and walks away from it.}
{298}{}{Watch me.}
{299}{}{Yeah, I bet..."Dangerous Dan."}
{300}{}{Sorry, Dan; I didn't mean anything by it. I was just k-kidding. Yeah, that's it. Goodbye.}
