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Dialogue for Louise, owner of the Malamute Saloon in Redding Downtown.


{100}{}{You see a tired woman who might have been quite a looker when she was younger.}
{101}{}{You see Lou, the owner of the Malamute Saloon.}
{102}{}{You see an older woman wearing quite a bit of rouge.}
{103}{}{I just want you to know that I'm thankful for what you did. How can I help you?}
{104}{}{Jail's too good for what that bastard done.}
{105}{}{I cain't rightly believe that you let the bastard that cut my gal go free. You've got some nerve coming back in here. What the hell do you want?}
{106}{}{You're still a damn idiot. But life goes on, for the rest of us. Now just what the hell do you want?}
{107}{}{Remember what I said. Too much money ain't good for that gal. Now whattya need?}
{108}{}{Hello there. I'm Lou. Owner of the Malamute Saloon, finest house north of San Fran.}
{109}{}{What now?}
{111}{}{Hello, Lou. I'm interested in getting something here.}
{112}{}{Have you heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{113}{}{Hello, Lou. What's going on in this town?}
{114}{}{What's a Malamute?}
{115}{}{Where's San Fran from here?}
{116}{}{I'm helping out the Sheriff. He told me you had one of your girls get all cut up?}
{117}{}{Sorry, I don't have much time or patience for stupid people. What do you want?}
{120}{}{Bye bye.}
{121}{}{A drink huh? Well that'll be $25 for a nice cold bottle of beer. I'm giving you the special discount price too, 'cause I have a soft spot in my heart for the simple.}
{122}{}{Grink? (you hold out your purse in your hand)}
{124}{}{No grink. Bye bye.}
{125}{}{You want a room, huh? Well I might have some room somewheres for you. It'll cost you $50 for a cozy spot.}
{126}{}{Room. (you hold out your purse in your hand)}
{128}{}{No room. Bye bye.}
{129}{}{You can come in here, but your travelling freakshow stays outside.}
{130}{}{Didn't you hear me? No freaks in my saloon.}
{131}{}{Those *things* aren't coming into my saloon. Leave them outside.}
{132}{}{Cain't rightly say that I've heard of one of those afore. What is it?}
{133}{}{Well it's a device used to'uh, hmm. It's just something that I'm looking for. Tell me something else.}
{134}{}{Nothing important. Well, I better be on my way.}
{135}{}{Well, mostly we mine gold ore here and trade it to other areas.}
{136}{}{You mine gold ore here?}
{137}{}{Where do you trade the ore?}
{138}{}{That's interesting. Tell me something else, though.}
{139}{}{Yup. Just in the north part of town alone there are two working gold mines.}
{140}{}{You said that you trade the ore?}
{141}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.}
{142}{}{Well, we trade gold ore to Vault City in return for medical supplies. We trade ore to the New California Republic in return for fresh brahmin and other victuals, and we trade gold to New Reno for drugs and booze.}
{143}{}{You mine the gold here?}
{144}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.}
{145}{}{Jist a big dog.}
{146}{}{Oh, I see. Hmm, let me ask you about something else.}
{147}{}{Of course. That's all I really wanted to know. Thanks. Goodbye.}
{148}{}{San Fransisco is quite a ways south of here. You're a long ways from there. South and jist a tich to the west. It's right next to the ocean, don'tcha know. Don't know why any sane person'd want to go there for.}
{149}{}{Why? Is it dangerous?}
{150}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.}
{151}{}{Thanks for the information. Goodbye.}
{152}{}{Well, I hear all kinds of things about the whole city bein' full o' nuthin' but crazy followers of some kind of kooky religion.}
{153}{}{Crazed followers?}
{154}{}{Some things haven't changed as much as others. Thanks. Goodbye.}
{155}{}{Yup. That's right. I aheard that they're buildin' some huge device that'll let them get in touch with their gods. Or sumthin' like that. Don't know much for certain. It's a long ways off.}
{156}{}{Seems like monuments to gods always seem to have some sort of trouble at the heart of them. Tell me about something else.}
{157}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Thanks. Goodbye.}
{158}{}{That's right. She's in a bad way. Used to be such a perty thing, too. I sure hope you take care of this quick. It's bad for business to let those miners think they can get away with something like this.}
{159}{}{Can I see the girl?}
{160}{}{Do you know who did it?}
{161}{}{Do you know what happened?}
{162}{}{Sounds like a problem, all right. Let me ask you about something else, though.}
{163}{}{I sent her away. She wasn't going to be no good in this business any more. Not that anybody'd want to be with her after that bastard finished with her. I gave her some money and let her go.}
{164}{}{Do you know who did it?}
{165}{}{Do you know what happened?}
{166}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{167}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.}
{168}{}{I don't know 'xactly who did it, but she had a Morningstar Mine pay scrip in her hand when we found her, and it was a miner who was with her last.}
{169}{}{Can I see the girl?}
{170}{}{Do you know what happened?}
{171}{}{A Morningstar Mine pay scrip? What's that?}
{172}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{173}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.}
