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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Jackpot Jane, creature fight manager in the Redding mining camp


{100}{}{You see a gruff-looking woman with a big smile.}
{101}{}{You see Jackpot Jane, the manager of the creature fights.}
{102}{}{You see a capable-looking woman with a shrewdly appraising eye for detail. }
{103}{}{Hello there, friend. Come to see the critter contests?}
{104}{}{Oooh. Furry.}
{105}{}{Pretty fur.}
{106}{}{Ah, I see. You must be new in town. Well, I tell you what. I'll make a special bet for you during tomorrow's fights. Would you like me to do that for you?}
{107}{}{(You nod) Ook, ook. (and hold out your purse).}
{108}{}{Mook? Gaga. Bye furry.}
{109}{}{Good idea. You come back here tomorrow and if your critter won in the fights, I'll give you your money. Okay?}
{110}{}{OK, good move. I'll make sure you get a real special bet with that. See you later.}
{112}{}{Okay... bye bye.}
{113}{}{No, I'm afraid not. But I've got a real good feeling about the next time. Want to place another special bet?}
{114}{}{Okay. Danku. (you nod and hold out your purse).}
{115}{}{Booo? Bye.}
{116}{}{I'm real sorry, but you ain't got nothing there to bet with. Come on back when you've got a bit of a grubstake together.}
{117}{}{Okay, pretty pretty. Bye.}
{118}{}{Show up at the corral right around noon ever-dang-day.}
{119}{}{No fights right now, show up at the corral at noon.}
{120}{}{Nothing happening here right now.}
{121}{}{Wait until noon for the fights. Right now leave me alone.}
{122}{}{Hey there! See you at the corral, otherwise get outta here.}
{123}{}{This looks promising, folks. They're really sizing each other up.}
{124}{}{A few good moves there, you can tell these two have done this before!}
{125}{}{Good round, good round. There's a lot of hate in that corral.}
{126}{}{Can you believe the stamina of these two? They can really dish it out as well as take it.}
{127}{}{What an undercut there, that had to hurt!}
{128}{}{Oh yeah! Body blow! Body blow!}
{129}{}{I don't think he even saw that one coming, lucky move.}
{130}{}{Ouch! That just hadda hurt!}
{131}{}{This is the real punishment coming up now, folks.}
{132}{}{Nice move, good paw-work there.}
{133}{}{Working the body. Good moves here today, folks!}
{134}{}{Nice combination! This one's a natural champ in the making!}
{135}{}{Oh yeah, one-two combination, that's got his opponent reeling!}
{136}{}{These two slugger-naughts are really working up a froth now!}
{137}{}{Look at all that blood, and they're still going at it. What a fight!}
{138}{}{This is the type of action you folks have come here to see. Classic moves, classic moves.}
{139}{}{Yeah, raked him right across the jowls! That's gonna be a bleeder-wound too!}
{140}{}{Did you see how far that blood spattered on that one?! Wow, what power!}
{141}{}{Moving like greased lightning! Look at the all the torn flesh comin' off of there!}
{142}{}{Just look at the scraps of flyin' flesh everywhere! These two have what it takes!}
{143}{}{Hello there. I'm Jackpot Jane and I run the beast fights here in town. Here to place a bet on the outcome of one of our primal struggles? Beast against beast in its rawest form?}
{144}{}{Step right up, place your bets. What'll it be?}
{145}{}{Uh, what happens here?}
{146}{}{I'm ready to place my bet.}
{147}{}{I think these fights are rigged.}
{148}{}{I was just looking around. Goodbye.}
{149}{}{Quite simple, really: Two of the fearsome beasts that you can take a close look at, no tricks here, I assure you, will be herded into the ring. Seconds later you'll be treated to a display of the raw power of Mother Nature.}
{150}{}{What does Mother Nature have to do with this?}
{151}{}{And I can make money on this somehow?}
{152}{}{Come one, come all, see the STRUGGLE of the CENTURY!}
{153}{}{Step right up to place your money on the WINNER!}
{154}{}{See the titanic struggle of beasts!}
{155}{}{Place your money before betting's closed! Don't hesitate, don't miss out!}
{156}{}{Beware splattering blood and viscera. The management assumes no responsibility for stains.}
{157}{}{Thousands of dollars handed out daily!}
{158}{}{Make your own goldmine of money right here! Right now!}
{159}{}{Come and see the duel of the day!}
{160}{}{Wild creatures struggle while you win money! YOU'LL LOVE IT!}
{161}{}{Bring full purses and fuller expectations! RIGHT THIS WAY!}
{162}{}{Get the hell out of here.}
{163}{}{I don't need your kind of business.}
{164}{}{Take it somewhere's else.}