{174}{}{Well, there was some screaming and carrying on and so I went to the room. When I got there, the bastard what did it was already gone and my girl was in a bad way. So I called the doc and then the Sheriff. You know the rest.}
{175}{}{Do you know who did it?}
{176}{}{Can I see the girl?}
{177}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{178}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.}
{179}{}{In the north part of town Dan McGrew runs the Morningstar mine. Usually the miners get paid on account or with chits from each mine...you know, scrip. Well, my girl was found with one of those pieces of scrip in her hand. Here it is. Look for yourself. (She hands you the scrip)}
{180}{}{Oh, I see. Can I see the girl?}
{181}{}{Oh, I see. Do you know what happened?}
{182}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{183}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.}
{184}{}{Well, I'm sure glad that someone's workin' on it. This type of thing is just bad all the way around. I sure hope you make the bastard pay for what he did to my girl. Make sure he cain't never do that to no one ever again.}
{185}{}{Well, I'll do what I can. Let me ask you something else, though.}
{186}{}{I'll see what I can do. Goodbye.}
{187}{}{What can I do for you? You want an empty bed, a full one? Maybe some booze or other goods?}
{188}{}{I'd like a room with an empty bed, Lou.}
{189}{}{A full bed? That sounds good. Tell me more about that.}
{190}{}{Booze and other goods. Yeah, that's the ticket. Let's barter.}
{191}{}{Hmm, let me ask you about something else.}
{192}{}{That do it for you, or was there something else you wanted to buy?}
{193}{}{Seems like you're having a little trouble making up your mind. That it, or you wanna look again?}
{194}{}{Nope. I have all I need right now. Thanks. Tell me about something else, though.}
{195}{}{Hmm, let me take another look at your stock.}
{196}{}{Thanks, Lou. That's it for now. Goodbye.}
{197}{}{You wanna get some sleep, huh? Well, that's going to cost you $40. Includes fresh, mostly clean sheets too. You still interested?}
{198}{}{I'll take it, Lou.}
{199}{}{Hmm, I guess I'm not that tired. Let me ask you about something else. }
{200}{}{I don't have enough money for that right now. Let me ask you about something, though.}
{201}{}{You're one of Fannie's regulars, aren't you? Why don't you go talk to her. She's in back someplace.}
{202}{}{Listen. You're a jinx here. After what happened to Fannie Mae, none of my other girls has much interest in being with you...and I cain't say as I blame 'em.}
{203}{}{Looking for someone to help you warm up that big lonely bed, huh? Let me see who I've got available. Hmm, why don't you try Fannie Mae? She oughta be around here somewheres. You can make the arrangements with her yourself.}
{204}{}{Sounds like a good idea. I'll go do that. Goodbye.}
{205}{}{But I didn't'okay. Goodbye.}
{206}{}{You and Fannie already worked things out. Why don't you go see her. She's right in back someplace.}
{207}{}{Listen. You're a jinx here. After what happened to Fannie Mae, none of my other girls has much interest in being with you...and I cain't say as I blame 'em.}
{208}{}{We've only got gals working here, hun. If that's alright by you, a buck's a buck. You might try talking to Fannie Mae. She's in back someplace here. You can make the arrangements with her.}
{209}{}{Sounds like a good idea. I'll go do that. Goodbye.}
{210}{}{But I didn't'okay. Goodbye.}
{211}{}{I cain't believe that you were dumb enough to give Fannie enough money all at once to overdose herself. You're just an idjit, ain't ya?}
{212}{}{I didn't know. Honest. Come on, Lou'I need to ask you about something.}
{213}{}{What she did with her life was her own business. Goodbye.}
{214}{}{I gave her the only release from this shitty existence that she could take. You're no saint yourself, Lou. Goodbye.}
{215}{}{So you're the sucker giving my Fannie all that money. I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're not helping her like you think you are.}
{216}{}{What do you mean?}
{217}{}{I'm helping her to start a new life.}
{218}{}{Yeah, whatever. Let's talk about something else.}
{219}{}{What I mean is that Fannie's got a problem and money isn't the answer for it. I hate to break your heart, but Fannie's just playing you for a sucker. She just wants money so that she can buy Jet. Too damn much Jet.}
{220}{}{I think you're just worried that you're going to loose one of your best earners. You just want to keep your girls down.}
{221}{}{Yeah, sure. I've heard enough. Goodbye.}
{222}{}{Helping her into the afterlife is what your extra money is doing. She's just using that money to buy too much Jet. She'll O.D. one of these days if you keep giving her money.}
{223}{}{Hmm, I'll have to think about that.}
{224}{}{I'll think that over. Goodbye.}
{225}{}{You can think whatever you like. I just thought I'd try to tell you what the straight scoop really is. Your choice whether you want to listen or not.}
{226}{}{I've heard it all before. Let's get down to other business.}
{227}{}{Thanks, I'll think about what you've told me. Let me ask you about something else, though.}
{228}{}{I'll have to think this over. Goodbye.}