{165}{}{Just stay away from my corral.}
{166}{}{I ain't interested in your money.}
{167}{}{Well, as I was saying, the two creatures will hurl themselves against one another in an explosion of ferocity-the likes of which haven't been seen since the great machines roamed the earth.}
{168}{}{Great machines?}
{169}{}{Uh, yeah, and then what?}
{170}{}{OK, listen, pal, would it help if I said-The likes of which haven't been seen since the great thunder lizards roamed the earth. Is that what tweaks your twinky? So you in or out? (aside) Jeez, everyone's a critic these days.}
{171}{}{Uh, I'm in. I guess.}
{172}{}{Big lizards scare me. I better stay out of this. Thanks for the warning. Goodbye. (you think to yourself) *Phew, that was close.*}
{173}{}{The sportin' part is the bet on the outcome of the fight. Here's how it works. You come up to me and say you want to place a bet. I tell you which two critters are fightin' next and you tell me which one you're putting your money on.}
{174}{}{Then what?}
{175}{}{Simple, if your critter wins you double your money. TRIPLE in the event of a first-round takedown! If your critter loses, then your money belongs to me. There are usually several fights each day. Until the stock of critters runs low, you can bet on all of 'em. But just one bet per fight. Oh, yeah, just to keep things nice an' easy, all bets are $100.}
{176}{}{OK. I get it. Let me try it.}
{177}{}{I see. Hmm, I think I'll try this another time. Goodbye.}
{178}{}{This one's gonna be a slugfest. }
{179}{}{ is up against }
{180}{}{ and they just hate each other. What's your bet?}
{181}{}{This one's a real grudge-match. The best of the best }
{182}{}{ against }
{183}{}{. Which one's your money on?}
{184}{}{I've never put on a lineup this close before. }
{185}{}{ fighting }
{186}{}{ this round. Should be a good fight. Which ways' your money going?}
{187}{}{Champion }
{188}{}{ against up and coming }
{189}{}{. Quite a match. Which one's your lucky number today?}
{190}{}{Okay. Here's the action. }
{191}{}{ is takin' on good old }
{192}{}{. You won't see a fight like this one again anytime soon. What's your pleasure?}
{193}{}{I'll put my money on }
{195}{}{I'll put my money on }
{197}{}{Hmm, I think I'll sit this one out. }
{198}{}{I think I've had enough of this for today. I'll see you some other time. Goodbye.}
{199}{}{Here you go champ. Here's your winnings. That's the last fight today. Come back tomorrow if you want more action.}
{200}{}{More to come. You want to bet on the next fight?}
{201}{}{I sure do.}
{202}{}{I think I'll sit this next one out.}
{203}{}{Look, nobody's forcing you to bet on them, are they? You don't like what you see here, then just keep walkin', you won't be missed. Understand?}
{204}{}{I understand.}
{205}{}{What a shot! }
{206}{}{ took out }
{207}{}{ in the very first round! What action!}
{208}{}{Wow, that was close but }
{209}{}{ won this, last battle of the day. I'll pay everyone off, but come on back tomorrow for more great action.}
{210}{}{What a gore-fest! I can't remember ever seeing a fight like that. The winner is }
{211}{}{. Let me pay everyone off and we'll start the next round.}
{212}{}{ wins this round hands, err, claws down! Let me pay everyone off and we'll start the next round.}
{213}{}{And the Weener is'}
{214}{}{ by a blood-soaked claw. Let me pay everyone off and we'll start the next round.}
{215}{}{I just wanted to say that Ascorti's is going to be running a special on, uh, *steaks* tonight. It'll be just a moment while we drag the loser from the field. }
{216}{}{ wins this fight! Let me pay everyone off and we'll start the next round.}
{217}{}{It looks as though }
{218}{}{ won. I've never seen a trouncing like that. Let me pay everyone off and we'll start the next round.}
{219}{}{Wahoo! I won.}
{220}{}{Yes! That's the ticket!}
{221}{}{I've got a real talent for this.}
{222}{}{I sure know my critter-flesh.}
{223}{}{Damn. I lost.}
{224}{}{Just my luck.}
{225}{}{That could have gone better.}
{226}{}{Maybe next time I'll pick better.}
{227}{}{Good thing I didn't bet on that one.}
{228}{}{I'm glad I held onto my money.}
{229}{}{That would've cost me.}
{230}{}{That was a good fight. Glad I didn't bet on it though.}
{231}{}{Ok, thanks.}
# Fighter Names
# Fighter 1
{300}{}{Keen Squeek}
# Fighter 2
# Fighter 3
{328}{}{Lord Wiggler}
# Fighter 4
{331}{}{Zoroaster the Great}
{338}{}{Captain Midnight}
# Fighter 5
{342}{}{Man o' War}
{343}{}{Sancho Panza}
{347}{}{Lady Penelope}
{348}{}{Mr. Baggins}
# Fighter 6
